Women’s Rugby World Cup Round UpS Pool B day 1 New Zealand 79 Kazakhstan 5 & Ireland 23 United States 17

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WRWC have produced the video highlights below from both games & scrumqueens.com produced the written reports below……..

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New Zealand 79 Kazakhstan 5 – It was a glorious day for the opener in France with clear skies overhead and scorching hot temperatures on the pitch. With supporters protected from the sun in the stands, the players were not quite as lucky with the shade, making conditions quite tough for both as temperatures reached 29 degrees in the first ever meeting ever between these two teams. New Zealand wasted no time manufacturing a lightning quick converted try – centre Huriana Manuel touched down just after the first minute elapsed……. for the full story go to >> http://www.scrumqueens.com/news/match-reports-pool-b-day-one

Ireland 23 United States 17 From the day of the draw this looked like one of the biggest, most unpredictable, toughest and must-win games of the whole pool stages. And we were not let down. Initially it seemed as if the defences had no answer to the opposition attacks. Within two minutes Irish pressure had given Niamh Briggs a penalty chance, which she took. Then USA went on the offensive from the restart, with the dancing feet of Lynelle Kuger first breaking through the Irish 22, then sidestepping through to put USA ahead. Then it was Ireland, and another Briggs penalty……. for the full story go to >> http://www.scrumqueens.com/news/match-reports-pool-b-day-one

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