IRFU TOUCH RUGBY COMING TO BELFAST!!! TUESDAY NIGHTS!!!!!!!! Register HERE – Only Two Weeks Left!!!!!!!!!! Can’t Wait To Cover This

This summer will see the new IRFU Touch rugby programme taking to pitches in Belfast Harlequins RFC. Given the global rise in popularity of Touch rugby and with key elements of fun, fitness and skill, this is a sport definitely to give a try. ONLY TWO WEEKS LEFT TO ENTER Plans have been put together […]

InTouch TV Presents: Belfast Harlequins RFC 43 v Strabane 14 – Quins Are The Ultimate Champions of The McCambley Cup Championship of ULSTERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR We got the TRIESSSSSSSS + Conversions from just about everywhere! LIVE HERE

In a stunning exhibition of rugby that was literally perfect from Quins and against very good opposition the scoreline reflected the quality and year long commitment of the players and coaches – check out the triessssssssssssss + conversions + LIFTING THE CUPP of DREAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [youtube 8yKTwfOeapw] [youtube AehrTUDg6zg] [youtube Du2rhzwG9y0] [youtube XagrCNYiHJ0] [youtube R685oHEX-1Y] [youtube […]

Belfast Harlequins RFC IV XV Are The McCambley CUPP CHAMPIONNNNSSSSSS OF ULSTERRRRRRR in 600+ ACtion Shottss LIVE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Strabane who are double league champions with the I & II XV + the I XV made it all the way to the Gordon West Final found themselves facing up a very very very very good Belfast Harlequins side. And even though the first 25 minutes or so was nip and tuck Belfast Harlequins combination […]