The Ballymena Bears are back and raring to go for the second part of the 14/15 Season! After taking part in the International Special Needs tag rugby Festival at Ravenhill last year the Bears haven’t hesitated in taking up the challenge of travelling to Telford RFC on Saturday 6th June for this year’s event. In […]

#RecogniseAndRemove concussion education reaches all parts of the globe

#RecogniseAndRemove concussion education reaches all parts of the globe World Rugby’s #RecogniseAndRemove online concussion education modules were completed by almost 13,000 members of the public and doctors across 180 nations in 2014, according to latest figures. Completions of the interactive concussion education module at, which is available in 11 languages, included 7,311 members of […]

Being in the Zone – Sport’s Holy Grail, the zone of optimal functioning! alertness or awakeness and exists on a continuum between deep sleep and panic/red mist territory

We see this all the time in rugby locally, it must be instinctual the guys do this so much! “Sportspeople often talk about being ‘in the zone’, but I’m sure many are unaware of what this actually means. The zone in question to give it it’s full title is the ‘zone of optimal functioning’ or […]