The Secrets to Success in Developing Your Child’s Rugby Skills
If you’re mad about rugby and your child has picked up your habits and interests, then there’s a good chance that they might want to try their hand at playing rugby. Perhaps they’ve joined a weekend league or maybe it’s as early as wanting to play rugby at school while they’re still young. Your child has the opportunity to flourish as a great rugby player that might even be scouted for a team in the future, or they could just turn it into a brilliant hobby that helps to keep them fit and active.
But if your child is serious about rugby and wants to improve, then we’ve put together a couple of tips that will help you unlock your child’s full potential. Keep in mind that you can’t force your child to become a world-star athlete if it’s not something they want to pursue, but you can encourage them if they’re incredibly passionate about it.
Take their nutrition more seriously
It’s incredibly important to watch what you’re feeding your child. You have to make sure that, regardless of the season or time of the year, that you’re introducing them to healthy eating habits that involve lots of nutritious foods, variety and less junk food. It’s easy to ignore healthy eating habits especially during festive periods, but it’s vital that you keep an eye on their nutrition.
Surround them with positive influences
If you notice that their coach or teammates are incredibly aggressive and have poor behaviour, then you should either call them out for it or find a different team to play with. Negative attitudes are not accepted in rugby and for your child to grow, they must be surrounded by good and helpful people.
Take losses and failures seriously
If your child loses or experiences some kind of failure, then it’s important to talk to them and discuss what could be improved, what could change and what they could do differently. Try to steer away from blaming others and focus on what your child personally could’ve done differently instead.
Support their team as well
Whether it’s investing in a custom-designed rugby sevens team kit for the club or cheering them on during local games, it’s vital that you also support your child’s team as well as your child. This will help to boost the team’s morale which directly affects your child’s performance and motivation as well.
Teach them the advantages of friendly competition
Friendly competition will always be positive to your child’s grow, so teach them that competing doesn’t need to harbour animosity and that you can have rivals both in your team and on other teams that will help them improve their own skills.
As you can see, there are many ways to create the perfect environment to help your child develop incredible skills as a young rugby player. Hopefully, these tips have helped improve your child’s skills and given them more motivation to take this wonderful sport more seriously.