Professional Athletes Reveal Their Secret to Peak Performance as Search Volumes Spike

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Professional Athletes Reveal Their Secret to Peak Performance as Search Volumes Spike

As the pursuit of peak performance intensifies, professional athletes are turning to nootropic blends to gain a competitive edge. Lion’s Mane mushroom saw a 119% increase in searches from 10th May onwards, increasing from 17,038 searches per week to 37,313 highlighting a growing interest in natural cognitive enhancers.

One recent viral TikTok video, amassing over 3 million views, showcases the increasing popularity of these blends. Not only are people using them to improve their athletic performance, but people are seeing improvements in their memory, focus and overall mental well-being. The trend is clear: athletes and fitness enthusiasts are becoming more sophisticated in their approach to performance optimization, seeking natural solutions that align with their rigorous training regimes.

Research from the Ten Percent Club highlighted other trending nootropics experiencing significant increases in search volumes. L-theanine, known for its calming effects and ability to enhance focus without causing drowsiness, has seen an 80% year-on-year increase, averaging over 27,100 searches per month in the UK. The most popular nootropic is Ashwagandha, which supports stress reduction, cognitive function, and overall well-being. It averages an impressive 165,000 searches per month, with no signs of slowing down, reflecting a 49% year-on-year increase and a 22% increase over the past three months. Ginseng has also seen a notable 50% increase in searches YoY.

Prominent athletes from various sports have reported significant enhancements in their performance and overall well-being after incorporating nootropic blends into their routines. Kemar Roofe, footballer for Scottish Premiership club Rangers, observed a 7% improvement in sleep performance and an impressive 25% increase in restorative sleep within just one week of taking a blend of Ashwagandha and L-Theanine. Patrick Bamford, Leeds United footballer, and Matty Cash, Aston Villa footballer, also experienced notable improvements in sleep performance with the same blend.

Shannon Courtenay, World Champion Boxer, credited cordyceps mushrooms for a significant boost in her endurance. Similarly, Jack Simmons, HYROX and CrossFit athlete, reported a substantial enhancement in endurance, enabling him to achieve new personal bests.

Luke O’Reilly from Ten Percent Club commented on the surge in interest “The growing interest in nootropics highlights athletes’ shift towards natural, effective performance enhancers. Our clients, from elite footballers to world champion boxers, have seen remarkable benefits.”

The rise of nootropic blends is not just a passing fad. Data and endorsements from elite athletes underscore the tangible benefits these blends offer. With a growing number of athletes reporting enhanced performance and searches online increasing, it’s clear that nootropic blends are becoming a staple in the sports world.

About Ten Percent

The Ten Percent Club, established in 2022 by Luke O’Reilly, is dedicated to enhancing athletic performance through high-quality nootropic supplements. Born from Luke’s passion for natural supplements and his background in professional sports, the club aims to support body and brain health for better sleep, focus, energy, and recovery. With rigorous Informed Sport certification, the Ten Percent Club is trusted by athletes worldwide, ensuring top-tier, safe supplementation to achieve that extra 10%. For more information, visit

Data sources:
Athlete experiences were given directly to Ten Percent Club.
Search volume data gathered via Adwords and Google Trends.

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