Ballynahinch RabittohsStrangford shards ULSTER RUGBY LEAGUE: Ballynahinch Rabittohs v Strangford Sharks: SEMI FINAL!!!!!! In Pictures: Report / Vids & Interviews to follow By Editor May 29, 2011May 29, 2011 0 minutes, 1 second Read CLICK HERE FOR 171 Pictures
Fermanagh RedskinsRugby LeagueStrangford shards The Fermanagh Redskins Are The Ulster Rugby League Shield Champions!!!!!! Report + Pictures Live: Vids & Interviews to follow: Redskins v Strangford Sharks By Editor June 5, 2011June 5, 2011
Ballynahinch RabittohsPortadown Pumas PUMAS, PUMAS, PUMAS!!!! Rugby League Plate Champions 2011: Report + Pictures: Vids & Interviews to follow: Pumas v Rabittohs II’s By Editor June 5, 2011June 5, 2011