Civil Service Civil Service RFC (NI) Colts close The Gap With Ards By 64 Points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By Editor January 7, 2013January 7, 2013
Ulster Rugby SUPPORT The KEVIN J. HANNAFORD SR. FOUNDATION >> Via Kendra Scott @KendraScottMallatShorthills on Sept 9-11th in-store or online in support of The Kevin Hannaford Foundation… Please use code GIVEBACK-AHWZU on 20% of all sales will go to the foundation! Cocktail party in-store 9/9/2021 RSVP Give Back to the Kevin J. Hannaford Sr. Foundation Thursday, September 9, 6.30-8.30pm ( By Editor September 5, 2021September 6, 2021