InTouch TV Presents: Danske Bank Quarter Final Magic Ballyclare High School Rugby I XV 12 v Sullivan Upper School Rugby I XV 10 – Tries, Conversions, Plays Vids – Awesome Support – LIVE HERE

In an incredible game, Rab Irwin captured some of the absolute key moments, hard to predict when but critical moments in a very tightly contested game, tries, conversions, plays, supporters……….. check it [youtube DarRTHYVHcA] [youtube PFtKUdFRPMg] [youtube rXcA4Cx38cc] [youtube TrdHPHjXibs] [youtube OnD24ep1PCY] [youtube gs9B_JksHgQ] [youtube baaSyAyuCZs] [youtube vwJ7WkSv8oI] [youtube Die9CuWWxEQ] [youtube C0oLCb3CTLA] [youtube WPPisCbkJq0] [youtube […]

InTouch TV Presents: Campbell College Medallion Rugby I Xv v Sullivan Upper College Medallion Rugby I XV – Original HD Vids From Rab Irwin – Shield Quarter FinaLLLLLLLLLL LIVE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Full HD vids live below from both sides, when battle was over (and it was full on!) the tunnel shows how we approach respect for each other and we got triesss + pitch invasion + play [youtube Olhwu6PIDXg] [youtube M5UE2xCp_IQ] [youtube Qo97I8iT_us] [youtube yxQyBIn0RGg] ROLLERCOASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CLICK HERE for the SHOTTSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [youtube adKcM1dtaZI] [youtube leNbYaGrA2Q] [youtube […]