Young volunteers across Gaelic, Rugby and Football clubs came together last night to officially receive their GoldMark certificates, for volunteering 50 hours, 100 hours and 200 hours in a sporting environment. The event was jointly organised by the IRFU (Ulster Branch), Ulster GAA and Irish Football Association through the Department for Social Development funded ‘Sport […]

InTouch TVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Joint Coach Scotty Young Comments Post Ards RFCCCCCCCCCCC victoryyyyyyy over Suttonians – LIVE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When you watch a bunch of people surrounded by so many years of losing, when you see them find their own voice and confidence and find that working together for each other that they can literally achieve what they only thought was impossible because thats what everyone though, when you see that change is it […]