InTouch TVVVVVVV Banbridge RFC U15 I XV Players Jamie Mullan Alister McDowell comment post a classic derby & CUP game v Dromore RFC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! An outstanding game by both sides

An absolute pleasure to interview these two guys who had worked so so hard and were in this game until the final whistle went in a brilliant game. The next series of games will be something else to watch [youtube rekc60Pbjh8] CLICK HERE for 100s of shotSSSSSSSSSSSS

InTouch TVVVVVV Matthew Irvine Comments post Banbridge RFC U15 I XV v Dromore RFC U15 I XV “The Best Game We Have Played This Year, Exceptional Individual Performances”

What do you say when in a missively close game and cup rugby you loose to a penalty in the last few minutes after playing exceptional rugby. Well the Matthew sets it out very clearly, its about focusing on how well we played and kicking on, inspirational comments MAtthew, thank you! [youtube wjhph9ptMWM] CLICK HERE […]

Banbridge RFC Notes NOVEMBER FEST IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! V Much looking forward to the pictures from what is always a superb night!

Novemberfest!! Its back, our 3rd anual beer festival is set for the 23rd of November. The annual event will have the usual festivities with traditional Bavarian music, beer and games. Tickets cost £10 and come with a FREE half chicken…… But who won the the President vs food Eating Challenge click HERE for the full […]