Special Feature: SHIRT LAUNCH & Conference ~ The Ulster Society of Rugby Football Referees – Video Interview with David Armstrong (President), Jonny Erskine & Oisin Quinn + Report & Awards Pictures

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The Ulster Society of Rugby Football Referees (USRFR) launched their new shirt for the season on Sunday 21st August at 3pm in Ravenhill’s New Stand. The new shirt carries the logo of the children’s charity ‘Plan Uk’ as nominated by the President David Armstrong and was be presented to the society’s top referees, Simon McDowell (soon to fly to New Zealand to officiate at the World Cup) and David Wilkinson (RABOBANK Pro 12 referee).

The 50+ referees in attendance also took the opportunity to present referees who had made out standing contributions last season with awards and we were able to get pictures of those winners which you can view by CLICKING HERE + a few social pictures.

We took the opportunity to interview some of the referees and the society president David Armstrong who explains the purpose of the conference. The video interviews are below:

What a great amount of effort is put in by the referees who keep us on the straight and narrow! We look forward to supporting the referees this season.

[youtube B-RgV2HXFYw]
[youtube iYn6wP4XsoM]
[youtube f8E67pTLW4U]

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