Portadown RFC Notes: I XV 29 v Donaghadee RFC I XV 7: Report + Action Shots Released From P3s @ Dominos Pizz Ulster Rugby Mini Rugby Festival!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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League leaders Portadown faced the challenge of Donaghadee at Chambers Park on Saturday. In the changing conditions Portadown looked up for the game from the outset. Home out half Chris Cousens made a searing line break early on before kicking ahead for David Busby to chase, the visitors defence just scrambling back in time to prevent the opening score. It was Dee that registered the first score of the day. Skipper Ali Lockhart took a quick penalty after Portadown were penalised for an early drive at a scrum. From the ensuing ruck the ball was recycled and moved quickly to flanker Chris Hamilton who took advantage of some sloppy tackling to score a fine individual try under the posts.
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Blewitt added the extras to give Dee and early 7-0 lead. With neither side giving an inch in defence, some ill discipline from Dee allowed Portadown to kick themselves into the visitors 22. The home pack began to turn the screw, firstly from a serious of mauls then from their powerful scrum. On the third attempt the scrum powered over the Dee line and Skipper Stuart Lamb took advantage to drop on the ball to score. Cousens was just wide with the conversion. From the restart the home pack gathered and scrum half Whitten hoisted a fine box kick which the visitors defence failed to deal with. Cousens was first to react sweeping in to pick up the ball before kicking ahead for winger David Busby to touch down wide on the right. Cousens added the extras to make it 12-7 to the Ports.
Turning round with the breeze in their backs, Portadown kept the visitors pinned in their 22 as often as possible. The Donaghadee defence was well marshalled giving up little ground every time the home team moved the ball wide. However the home pack, and in particular 2nd row Darren Pepper, carried the ball well making inroads into the Dee defence tighter to the ruck . The home pack provided the next score Mauling a lineout over from 25 yards. This time Pepper was the last man up with the ball. Cousens added the extras from a tricky conversion wide on the right to make it 19-7 and was on the scoreboard again with a penalty shortly afterwards. The home team where chasing their bonus point and failed to capatalize on several good line breaks, Busby again going close from a Cousens cross field kick. It was former captain Diarmaid O’Kane who registered the all important 4th try securing the bonus point throwing a dummy and nipping around the side of a ruck when the vistors defence where under pressure. Cousens again added the extras leaving to make it 29-7. Portadown will be disappointed not to have added a couple of further tries late on the game but the Dee defence managed to remain intact leaving the final score 29-7. So the unbeaten run continues for Portadown who stretch their league to 14 points at the top of the league with a maximum 7 bonus point wins from 7 games. Hooker Malcom Allister picked up his third man of the match award this season. Team – Chambers, Busby, Creaney, Holden, Halliday, Cousens, Whitten, Lamb, McCoy, Hall, Pepper, Graham, McClure, Allister, Neilly – Subs: O’Kane, Henderson.

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