Journal Sparks Fire Up Your Creativity with Spontaneous Art, Wild Writing, and Inventive Thinking

Journal Sparks Fire Up Your Creativity with Spontaneous Art, Wild Writing, and Inventive Thinking TWITTER | FACEBOOK | INSTAGRAM | YOUTUBE Using words, drawing, collage, and observation-based list-making, award-winning author Emily K. Neuburger highlights the many paths into journaling. Her 60 interactive writing prompts and art how-tos help you to expand your imagination and […]

InTouch TV Interview: Joy Sparks Ulster Rugby Womens Development Officer Comments On Six Nations Success with The Six Nations Trophy Won By Ireland Womens’ Rugby

This Trophy, the Womens’ Six Nations European Elite 15s Rugby trophy has never been won by us before. Everyone is part of this success and it is the major competition in Europe. Girls & Women are picking up the rugby ball in ever increasing numbers. And through all the division and differences of opinion about […]

INTOUCH RUGBY TV PRESENTS: Grosvenor GS Championship Final Vid highlights Report + Action Shots & Interviews With Coach Ruth & Ulster Rugby Dev Officer Joy Sparks!!!!!!!! A GAME PLAYED AT A BLISTERING PACE!

The Grosvenor girls went into scoring arrears early in the game. Momentarily their heads went down and the glimpsed perhaps for the first time in their season the possibility of defeat! That was the reality of their position. Well you could almost see that in the same split second they calmed themselves, reformed their offensive […]

INTOUCH RUGBY TV PRESENTS: Enniskillen Collegiate Vid highlights + Action Shots & Interviews With Coach Dee Caldwell & Ulster Rugby Dev Officer Joy Sparks

In an absolutely superb final these two teams held no punches from the start. Enniskillen Collegiate produced the same tenacious ability to build from their own 10 meter line and work a try using every person on the ptich. Combining this with the superb individual skills of quite a number of players who can twist […]