Clover Peat Producers of quality products for both the professional grower and discerning amateur

Clover Peat Producers of quality products for both the professional grower and discerning amateur About Clover Peat Clover is a family business that has been producing quality Growing Media for over 40 years. Our aim is to maintain consistently high standards in the production of quality products for both the professional grower and discerning amateur. […]

Falls Pharmacy Cookstown Sports Injury Products

Falls Pharmacy Diabetes Screening Blood pressure testing Stop smoking clinic Private consultation area Prescriptions – free collection and delivery service by arrangement Minor ailment scheme Truss fitting service by arrangement Support for people with disabilities Disposal of unwanted medicines Service to care homes Advise on healthy living and promotion of healthy life styles. Pregnancy testing […]

Bival International A Chemical and Janitorial Supply Company Products include Food Hygiene Systems, House Keeping Systems, Cleaning Products, Paper Disposables & More

Bival International Bival International is a Chemical and Janitorial Supply Company Offering a Wide Range of Products, Including Food Hygiene Systems, Pet Disinfectants and More in Belfast, Northern Ireland We specialise in Food Hygiene Systems to keep food outlets compliant with current EU Food Hygiene Legislation (the law), whilst helping to protect their staff and […]

Prem rubgy girl, mum, PE teacher. – “Discover the Benefits of Aloe Vera… Historically known as the “medicine plant” and used for thousands of years by Egyptians, Greeks & Romans for its healing and therapeutic properties…….Dont just take our word for it, discover Forever’s wide range of premium, aloe vera based products, and see for yourself what makes our aloe vera the best from the rest.

Prem rubgy girl, mum, PE teacher. – The Benefits of Forever Living Products, By JS Henderton I have always loved sports and have competed in a rodeo, racing the barrels, keen skier, netballer, basketballer, swimmer and I play Premiership rugby for Worcester. I joined FLP with Tina Gillies 3 years ago when we got chatting […]