Full HD vids live below from both sides, when battle was over (and it was full on!) the tunnel shows how we approach respect for each other and we got triesss + pitch invasion + play [youtube Olhwu6PIDXg] [youtube M5UE2xCp_IQ] [youtube Qo97I8iT_us] [youtube yxQyBIn0RGg] ROLLERCOASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CLICK HERE for the SHOTTSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [youtube adKcM1dtaZI] [youtube leNbYaGrA2Q] [youtube […]
ROLLERCOASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CLICK HERE for the SHOTTSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rab got them!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vids to follow!!!!!!!
Many, many thanks to D Sinclair for these shots, there are images here that say it ALL – CLICK HERE to see them!
Anchorman Rab Irwin got superb footage from this very very good game, Sullivan prgoress – – TRIESSSSSS VIDs LIVE BELOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [youtube O4e9aQ5TXSk] [youtube Cx2RE43nwr0] [youtube EvQgurnaPnw] [youtube F6LyaLEa5zI] [youtube kaw67ZlgfPs] [youtube zb7mFxg5qm4] [youtube fzKyAXMhqA0] [youtube rwgbtvq34AI] [youtube J2sBuEbwoe4] [youtube T2vIUEMtYpM] [youtube JUJhl3dKjfc] [youtube Lh_aXGEfLhs] [youtube d6sIGaRLDLg] [youtube yjDiDSzUk4o] [youtube HyrRjYSfIuw] [youtube p4nKldMU4hk] [youtube M-X17lpRqMk] Rad […]
Rad Irwin gets the shots in Round 4 CLICK HERE for the SHOTTSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CUP
Sullivan, home of the No1 Rugby golfer in the world, is also home to a Rugby Medallion team! We got 400+ ACTION SHOTS of a superb fought game with Regent House – CHECK OUT THEW SHOTS – CLICK HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Each of these clips is seriously engaging rugby, the intensity of this is awesome! Literally unstoppable viewing – check it out! [youtube oF0vK15LSXE] [youtube MFiQPB_wNrE] [youtube OUEugJJEbmM] [youtube 8P0aKfUIERA] for shots CLICK HERE
Anchorman Rab Irwin was on hand to cover Methodist College Rugby IV XV v Sullivan US Rugby III XV – apparently a superb game, we got 150+ ACTION SHOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CLICK HERE to see them
[youtube ilAFJjJ6dAg] [youtube LUSclU6jvsM] [youtube adS7JyzU7-g] [youtube ewg2ayKGQoo]