Who could have imagined such an exciting Six Nations Rugby competition this year!

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Who could have imagined such an exciting Six Nations Rugby competition this year!

The Six Nations this year (2020) has actually really been a no stop roller coaster of excitement! It has had everything from tries to goal kicks, amazing passes and incredible defences! At about the half way stage we have just been glued to the action throughout and we are still picking up the pieces at some of the results and completely astounded by other results!

Each game has been of the highest possible standard and with two semi finalists and a finalist teams from the 2019 Rugby World Cup participating in this years competition the level of rugby being played is at the highest level in the world!

The build up to each game during the week ( the Six Nations games are played at the weekend) has been very very competitive. Really we think the teams are teasing their opposition teams! It really is so exciting! They are having fun and even at times pretending that its just not such a big deal for them! We know otherwise… its a massive big deal for everyone involved! If you are placing a friendly flutter so to speak on the outcomes through betting apps in india then you could even win if you choose the right teams!

The entertainment, night life and accommodation based around the game locations is outstanding. The retailers and service providers really do pull out all the stops to have the best produce available in the restaurants! With the best chefs to prepare food not to mention the best shows taking place in the local theaters the offering for fans really is spectacular.

As the games are held in the capitol cities of each country the sightseeing opportunities are frankly endless. From the historic London to the equally world famous Paris the opportunity to immerse yourself in culture, art and style is all around! So having this incredibly exciting tournament happening is such a celebration of the sport of rugby but also the culture of each of the countries taking part!

We simply cannot recommend enough this years Six Nations rugby competition and at the mid way point there are still 4 teams competing for the title and its actually possible that the tournament will have a game taking place an entire week later than the tournament normally ends and the excitement of that is frankly at fever pitch!

You just cannot predict the Six Nations. Who will win? We have our favourites but this year once again is actually very difficult to call. Teams will beat a big name and then the following week get beaten by an equally big name or even a supposedly lesser team! There is only one thing for it really for the teams and players and that is to just get on with it! Listening to the coach at all times and focusing on the plays as they arise! Communication is of paramount importance! Noe of this is lost on the players who are exhibiting consummate professionalism! We look forward very much to commentating as the tournament progresses!

Please do enjoy the games and the surrounding culture of the regions you are visiting!

Very, very best wishes.

The InTouch Rugby Six Nations Editor-At-Large.

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