IRFU Volkswagen Sligo Tag Rugby 1000+ SHOTSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ALBUMS \\!!//HERE THE FINALS NIGHT TAG WAS SIMPLY AMAZING From START TO FINISH! The Taggers are still there right now Partying

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shots liveSummer sun, lovely warm beautiful evening of elite sporting friendships and fun in a relaxed friendly environment with the most lovely people you could ever wish to be with! WOW, ITS ALL ABOUT CLUBS, ITS ALL ABOUT GRASSROOTS ITS ALL ABOUT MUSIC AND DANCING. This life is GOOD, WE LOVE TAG RUGBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. The taggers had their dancing shoes on tonight at Sligo Tag for a finals that lived up to expectations in absolutely every way. The competition was FULL ON, the sporting athleticism and the steps and passes and full on LEVETATION skills were off the ricter scale. THE SMILES on EVERYONES FACES, WHAT A NIGHT. We got 1000s of shots organised into rounds. A MASSIF thank you to the organisers, to Sligo RFC, and to all the taggers as every single person has been absolutely sound!


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