Schools quiet on use of supplements in underage rugby

0 minutes, 50 seconds Read

The Irish Sports Council say schools are ‘a law unto themselves’

The general consensus in schools is ‘no supplements allowed’ but the temptation remains for those unlikely to experience this level of competition again. Photograph: Inpho/Morgan Treacy >

“Everyone has a personal gold medal. That might be just making the First XV of your high school rugby team.
“These drugs are rife – you can get them online, get them in any gym. It’s a massive problem we have with school kids in Australia, being busted with steroids. They are trying to bulk up just to get into their schools team. The distribution of performance enhancing drugs is a multi-billion dollar industry.
“The further down in sport you go the bigger it is because you have equal incentive to use it, because it works, it is readily available and you got less chance of being caught.” – Richard Ings – former head of Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (Asada)……………

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