BetterYou’s Superb Magnesium Gel, Magnesium Flakes and Magnesium Oil Recovery Spray, provide the very highest quality Magnesium Options! >>

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BetterYou’s Magnesium Gel, Magnesium Flakes and Magnesium Oil Recovery Spray, provide the very highest quality Magnesium Options!


Magnesium is a natural relaxant and is responsible for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It is needed for optimal contraction, skeletal strength, and helps sustain the high oxygen consumption necessary for high intensity sport performance.

Magnesium is also essential for processes the body goes under during stress, from nerve function and cardiac support, to processing fats and protein, but most importantly the metabolism of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) for effective energy production and recovery.

Transdermal application of magnesium is particularly suitable for sporting professionals that need to gain a high level of magnesium, and where other form of magnesium supplementation is much less effective for the training and recovery process.

Magnesium Gel provides the essential mineral to be delivered to targeted areas, for injuries and muscle soreness, providing a slower release of magnesium for sustained delivery.

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Magnesium Flakes can be used post-exercise in a body or foot bath to replenish depleted muscles with vital magnesium to reduce muscle soreness.

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The Magnesium Oil Recovery Spray combines essential magnesium with Camphor, Black Pepper, and Lemon Oils. This can be used after a shower to support natural recovery from fatigue and injury and relieve muscle tension.

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