A fabulous CBD brand ( Cannabanoid) for skincare and make up gifts!
CBE Skin are an online e-commerce platform selling a curated collection of Luxury CBD skincare and makeup brands.
Here is their website www.cbeskin.com
xcheck these out
We are also the exclusive supplier of a new Luxury makeup brand out of New York, Beauty Releaf that sell a completely natural long wearing lip colour in 6 shades and 2 shades of facial highlighter ( all containing CBD ( cannabanoid oil) )which is amazing for inflammation of the skin as well as having anti-aging properties. It comes packaged in a small pink suede fabric bag. These products have become a red carpet staple and fill the make up bags of artists to the stars.
We also supply a brand called Hatshe, which would appeal to your sporty/rugby lovers – this is their story ” As life-long athletes — runners, triathletes, skiers, bikers and volleyball players— and having their fair share of aches and pains over the years, the best relief they found was from full spectrum hemp extract applied directly to the affected area. We couldn’t find a product line that had a high-quality extract in the right concentration or blended with the purest organic ingredients — we were looking for something we’d feel comfortable sharing with our own families and friends. And from that, Hatshe came to be” There are four lovely products, all very manly and would appeal to Rugby players who take a big physical battering on the field – Sandalwood relief gel, tangerine relief gel, green rub and ginger balm. All with high concentration of CBD which has been shown to reduce pain and promote healing.
CBE Skin advocate for green beauty & sustainability ethics in the Health & Beauty Industry and all of the brands meet these standards.
Sort Your Sleep To Make The Most Of Every Day Of The New Year
As we say goodbye to 2020 and look forward to the year ahead, many of us are feeling more optimistic about leaving the challenges of the year behind us and taking on new physical challenges in the new year.
The new year brings renewed emphasis on physical fitness and – particularly after 2020 – a renewed focus on mental health.
A crucial cornerstone to meeting goals in all of these areas is getting adequate sleep. Good sleep means different things to different people, but according to sleep specialists, it means enough sleep to:
• fall asleep within 10-20 minutes AND
• fall back to sleep quickly after a couple of brief awakenings at night AND
• to feel refreshed and ready for the day when the alarm goes off
Not only is good sleep helpful so you can tackle what you’d like to do during your days, but it is also particularly important to people who want to incorporate more physical activity as part of their 2021 healthy habit resolutions.
Sleep drive, or sleep pressure, is responsible for our sleep’s depth and quality and can help us fall asleep faster. We can only do two things to increase our sleep drive: we can get more active and be active for longer during the day. So if you suffer from light or broken sleep, being more physically active can help build that drive. The flip side is also worth noting: When we are getting physically active in such a way that we are building muscle or changing training to emphasise different muscle types, sleep is vital for maximising our physical recovery. In our deeper sleep stages, we produce a lot of growth hormone, and our bodies release more cells and chemicals associated with healthy inflammation. This kind of inflammation is important, as it promotes the tissue healing we need when building muscle. So activity is excellent for our sleep – and our sleep helps us recover well from our workouts and make progress in our training.
According to sports injury research, sleep is a crucial factor associated with the risk of incurring an injury, particularly in younger people. It is surprisingly more consistent than variables such as footwear and various other commonly assumed causes. Sleep and the relationship to injury may be in part a result of poor healing of tissues as people train, and perhaps to fatigue causing form and technique problems associated with developing an injury. Much research is being done on this topic, but with what we already know, improving our sleep can only be good for getting fitter and stronger – more safely.
Physical activity is essential for our mental wellbeing, so optimising sleep for the sake of our exercise, training and sport on it’s own should be a priority. Sleep is also critical to our mental wellbeing in other ways. Lack of quality sleep is associated with ‘linear/literal’ thinking, difficulty in thinking creatively, and focussing on pessimistic assumptions. These tendencies can only have negative consequences on our personal and work lives as we move forward into the next year.
So what are some proven ways of improving your sleep? The evidence suggests three main approaches to protecting the sleep you have – or helping recover your sleep if you’re struggling.
Strategy 1: Build more sleep drive. Being active is essential! You don’t need to run a marathon but increasing your activity levels is helpful. You can go for walks, or if you are in the house for the day, make more trips up the stairs than you usually would. Be very inefficient with your movement and build your sleep drive (and your steps!). Be sure to not nap or lay in bed. Napping reduces sleep drive and laying in bed contributes to poor sleep drive due to inactivity – and is directly related to Strategy 2.
Strategy 2: Never lay awake in bed! For our whole lives, we associate our bed with sleep. Being awake in bed – especially if you are awake and frustrated about being awake – trains your body and mind that the bed is a place for angst and wakefulness. This association between those negative feelings and our bed erodes our relationship between bed and sleep. Wait until you are sleepy to go to bed, and get up right away.
Strategy 3: Drop your anxieties at the door. Combining the two above, spend your days going things you love. Be grateful for what you have in life—practice mindfulness. Avoid focussing on things you can’t control. If you tend to ruminate on things, spend some time after work or dinner writing them all down, along with some next steps, and symbolically put them aside for the night. And plan your next day then too – it helps reassure your mind that you have a handle on your plans, and you don’t need to wake up to think about them. Stress management approaches are fundamental to good sleep.
If you struggle with insomnia and sleep-related anxiety, the evidence-based approach to helping this is called cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBTi). CBTi works specifically with the behaviours and thoughts that contribute to the development and maintenance of insomnia and can help those who struggle to fall asleep, stay asleep, or wake up early. The techniques help over 80% of people suited to them, and they are the international gold standard treatment for chronic insomnia.
Tracy Hannigan is a qualified sleep coach who works with adults with insomnia, helping them reclaim the active lives they want and deserve. You can find her at Tracy The Sleep Coach (tracythesleepcoach.co.uk). She is also a qualified osteopath with interests in sports rehabilitation. She has worked pitchside with elite athletes and National Teams.
Sort Your Sleep for 2021
For a limited time only, Tracy the Sleep Coach (tracythesleepcoach.co.uk) offers qualified and experienced support to those with insomnia at her 2020 pricing. Tracy is a qualified coach, experienced in using the only evidence-based approach to chronic insomnia: cognitive behavioural techniques for insomnia (CBTi). CBTi is effective in the vast majority of people for whom it is suited, and can be done online via ZOOM.
Tracy is offering her one-off 90-minute sleep recovery call (with two weeks email support) and free mindfulness course to a limited number of people for £147.
Start 2021 by enjoying winter walk at Waddesdon
Although the move into Tier 4 has sadly meant the Christmas event Waddesdon has had to be cancelled this festive season, there is still an opportunity to kick start 2021 with fresh air walks and some sparkle.
Due to the current restrictions, Waddesdon has taken the decision to completely cancel and refund all bookings for its Christmas event (which was due to run until 3 January) and the Winter Light evenings scheduled for January.
If you had booked a ticket for an upcoming visit, you don’t need to do anything, as they will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
However, there is some positive news. Waddesdon’s Grounds will open from 6 January and throughout the month (instead of being open just at the weekends, as is usually the case) in order to give those living in the area an opportunity to exercise in the fresh air and to come and meet the recently arrived Elephant Family.
Opening hours are being extended to Wednesday – Sunday, 12noon – 7.30pm (with limited numbers of tickets in each hourly arrival slot, last admission slot 5pm).
These longer opening hours are designed to brighten up a visit by giving people an opportunity to enjoy the almost all of the Waddesdon outdoor Winter Light features such as the Winter Light trail and Manor façade illuminations from dusk, as well as the When You Wish Upon A Star trail down Miss Alice’s Drive, family-friendly outdoor interactive light installations and the Giant Pea-light Baubles around the Stables throughout the day.
Toilets and takeaway outdoor food and drink will be available at both the Manor and the Stables from 12noon through until 7pm.
All visitors, including National Trust members who have free admission, need to book an arrival time slot in order to help stagger admissions and provide a safe experience for everyone.*
Tickets must be booked online https://waddesdon.org.uk/
For more information on Waddesdon Manor, visit www.waddesdon.org.uk, like WaddesdonManor on Facebook, follow @WaddesdonManor on Twitter and waddesdonmanor_nt on Instagram
A new year – time to reset
At the beginning of each new year we have this feeling that somehow
everything is new.
The turning of the calendar to a ‘new’ year is a nice feeling and can
help us start to view our lives as having a restart button.
2020 – the year of unpredictability
2020 has seen a world of chaos and challenges, with many lives lost
and broken dreams, as we have clawed our way through a global
pandemic, the promise of a new beginning sounds very inviting.
“Let’s put this year behind us and move forward” I hear you say?
As the calendar turns to January 1, 2021 we do have an opportunity to
dream and set goals. If 2020 has taught us anything though, we need
to remember that not everything goes to plan, and flexible minds
survive the best.
Change is often challenging to maintain
To get the ‘good life’ or a better version of you will take some changes,
and change is often difficult to maintain. While we go in with gusto
and enthusiasm we need to be prepared for that to fade.
Life gets messy! We forget to do things, we get overwhelmed with
trying to get to the end of our goal, we forget that each little step
towards the end is indeed reaching that goal.
Focus on one step at a time
There have been many different psychological theories about change
over time but mostly they all draw on one specific element for success.
Focus on one step at a time.
Our focus impacts not only on how we see the next step but also how
we see ourselves taking that step.
If you focus on difficulties, self-criticism or anger it is likely you’ll
become worried or anxious – full of self-doubt or low self-worth – and
react negatively to situations and to others.
If however, you take time in your day to notice the good things that
are happening in your life, take time to focus on rest and see the good
in yourself, your brain will become happier, calmer and self-confident.
Having a rigid goal and plan may not account for the ups and downs
like we have experienced in 2020. And then if you then don’t complete
your goal you feel like a failure.
How to eat an elephant
So, instead of looking at setting goals for massive change like a
mammoth exercise routine to get that killer bod, getting that plum job
you wanted or finding a certain someone to be your forever someone,
it may be a good idea to look at how successful change occurs first.
Let me ask you – “how do you eat an elephant?” – and the answer is –
“one bite at a time”
Change management experts identify that it is tiny habits every day
that make change possible, no matter what the goal is or the size of
the goal.
Choose your attitude
In order to make tiny changes it takes a specific attitude. Choosing
your attitude each day will help you achieve any goal you set for
yourself, and help your flexibility, as the year develops.
Make 2021 a successful year, not by creating a resolution, that will
likely fail and be forgotten once life returns to normal after the
Christmas season has gone, but by choosing your 2021 mantra.
Pick a word that you will stand by throughout the year no matter what
you are tackling or what presents.
For example you may choose the word ‘Explore’ and this frames how
you go about each day. What can I ‘explore’ today? How well do I
know those I see everyday such as family, colleagues or friends? How
well do I know my community? How well do I know myself? Explore
when a problem arises, or you need to make a decision.
Or perhaps you choose a word like ‘gratitude’ – how can I show
gratitude in this moment? How can I express my gratitude to this
person in front of me? How do I treat the planet with gratitude?
‘Release’ might be more in tune with you – am I releasing old habits?
Am I releasing emotions that keep me locked in unhelpful
relationships? How can I release my expectations or my control in this
moment or on this project?
Choose a word for the year, the month, the week or the day – your
life, your choice.
There are no ‘hacks’ – you need to reclaim your life
No one can tell you the “3 Hacks to a Perfect New Year” because we
are all so different, and as 2020 has taught us, there are no hacks to
life – we just need to live it – each day at a time, bringing our best self
to each of those days and moments.
Forget the New Year’s Resolution and create your New Year
Reclamation – reclaiming your life, your way – one moment at a time,
one day at a time.
We can’t get caught up in the magic of the clock striking midnight on
Dec 31st and think suddenly we are going to have control over
everything in our life.
We can, however, tap into who we are. Challenge ourselves to live
through our values and discover who we can be when we reclaim our
No matter what your mantra is, select one that fits your curiosity, your
values and your true self….and no matter what 2021 throws at you, at
work, rest and play, you will meet it with optimism, grace and
Author: Therese Sheedy
Psychologist/Wellbeing Strategist/Mindfulness Coach
About the author
With a passion for helping others bring out the best in themselves, Therese uses
an optimistic and mindfulness lens in all her work. Helping people thrive so that
the planet thrives is a key cornerstone to her work.
She holds a Masters in Applied Positive Psychology, Certificate in Positive
Psychology Coaching and Positive Psychology in Education, Mindfulness-based
Emotional Balance, Mindfulness-Integrated Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and
Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction.
Therese works across education, corporate and community sectors focusing on
wellbeing, mental health and mindfulness, delivering bespoke training
workshops, meditation classes and her Live Well™ series of workshops.
Therese has presented many times at conferences in Australia, Budapest,
Montreal and Singapore.
Therese Sheedy MAP
BA; PGD Professional Psychology; MAppPosPsych
Joanna Walden
I am a transformation expert and energy mentor and I coach clients to uplevel their relationship to themselves in order to see benefits in all other areas of their lives. By shining a light on your blindspots bringing conscious awareness to our patterns we can free up our energy and get into alignment and flow! The relationship with ourselves governs all other relationships so when we go within, we see the benefits in our Relationships, Health, Wealth and Career. Transformation is an inside job and once we focus on ourselves we see huge leap and bounds reflected back in our reality.
You can see testimonials and more about my work at www.joannawalden.com
Joanna Walden is a Consciousness Visionary, Transformation Coach, Speaker and Author of The Inside Hustle: A Mystical Misfit’s Travel Adventure Into The Unknown. Joanna spent twenty years working in a high flying advertising career in New York, London & Melbourne while secretly exploring her passion for the unseen world of energy, spirit and consciousness. Inspired by a series of mystical experiences in her teenage years Joanna explored everything from Transcendental Meditation to quantum physics on a global quest to find her purpose and ultimately her true self, through a process of self realisation. Currently residing in her hometown of Auckland, New Zealand, Joanna quit her old corporate life to start a transformational consulting business, and begin sharing her knowledge and voice with the world.
Food Connect is a social enterprise that gives eaters in South East Queensland direct access to seasonal, ecologically grown produce from a network of independent farms within 500km of Brisbane.
The seasonal set boxes make eating healthier and reducing food waste easier, while supporting our farmers (Food Connect pays up to 4 times what they’d receive from a major supermarket) – perfect for those wanting to commit to being healthier and more intentional with their food in 2021.
Website here: foodconnect.com.au
How Chefs Make Dishes Go From Good to Great
Great British Chefs
£14.99| 14th January 2021
Have you ever wondered how chefs get so much flavour into what they cook, or how they make whatever’s on a plate look so good? The answer lies in the likes of purées, oils, brines, cures, preserves and marinades – simple elements that you can easily recreate in your own kitchen.
Hacks is the definitive new cookbook for ambitious home cooks, giving them the tools they need to create restaurant standard food in their own kitchens.
Revealing the secret hacks used by the UK’s finest chefs to elevate their dishes, Hacks is a step-by-step guide that shows how professional chefs make dishes go from good to great. Equipping home cooks with an understanding of the science of flavour and the processes of key cooking techniques such as curing and preserving, Hacks is designed to give readers the confidence to use their own creative flair to take their dishes to the next level.
With forty-eight micro-recipes for purées, oils, brines, cures, preserves, marinades and beyond, plus twenty-five full dish recipes from some of the most accomplished chefs in the UK, Hacks is packed with inspirational cooking tips designed to help ambitious home cooks become the very best chefs they can be.
Hacks features exclusive recipes and tips from twenty-five leading British chefs, including co-founder and Head Chef at Koya, Shuko Oda; one of the best classical chefs in the country, Galton Blackiston; Alfred Prasad, the youngest Indian chef to win a Michelin star; Café Deco’s Anna Tobias; the Galvin brothers; National Chef of the Year, Kuba Winkowski; Great British Menu winner Richard Bainbridge; and 1251’s James Cochran.
Published by Great British Chefs, the UK’s leading premium food platform for serious home cooks, Hacks will bring a little bit of restaurant magic into home kitchens.
· ALFRED PRASAD, international restaurant consultant: Credited with elevating the reputation of British Indian food before everyone else, Alfred was the youngest Indian chef to receive a Michelin star at just twenty-nine years old during his tenure at Tamarind. He’s now a global restaurant consultant.
· ANDREW GRAVETT, The Langham, London: As the executive pastry chef of The Langham Hotel, what Andrew doesn’t know about baking and pâtisserie isn’t worth knowing. A master of the classics, he also loves making desserts which are lighter and less sweet than you’d expect.
· ANNA TOBIAS, Café Deco, London: Anna was a relative latecomer to the industry – she studied modern languages at Oxford University before becoming a chef – but in the end, the allure of the kitchen proved too much. Her simple, rustic cookery has won her a legion of fans across the UK.
· CHANTELLE NICHOLSON, Tredwells, London: From New Zealand law student to chef-owner of Tredwells in London, Chantelle’s hard work has seen her rise to the top. A pioneer of high-end plant-based cooking, her ability to tease every last bit of flavour out of vegetables is unmatched.
· CHRIS AND JEFF GALVIN, Galvin At Windows, London: The Galvin brothers, as they’re affectionately known, have been cooking incredible examples of French bistro-style dishes in the UK for decades, combining classical technique with British ingredients and more modern touches.
· DAYASHANKAR SHARMA, Grand Trunk Road, London: A master of balancing spice and flavour, Dayashankar worked his way through the ranks across India’s most famous and respected hotel groups, before coming to the UK and becoming an integral part of its Indian fine dining scene.
· DOMINIC CHAPMAN, The Beehive, Berkshire: Dominic spent his formative years working for the likes of Heston Blumenthal and Rowley Leigh, but it’s at his pub restaurant The Beehive that he really comes into his own, cooking simple, comforting, classic dishes to the very highest standard.
· GALTON BLACKISTON, Morston Hall, Norfolk: A firm favourite on our TV screens and one of the best classical chefs in the country, Galton’s beautiful Michelin-starred restaurant Morston Hall in sleepy north Norfolk is one of the best culinary experiences you can have in the UK.
· JAMES COCHRAN, 1251, London: James exploded onto the food scene after setting out on his own, quickly gaining plaudits for his modern, fun, relaxed approach to fine dining. The small plates at his restaurant 1251 are always packed with flavour and creativity.
· JAMES MACKENZIE, The Pipe And Glass Inn, Yorkshire: Yorkshire’s own James Mackenzie is all about celebrating the produce of his home county, transforming these incredible ingredients into hearty, seriously appealing plates of food at his Michelin-starred The Pipe and Glass Inn.
· KESHIA SAKARAH, Caribe’, London: Keshia is on a mission to showcase the varied cuisine of the Caribbean, celebrating the nuances of the food culture and influence from communities across the globe. Her vibrant menu at Caribe’ pays homage to the diverse culinary landscape of the islands.
· KUBA WINKOWSKI, Kubarn, Oxfordshire: From moving to England at twenty-four to being named National Chef of The Year 2019, Kuba has rocketed to the top in record time. His cooking is refined, peppered with Polish influences and – most importantly – absolutely delicious.
· MANDY YIN, Sambal Shiok Laksa Bar, London: Mandy is responsible for serving up some of the best Malaysian food in the UK, and her beloved resaurant Sambal Shiok serves up countless bowls of laksa, platters of chicken skewers and fresh noodle salads to queuing punters.
· MICHAEL BREMNER, 64 Degrees, Brighton: Few chefs cooking today are as exciting and innovative as Michael Bremner, who takes flavours from all over the world and distills them into beautiful, inventive plates of deliciousness at his small (but perfectly formed) restaurant in Brighton.
· NEIL CAMPBELL, ROVI, London: Armed with an arsenal of ferments and pickles along with a beast of a charcoal grill, Neil’s magic touch turns humble vegetables into something very special indeed. His dishes manage to balance sweet, sour, smoke and salt in perfect harmony.
· NUD DUDHIA, Breddos Tacos, London: Nud’s journey began in a makeshift taco shack in a car park in Hackney, where he set up Breddos Tacos with Chris Whitney. Today, the business operates multiple sites, all of which celebrate the flavours and ingredients of Mexico.
· PASCAL AUSSIGNAC, Club Gascon, London: The flavours of Gascony collide with a playful, avant-garde approach to fine dining in Pascal’s wonderful menus, which have been delighting British diners for years. His dishes are a celebration of luxury ingredients and contemporary flair.
· PAUL FOSTER, Salt, Stratford-Upon-Avon: The Midlands’ own Paul Foster has made a serious name for himself cooking well-executed food with a focus on flavour above all else. As the chefowner of Michelin-starred Salt, he has the freedom and ability to cook the dishes he loves.
· PAUL WELBURN, 215, Oxford: With years of Michelin-starred cooking already behind him, Yorkshireman Paul has now settled down in Oxford. Cooking playfully nostalgic British dishes with impressive modern twists, he’s a master of flavour, technique and presentation.el Bremner, who takes flavours from all over the world and distills them into beautiful, inventive plates of deliciousness at his small (but perfectly formed) restaurant in Brighton.
· PETER JOSEPH, Kahani, London: By moving away from the stereotypical view of Indian cuisine and embracing modern plating styles, Peter has taken the food he grew up with to dizzying new heights. His light and delicate touch makes him one of the best Indian chefs in the UK.
· RICHARD BAINBRIDGE, Benedicts, Norwich: Richard’s neighbourhood bistro Benedicts is a fantastic little spot in beautiful Norwich, where he cooks the food he (and everyone that dines there) simply loves to eat. His classically trained background makes him a seriously skilled chef.
· ROHIT GHAI, Kutir, London: Rohit was the man responsible for some of London’s most beloved Michelin-starred Indian restaurants, before opening his own place in a beautiful little townhouse. His ability to combine British ingredients with Indian spices is unmatched.
· SCOTT GOSS, Verdigris, Kent: A champion of Kentish produce, Scott Goss cooks comforting dishes full of familiar, nostalgically British flavours at his restaurant Verdigris in Tonbridge. Using only the very best ingredients is at the heart of everything he does.
· SHUKO ODA, Koya Soho, London: Shuko has been dishing up bowls of perfectly made udon noodles for over a decade now, and her Japanese restaurant Koya is a cult classic. Bright, clean, fresh and pure flavours can be found in all her wonderful plates of food.
· SIMON HULSTONE, The Elephant, Devon: Having held a Michelin star at his Torquay restaurant since 2004, Simon is a tour de force in the kitchen and even has his own farm. Seasonal West Country flavours make up his menus, with a deep understanding of technique behind each dish.
Hippodrome Circus’ Christmas Spectacular
Great Yarmouth’s world-famous Hippodrome circus is delighting audiences again this month and next with its 19th “Christmas Spectacular”, the show runs to 10th January 2021.
This 75-minute entertainment extravaganza combines hilarious comedy from Jack Jay and Ben Langley, with a packed line-up of trapeze aerialists, acrobatics and daring stunts from the wheel of death. There is also a mesmerising Water Spectacular with synchronised swimmers and giant fountains on the historic central stage that transforms into a giant swimming pool in what is one of Europe’s largest Christmas Shows.
Prices from £21 per adult and £13 per child. Tickets can only be booked over the phone. To book, call Tel: 01493 738877 (open daily from 10am to 5pm). There will be a special Gala New Year’s Eve performance at 8pm, tickets cost £3 extra per person but include a goody bag. The Hippodrome will be adhering to social distancing guidelines throughout the theatre, with limited capacity within the auditorium to allow for safe spacing of audience members. www.hippodromecircus.co.uk
FAB Flour simple yet delicious vegan recipes from the Easy Peasy Baking Campaign!
With each recipe only needing a handful of common kitchen equipment and all made with less than 10 ingredients, they’re perfect for those who are after a quick and simple vegan bake, or experimenting with vegan baking for the first time!
Recipes include
Tomato and Pesto Croissants – A classic marriage of flavours from the pesto and fresh tomato all wrapped up in crisp, flaky pastry, made from strong white bread flour for a healthy dose of fibre.
Banana Bread – Something for all the family to enjoy, vegans and non-vegans alike will love this classic bake, made with light brown soft sugar for a sumptuous caramel flavour.
Cinnamon Tear & Share Loaf – Soft doughy rolls filled with cinnamon, vegan butter and light brown soft sugar for a caramel flavour, all drizzled with a simple glaze. These are a joy to eat and great fun to bake!

Vegan Tomato and Pesto Croissants
Makes 6 croissants
Tip: This can be personalised with any topping you like or swap the strong bread flour for wholemeal flour for extra fibre
110ml warm water
1 packet (7g) dried yeast
200g strong bread flour
½ tbsp sugar
¼ tsp salt
150g vegan spread (soft enough to spread)
6 tsp vegan pesto
1 tomato (sliced)
Measuring jug
Mixing bowl
Rolling pin
Baking tray lined with baking paper
Measuring spoons
Preheat the oven to 200°C.
In the measuring jug, combine the warm water and yeast.
In the mixing bowl, combine the flour, sugar and salt then add the yeast and water mix. Bring together with your hands to form a dough, then on a lightly floured surface, knead for a few minutes before returning to the mixing bowl. Cover with a damp tea towel and leave to prove for 10 minutes.
After 10 minutes, lightly flour your surface again. Once the dough has proved, turn it out and roll it out into a 40cm x 30cm rectangle, then spread 100g of the vegan spread on top in an even layer before rolling it up like a swiss roll.
Dust your surface with a little more flour. Cut the dough roll in half to make two smaller swiss roll shapes, spread a little more vegan spread on the top of one and place the other on top. Flatten both halves together with the palm of your hand and dust with a little more flour on each side before using the rolling pin to roll into a 40cm x 30cm rectangle.
Slice the dough into 3 even rectangles, then each rectangle into 2 triangles. Place a tsp of pesto at the wide end of each triangle and roll toward the thin end to create the croissant shape.
Place the croissants onto a baking tray, melt the remaining vegan spread and use your finger to spread a little across each croissant, before placing a slice of tomato on top of each one. Bake for 15 minutes until golden. Allow them to cool on the tray before serving.
Vegan Banana Bread
Makes one 1kg loaf
Tip: You can add vegan chocolate spreads, Biscoff spread, nuts or different kinds of chocolate chips to get the flavour you like
4 x ripe bananas
75g vegetable oil
1 tsp vanilla extract
225g self-raising flour
2 tsp baking powder
100g light brown soft sugar
Mixing bowl
Wooden spoon
Loaf tin lined with baking paper
Measuring jug
Tip: Some retailers known for selling everything for £1 sell both baking cases for loaf tins and large round cake tins.
Preheat the oven to 160°C.
Mash 3 of the bananas into the measuring jug with the vegetable oil and vanilla.
In the mixing bowl, combine the dry ingredients.
Add the wet mix to the dry mix and combine.
Pour into the lined loaf tin and top with the 4th banana, halved lengthways.
Bake for 40-45 minutes until golden on top and springy to touch in the centre.
Vegan Cinnamon Tear & Share Loaf
Serves 6
200ml water
60g vegan spread (I used Vitalite) + extra for greasing
1 tsp fast action yeast
300g strong white bread flour
90g light brown sugar
1 tsp ground cinnamon
200g icing sugar
Baker’s Equipment
Measuring jug
Dessert spoon
Large mixing bowl
Rolling pin
Loaf tin
Put 30g of the vegan spread in the jug and melt in the microwave. Top up with 165ml of warm water from the tap and stir in the yeast with the spoon.
Combine the flour and 30g of light brown sugar in the large mixing bowl and pour in the yeast/water/butter mixture. Bring together to form a dough with your hands.
Tip the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 5 minutes, return to the mixing bowl, cover with a tea towel and leave to prove for 20 minutes. After 10 minutes, preheat the oven to 185°C (fan) and grease the loaf tin with vegan spread.
After the dough has proved for 20 minutes, tip it onto a lightly floured surface and roll it out into a 30cm x 30cm square. Spread the remaining 30g of vegan spread evenly over the dough with the back of the spoon, then sprinkle with the cinnamon and remaining 60g light brown sugar. Roll the dough into a sausage shape.
Divide the dough into 6 equal pieces (5cm each) and place into the greased loaf tin, spirals facing up. Bake for 20-25 minutes, turning the tin in the oven after 10 minutes.
Rinse the jug, measure 35ml cold tap water and mix in the icing sugar to make a glaze. Once the loaf has finished baking, allow it to cool slightly before removing from the tin and drizzling with the glaze. Tear apart and enjoy!
The Other Straw
Eco-friendly bamboo toothbrush
Sustainable Gift – Bamboo Toothbrush
Help your loved one feel good about brushing their teeth with this eco friendly bamboo toothbrush by theotherstraw.
Their bamboo toothbrush is FSC certified bamboo. It also comes with a compostable bamboo handle and is BPA free and vegan friendly.
You can feel good supporting theotherstraw knowing that they ship worldwide, plastic-free and carbon-neutral. If that wasn’t enough, they also donate 50% of their profits to ocean clean-ups – it’s a gift that gives back.
A Two-Stage Pre-Workout powder that is perfect for men, especially those who love the outdoors.
It increases strength and endurance, which in turn, helps them work out harder and for longer.Unlike other pre-workouts, its unique two-stage formula delivers steady energy and hydration. This means no crashing, no dependency, just powerful workouts from start to finish. Would you like to feature Vintage Blast on your New Year 2021 Special Feature? It’s by Old School Labs, a leading men’s supplement company based in California.
You can learn more about Vintage Blast and Old School Labs here: shop.oldschoollabs.com/products/vintage-blast
New app called MachFast.
This allows UK entrepreneurs to register a new company and get a guaranteed current account within a few clicks. In a year where high street banks have left UK entrepreneurs out in the cold, with some refusing to open new business accounts and others warning of lengthy delays our app allows aspiring entrepreneurs to start on their dream.
So far they have helped over 40 new business launch, hopefully helping UK entrepreneurs thrive in the midst of adversity where others are refusing to give them a chance!
After such an extraordinary year, don’t make the same old ordinary New Year’s Resolutions when it comes to your health and wellness. Registered Nutritionist and Nutritional Therapist Kate Delmar-Morgan (BSc Hons, mBANT, rCNHC) has prepared seven savvy food swaps for the Institute for Optimum Nutrition that are easy to incorporate into your day-to-day routine and unlike most resolutions, will stand the test of time.
We all crave comfort at this time of year, but scoring high on the glycaemic index (GI), potatoes – particularly when mashed – release sugar quickly and may cause a rapid rise in blood sugars, followed by a subsequent ‘crash’. Swapping your favourite mash potato for a lower GI option made from sweet potato, celeriac, carrot or swede can offer greater nutrition, and helps to stabilise blood sugars. This will also give you a greater variety of vegetables in your diet and provide you with a wider range of nutrients.
Sweet potato and carrot are excellent source of beta-carotene, an antioxidant which the body converts into vitamin A to support healthy skin, immune health and vision.
Cauliflower is a useful ingredient that you can use to replace a regular pizza base, as it will help to reduce your intake of commercial white wheat flour and provides a lower carbohydrate option. A cruciferous vegetable, cauliflower also contains lots of fibre and vitamin C and will increase your overall vegetable intake.
Grate or blitz the florets and cook it in a pan with a little olive oil for five minutes. Squeeze out the moisture using a clean tea towel, and mix with 100g of ground almonds, two beaten eggs and some dried Mediterranean herbs. Line a baking tray with baking parchment and grease with oil. Place the cauliflower mix into the centre of a baking tray lined with greased baking paper, then spread out into a circular shape. To make a ‘crust’, just make it a little thicker at the edges then bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes until golden. Then you can add your delicious toppings and heat it all up in the oven again.
Kale is a cruciferous vegetable containing fibre, vitamins C & K, iron and calcium. Unlike commercial crisps, homemade kale crisps aren’t ultra-processed, so won’t contain any added sugar, salt, unhealthy fat or preservatives which have been linked with obesity, type-2 diabetes and high blood pressure.
Cut the leaves from the kale stalks and then rip the leaves into smaller bite size pieces. Massage with olive oil and spread out onto a baking tray – bake in the oven for up to 10 minutes on 180 degrees. Then add a little sprinkle of salt before serving. Keep an eye on them in the oven as they can turn from being crispy to burnt very quickly!
If you’re a soda addict or looking to reduce your alcohol intake, kombucha can make a great replacement. A mildly fizzy, slightly sour drink made from fermented tea, kombucha is a source of probiotic (so-called good bacteria), rich in antioxidants and contains vitamins and minerals.
Making your own kombucha is delicious – but requires a bit of effort. You can also buy kombucha from supermarkets or online, in a variety of flavours. Enjoy in a wine or cocktail glass with ice and a reusable straw. Kombucha during pregnancy is not advised.
Quinoa makes a wonderful replacement for high GI white rice, served with curries or chilli. While it may take a bit more time to cook, it is a complete source of protein – containing all nine essential amino acids – and is packed with fibre, vitamins and minerals.
Another original idea is to use quinoa in risotto, in place of Arborio rice along with lots of vegetables and parmesan cheese. Plus, it makes a fantastic and healthy alternative to couscous, bulgur or cracked wheat.
Omega-3 and omega-6 are both essential polyunsaturated fatty acids that we obtain through diet. Whilst omega-6 does have some benefits (despite its bad rap) an imbalance between the two – overly weighted towards omega-6 – has been associated with inflammatory conditions. The ideal ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 is 1:1, but the western diet provides anywhere between 1:14 and 1:50, meaning a lot of us are taking in extremely high levels of omega-6. Vegetable/seed oils are notoriously high in omega-6, so to help bring down this ratio you could swap these for olive oil or extra-virgin olive oil when you’re cooking instead.
Even though yoghurt is often perceived as healthy, flavoured, fruit yoghurts (often marketed towards dieters) are actually classed as ‘ultra-processed’ because they often contain emulsifiers and preservatives and normally a huge amount of added sugar. Swap low fat, fruit-flavoured yoghurt therefore for natural or Greek yoghurt topped with berries instead.
A good way to check that your yoghurt contains no added sugar or preservatives is to check the ingredients list. The most natural yoghurts will usually contain no more than milk and ‘live active’ cultures. Also, the full fat natural versions of yoghurt often taste much nicer than the low-fat natural yoghurt and are therefore much more satisfying so don’t shy away from this option.
The Institute for Optimum Nutrition is an independent, not for profit educational charity. Their Mission is to educate and enthuse, instilling Optimum Nutrition as the foundation of health for all.
In 2020 we learned that people became more united and inclusive during this time of global uncertainty and lockdown and how extremely giving they were towards their communities in the UK and globally. It also gave us an understanding of how we might be able to best support them despite being a very small social enterprise. In this process we were able to:
Support 20,000 people during the first lockdown
Create an Amazon bestselling COVID-19 anthology that continues to donate money to NHS Charities Together, and continued our service by
Setting up a volunteer-led training system that is upskilling all of those students who have been pushed out of their classrooms and remain there in less advantaged nations like Palestine, Iraq, etc (Including in a UN camp).
In 2021, inspired by this, we wish to scale our work, by increasing access to our free services in at least 2 other countries globally, raise an additional £40,000 for NHS Charities Together, and we have already increased our volunteer numbers to continue our digital learning and teaching service from January 2021 for students who need it most and cannot yet access their schools and education. I have included more details about these 3 unique projects we were able to execute to help our community during the 2020 pandemic.
We reached out to writers/contributors from 4 continents (majority from the UK) to record human experiences from the pandemic in the first comprehensive global anthology called Together: An anthology from the COVID-19 pandemic where we had celebrity contributors like Benjamin Zephiniah, Annabel Leventon and Bappi Lahiri and even 7-year old student from Bromley, a monk from Hertfordshire and 91-year-old artist and marathon runner Biman Mullick and his wife late Aparajita Mullick (who passed away without seeing the final edition of the book). The 444-page anthology which includes 75 pieces of prose and poems coupled with 75 unique art pieces contributed by global artists continues to sell today to raise funding for NHS Charities Together. Sir Richard Sykes, the chairman of the Royal Institute, wrote the Foreword to the book.
Website: www.togetherbookproject.org/
Amazon E-Book: www.amazon.co.uk/Together-anthology-COVID-19-Dev-Aditya-ebook/dp/B08CCYJ9P1/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Together%3A+An+anthology&qid=1607006155&sr=8-1
Physical copy supplies to resume in December which were halted by the lockdown.
To help people who were suddenly incarcerated by the lockdown announcement we created an online learning series called Lessons for humanity. This was used by approx. 20,000 people during the lockdown. The lessons were designed by us and with the help of global supporters who shared key lessons from their expertise (including a data scientist from Amazon, a dutch marketeer, a sustainable energy researcher from Solar botanic, employees at BT, and academics from UK Universities like Cambridge and Brunel University London, among others). The simple bite-sized lessons were built to encourage all members of the family to practice the skills learnt from each lesson. Users reported a significant boost to their mental wellbeing through these family exercises (or doing these exercises and activities with those they spent their lockdowns with) and this is now being researched for its long term utility by researchers at Brunel University London.
Website: www.oiedu.co.uk/otermansinstitutecourseforhumanity/index.html
Schools in many countries in Asia remain closed today and have resulted in millions of students losing access to teaching and learning. Based on the success from Lessons for Humanity (Point 2) we again reached out to students and researchers of UK Universities and Colleges to volunteer and train such students in Asia digitally. This resulted in several volunteers coming from Birmingham City University, Roehampton University, University College London, Brunel University London, Birmingham City University, Sir George Monoux Sixth Form College, and others. Today they are training students in India, Palestine, Iraq and BCF United Nations Refugee Camp in Kurdistan Iraq.
Website: www.oiedu.co.uk/otermansinstitutecourseforhumanity/index.html
Other: www.brunel.ac.uk/pdc/volunteers/opportunities/Otermans-Institute-Digital-Impact-Trainer
In all of the above cases which we organised, we realised the givingness people have within them and their willingness to share their time and expertise to support both UK organisations like NHS charities and also for students, young people and learners affected by COVID-19 globally.
Finally, we take this opportunity to wish you a very Happy New Year.
Dev Aditya and Dr Pauldy Otermans
The world’s pandemic forced many to pivot and most left to mourn what was removed abruptly. In several cases, that was their corporate job! Here’s a reminder: The Corporate Breakups need as much healing as Personal Breakups.
Corporations now and will forever go through rounds of layoffs. The Bureau of Labor Statistics released its 4thQ newsletter stating that the layoffs and discharges rate has increased to 1.2 percent.
While working for Corporations, you are often in a legally bound relationship with them. Whether they lay you off or you leave, it could be considered breakup. It’s The Corporate Breakup and no one ever talks about the emotional impact of those who were laid off. What we tend to focus on is personal relationship healing not realizing that people also need to be healed from layoffs as well. The American Psychology Association has several studies around the emotional impact of leaving a job. In most cases they compare to personal breakups. It’s interesting that the layoffs effect the personal leaving as well as the person staying. The person staying may experience some of the same symptoms as they are awaiting the next RIF (reduction in force)
Personal and Corporate Breakups:
Sleep disturbances
Shortness of breath
Katrina A Roddy, Author of “Steal Your Skills from Corporate”, spent 30yrs in Corporate and had her fair share of downsizing and layoffs. This is before she created her own career as an Entrepreneur Coach. Her book outlines 8 steps to launching a more fulfilling career of your own; however, after you get over the shock of the breakup you have to Make M.O.V.E.S. to heal. Here are techniques to help:
Mindset Matter – Reset through Meditation, Exercise, Healthy eating choices.
Own your own title – Be CEO of your life
Value your relationships – Create a personal board of directors (book describes each mentor)
Evaluate your relationship with money – Why? It will change
Share your story – Be vulnerable. More people need to hear that there is life after leaving corporate.
For more detailed statistics visit: bls.gov/news.release/pdf/jolts.pdf
For more about the Author go to www.katrinaroddy.me
COVID-19 saw a lot of business owners caught with their proverbial pants down in 2020 during non-essential lockdowns.
Don’t let that be you in 2021.
The fact is, we should always be striving for new ways to generate multiple revenue streams. Are you posting social media content purely for likes and comments? Social media followers are cool and all, but they’re simply voyeurs if you’re not converting your fans to customers. I’m that magical little unicorn that shows you how regardless of whatever weird or wonderful industry your products or services are in. Step into my office. www.convertyourfollowers.com
Alcohol-Free safeHands solo Delivers Single Use Packs
of Effective Hand Sanitizing Power in Your Pocket
Next generation formula has all the benefits of alcohol without any side effects
Marietta, GA (December 15, 2020) – The HAAK Group, Inc., today announced safeHands® solo alcohol-free hand sanitizer, providing a next generation, safe alternative that is just as effective in killing germs as the leading alcohol brands. Due to active ingredient BZK, safeHands solo alcohol-free proprietary chemistry enables significant “microbe killing power” while working with the natural oils of the skin, moisturizing and softening like a lotion without drying your skin or leaving behind a sticky residue or unpleasant scent.
“safeHands solo puts all that sanitizing power into easy to use, compact single use packs,” said Hugh Miskel, President of The HAAK Group. “No more bulky bottles or tubes to hassle with. Just grab a couple packets and go.”
Perfect for sports, travel, school, family outings or any occasion, safeHands is the most extensively tested and leading alcohol-free hand sanitizer on the market today. And with the flu season and Covid-19 peaking worldwide, safeHands is offering a special 25% introductory online discount with promo code “LAUNCH25” at checkout.
Founded by doctors, safeHands main active ingredient, Benzalkonium Chloride, kills 99.99% of most common germs, including MRSA and C. diff and E. coli E. faecium. safeHands moisturizes the skin while it sanitizes, even on sensitive skin. It is non-flammable and there are no long term affects from frequent daily use.
• Kills 99.99% of most common germs
• Non-irritating / Non-flammable
• Safest family protection against germs
• BZK patented hand sanitizer
• Residue free / Fasting drying / Moisturizing formula
About safeHands solo
Distributed by The HAAK Group, Inc. based in Marietta, Ga., safeHands solo is the most extensively tested and leading alcohol free hand sanitizer. Founded by Doctors, safeHands follows standard drug testing protocols, including microbiological laboratory testing and stability testing, and has conducted repeat insult dermal testing (Certified by a Board Certified Dermatologist). Learn more at https://www.safehandssolo.com/ or join the conversation on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
BOOK LAUNCH: “Take Three”
An Easy Daily Practice for Raising Your Spiritual Endorphins
& Available on amazon here >> www.amazon.com/gp/product/1989756646
ABOUT THE BOOK: Matthew Johnson and Teal Nicholson, co-authors of Take Three, have created a simple, easy-to-use daily journal to help increase gratitude, while embracing a positive outlook on life. These authors believe that an attitude of gratitude opens the door to a plethora of different successes including feeling prosperous and peaceful. Gratitude lists have been linked to greater happiness, optimism about future endeavors and increased positivity, which can certainly stimulate abundance and freedom in our everyday lives.
LAUNCH DATE: Matt and Teal will launch their book online through Amazon.com on November 18th,
2020. Take Three will be available in 15 countries.
PRAISE: New York Times Best-Selling Author Peggy McColl says: “Take Three is easy to follow and a
simple practice to get into every single day. In my own life, I have found that having a daily attitude of
gratitude contributes significantly to experiencing only desired results.”
Matt is a certified personal trainer who believes that a wholistic approach to health utilizing the body, mind, and soul tripod is the way to create a healthy and balanced life. His expertise in fitness tells us that he knows the benefits of how endorphins have a physical manifestation towards our emotions and body.
Matt’s take on his new book is that gratitude indeed has the same effect on our physical bodies, which is the spark of chemicals that help to catapult our elevated state of being. He is a true advocate that an attitude of gratitude is the fuel that helps you lead a life of your dreams.
Teal is a Lifestyle Architect Expert who helps her audience build a life by design. She is a true advocate that we have the power to create and recreate our existence through the power of gratitude. Teal’s strategic planning and design background has helped her soar to new heights. Her expertise lies in the fact that she knows how to turn her life around with a simple ‘thank you.’ This is why success is always at this remarkable lady’s fingertips.
Take Three is Matt and Teal’s debut book.
For more information, contact Matt and Teal on the following handles:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Take3Journal
IG: www.instagram.com/take3journal/
Website: www.take3journal.com
Boost Your Confidence Through Motorcycling
Available on Amazon in print and Kindle versions: www.amazon.com/Boost-Your-Confidence-Through-Motorcycling/dp/0578527073/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=.
Signed copies can be purchased at womensmotorcycletours.com/confidencebook/.
Alisa Clickenger transformed her life and you can too. A shy, depressed housewife in the midst of a painful divorce, Alisa realized that she needed a drastic change in her life. She set out on a course of self-discovery in the most radical way she could imagine and learned how to ride a motorcycle. In the process of becoming a competent motorcycle rider, Alisa overcame numerous self-limiting beliefs that had affected her self-confidence. Learning to operate the motorcycle was just the beginning. Alisa also learned to navigate unknown territories, think logically in the face of adversity, and stay calm during unexpected situations. Perhaps the most profound gift resulting from learning to ride a motorcycle is that she became a voice and a leader of other women during their journeys of self-exploration. Alisa is now a world traveler and entrepreneur living life on her own terms. Through motorcycling, Alisa has found a community of like-minded women, rediscovered parts of herself that were long buried, and has discovered her life’s purpose. This book inspires how to build confidence through motorcycling and is aimed at new and seasoned riders alike. It is for anyone wanting to experience the freedom and personal transformation that two wheels can offer in order to gain confidence in all areas of their lives.
Please let me know if you need anything else. Thank you and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
Alisa Clickenger, Founder, Women’s Motorcycle Tours
Author, Boost Your Confidence Through Motorcycling
Women’s Motorcycle Conferences
www.CentennialRide.com – Ride Across America August 2021
Deep Restorative Sleep hypnosis meditation.
As a hypnotist and RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapist), I work through Zoom with clients to provide a customized experience to get to the root cause of whatever is holding them back from living life fully – whether that be in their health, professional life, mindset or self-image.
This is a 90 minute session using hypnosis and regression to tap into the subconscious mind to find the meaning associated with blocks, trauma or disempowering patterns that are preventing someone from what they most desire.
I also have a free gift (3 meditations) on my website at www.ColleenElaine.com that you can check out.
Be well and be transformed,
Colleen Elaine
For almost 10 years there was a very special picture on this success wall in the Stevey J Hub which captured several of our clients buzzing after a weekend retreat. – It has not been taken off…
Since the picture was taken, the 10 leaders in it have went onto to achieve remarkable success in their business endeavours,
achieving personal goals, achieving amazing financial goals & raising 100’s of thousands of pounds for humanitarian missions.
We really wanted to keep this picture on the wall, however we here at Stevey J are blessed that it has found a new home, a New Success wall to hang on.
One of the clients in the picture is not only celebrating a very special birthday, but they have also PLAYED FULL OUT with us, implementing our key principles for success, fulfilment and happiness.
To the point that there is Brand New school being built in Africa thanks to this client.
If you are reading this & you are someone who wants to do more in life, if you want to lead more, and you want to be a success in your business, life, and relationships then check out what we have coming up in 2021.
God knows Garry maybe there will be a picture on the success wall in the hub of you, surrounded with other Leaders.
Have a wonderful Monday.
Stevey J
Stevey J McGeown
Founder of steveyj.com
Searching for God in the Garbage
Searching for God in the Garbage is an extremely candid memoir about overcoming food addictions joyfully. Welcome to a transformative experience that asks, “Is it your body that is hungry – or your soul?”
Las Terrazas de Abama, the best safe shelter for your holidays after COVID-19
The complex of 151 luxury residences of Guía de Isora, in Tenerife, has a strict anti-covid protocol and, in the privacy of its suites, guests can enjoy the services of a 5* hotel with the comforts of a luxury residence
After the health crisis generated by the coronavirus, the majority of European travellers have decided this year for the proximity, to move to non-crowded destinations where it is easy to keep social distance, where healthcare quality is 100% assured and language facilitates communication during their stay.
Good climate, national and natural parks with mountain routes for hiking, the sea in little and lonely beaches, and a wide range of experiences and day-trips to enjoy an impressive nature are only some of the attractions of the island of Tenerife.
For those who have their eyes set on this destination in the Canary Islands, the 5-star resort Las Terrazas de Abama is for sure one of the best accommodation options. Recently awarded as the best luxury resort in Spain at the World Travel Awards, this resort, managed by My Way Meaningful Hotels, is perfect for those who want to combine the independence and privacy of a luxury home while enjoying the services of a 5-star hotel.
This exclusive tourist complex, that works as a boutique hotel, is located in Guía de Isora, a small rural town with many charms. Small sandy beaches, natural swimming pools and infinite pools caressed by the sea embrace the coast, while in its mountainous part you can enjoy an incredible nature, with more than 61% of its territory protected, a paradise for hiking lovers.
Beyond that, Abama constitutes a top spot for foodies and offers a landscape full of palm trees and tropical nature, spectacular panoramic views to the Atlantic Ocean and the island of La Gomera, the possibility to play golf in the best golf course in the Canary Islands according to Golf Digest, Abama Golf, or a tennis match in any of the seven courts of Abama Tenis, used for several ATP and ITF matches. And all this within a radius that is a stone’s throw from the most beautiful spots in Tenerife.
More about Las Terrazas de Abama
Las Terrazas de Abama, under the Preferred Residences brand, is a resort that offers everything to those who want to take care of themselves, with exclusive services of yoga, pilates, fitness and wellness, and a gym where you can have a personal trainer.
Its facilities include a pool bar and juice bar, (magical cocktails at sunset), three infinity pools, a gourmet store, a social club to strengthen guest relations, and a restaurant advised by Spain’s multi-starred chef Martin Berasategui, the Melvin.
In the kitchen of this establishment stands out the young Diego Dato, revelation chef of the last edition of the gastronomic awards Open Table. The Melvin restaurant has a large space, with more than 340 square meters -room and terrace- where to enjoy the best Berasategui’s food while staring at the unparalleled panoramic views of the ocean.
With suites from 1 to 4 bedrooms with independent terraces, the special architecture of Las Terrazas de Abama fosters the privacy and rest of its guests, making it the ideal place to go as a couple or enjoy a few relaxing days with the family.
Teleworking at Las Terrazas de Abama
After the COVID-19 we have discovered that it is possible to telework from almost anywhere in the world. If you are able to spend a few days outside your usual residence, do not forget that in Las Terrazas de Abama there are special discounts for those who dare to enjoy the best climate in Europe in a safe and healthy environment.
In Las Terrazas suites you can telework in many spaces of the residences, both in a specific area of the living rooms, as well as in any of the bedrooms. Their size and lighting conditions, isolation and visual relationship with the garden environment and extraordinary views allow it. The climate also lets you expand the inner space with outdoor areas, connecting with nature.
For further information, just click here:
With the New Year and Veganuary just around the corner, you might be looking for simple solutions as to how to include more plant-based options in your diet, and it’s important that supplements are part of this. www.vegetology.com
Vegetology is a range of vegetarian and vegan supplements, made using the purist, highest-quality ingredients that are ethically-sourced, non-GMO, non-animal and gluten-free.
In particular, I’d like to highlight their Opti3 Omega-3 EPA & DHA supplement which provides all of the Omega-3 nutritional benefits of fish oil without needing the fish! Fish obtain Omega-3 by eating algae and Vegetology has cut out the middleman (fish) and gone straight to the algal source. As a result, a bottle of Opti3 saves at least approximately 35 fish compared to an equivalent bottle of fish oil omega-3!
Their aim is to provide effective nutritional solutions to everyone regardless of location, religion or lifestyle choice.
“Opti3 was our first launch, back in 2010. This award-winning Omega-3 EPA & DHA product is a 100% vegan and vegetarian alternative to fish oils.
Vitashine Vegan Vitamin D3 was launched in 2011 following lengthy research. This is the first 100% plant-based, Vegan Society registered Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol).
VegVit was launched in 2013. This followed a long-term research program into vitamin and mineral bioavailable and absorption rates. VegVit is not only a perfect multivitamin supplement for Vegetarians and Vegans (due to elevated levels of key vitamins and minerals), it is a real innovation in bioavailable nutrients through a novel formula. We call it ‘multivitamin and mineral engineering’ to best describe the close attention to mechanics within the formula to give optimum absorption.
Joint-Vie™ was launched in 2015. This followed breakthrough research into a plant-origin alternative to Chondroitin (which is of shark origin). Phytodroitin™ is a plant-source complex that mimics the structure and composition of Chondroitin. Our studies showed excellent results in Bone and Joint Care. Joint-Vie™ is a high strength, comprehensive Bone & Joint Care formula. It combines Vegetal Glucosamine, Phytodroitin™, Calcium and Magnesium together with Vitamins C, D3 and K2.”
Quizlet (www.quizlet.com)
– Is one of the world’s leading user-generated learning platforms and apps. With over 50 million active learners, Quizlet can be used to study and master more than 300 million user-generated study sets, on pretty much every topic and subject imaginable, from film, graphic design, and art, to Yoga, nutrition, and languages.
Babbel (www.babbel.com) – The perfect app for those looking to learn and perfect a new language. Offering 14 languages and with bite-sized lessons, learners can start having basic conversations in as little as 5 hours of learning. Unique features include voice recognition, which helps to perfect pronunciation, and a data-driven review manager which learns continuously from user input to help make the most important concepts stick. Price: £21/3 months, £33/6 months and £57/12 months.
Something for the whole family
Fishbrain (www.fishbrain.com) – Getting outdoors, spending time in nature and trying something new have all been a welcome reprieve throughout the past year for many. Fishbrain is the world’s most popular mobile app and social network for people and families who like to fish. Fishbrain enables users to catch and log more (and bigger) fish by gathering and managing vast amounts of meteorological and user data, presenting it in an intuitive and responsive map format. Siri integration also means users can get hints and tips on the best fishing spots, while logging catches hands-free. The Fishbrain app can be downloaded from the Apple or Google Play store for free, with Fishbrain Premium available from $9.99/month or $74.99/year.
Getting on top of your finances
Dreams (www.getdreams.com) – In an increasingly cashless society, more and more of us are getting lost when it comes to managing our finances and creating achievable savings goals. Dreams is the financial wellbeing app from Sweden, powered by cognitive and behavioural science to help users achieve dream goals and feel better about their money. Linking directly and securely to users’ bank accounts, Dreams allows users to set and achieve money-saving goals – individually, or together with friends and loved ones – through clever, automated saving features, in addition to nudges, hacks and the option to invest through mutual funds. Users turn to Dreams to save money for special events or purchases (such as weddings, first homes, and travelling plans), however, an increasing number of users utilise the app’s ability to consolidate loans for more efficient payment towards credit card debts, in addition to bespoke insurance offers.
Remente (remente.com) – What a year it has been, pushing us all to our limits, but Remente is the mental health and personal development app that will make 2021 the year of you. Building a career, relationships, family, money and health are all stressing factors that can build into something much worse. The Remente app combines psychology with brain and mental training to help users reach their full potential, complete personal goals, and lead a healthier, more mindful lifestyle.
Looking ahead to 2021 with a sustainable mindset, I wanted to share with you an exciting new ethical and sustainable clothing brand called Kanula, which has recently launched this year.
With a focus on helping to protect the planet and inspired by the nesting beaches of sea turtles in Skiathos, Kanula produces high-quality clothing for both adults and children made from beautiful soft fabrics. Using no plastic waste materials which often result in polluting the oceans and harming sea life, Kanula is proud to offer slow fashion with fast delivery.
For each purchase, Kanula donates 8% to the Sea Turtle Conservancy – also making their garments a lovely gift that you can really feel good about giving.
Kanula Unisex Ultra Premium Zip Hoodie – RRP £43 – www.Kanula.org
Kanula Unisex Ultra Premium Zip Hoodie in Wine Melange, RRP £43 available at www.Kanula.org
This blog is to promote an urgent
cause: fight hunger!
Be a Life-Saving Santa
In this holiday season, consider blessing a family with a life-saving
The direct link for this cause is at
Imagine you’ve lost your job and your savings has dwindled, leaving
you unable to put food on the table for your family, and your landlord
is warning you to pay up or else.
What would you do? Beg on the streets? Knock on your neighbors’ doors
to ask for their leftovers?
After hearing such very stories of starvation and desperation from her
Bible students and brethren who lost jobs due to the coronavirus
pandemic, where one commented, “Hunger is bad–worse than the deadly
coronavirus,” blind and physically disabled award-winning author Dr.
Shirley Cheng established “Unite in Love” on May 21, a relief
fundraiser for families in developing countries impacted by lockdowns.
Unite in Love’s goal is to raise funds to meet urgent needs of
desperate families–families who are left to face hunger alone without
any government assistance or food bank–until they can return to work.
Additionally, Unite in Love aims to help families become
self-sufficient through planting of crops and raising of hens at their
own yards.
As of December 27, over $3,000 has been raised to provide emergency
food supply and cover medical expenses, including a new wheelchair, to
twenty-five families and dozens of individuals. Unite in Love has also
prevented the eviction of two families with small children.
Your small donation will go a long way. For example, about $5 can buy
twenty-two pounds of maize in Kisii, Kenya. Monthly rent in these
countries costs between $6 and $96 (for the families that Unite in
Love has assisted). 100% of the funds are distributed as soon as
possible to the families.
Give families the gift of life at:
Dr. Shirley Cheng is a blind and physically disabled award-winning
author of nine books with twenty-seven book awards, Bible teacher and
founder of www.Ultra-Ability.com Ministry, motivational speaker, poet,
a contributor to over twenty-five books, and an Follow Dr. Cheng at
Thank you,
Dr. Shirley Cheng
Wishing you a Happy New Year 2021!
Here are some tips to get you started:
1. Build up gradually to what you want to achieve rather than setting yourself a goal that is unrealistic. For instance start with 10 minutes exercise per day building up to 20 minutes until you eventually increase to a full hour.
2. Start with one thing towards your goal each day, once you get started you are quite likely to finish too.
3. Visualise yourself doing the goal you have set yourself. A positive film in your mind will create positive results. Also visualise the task completed.
4. Imagine a positive role model in the field of what you are trying to achieve. Imagine they are coaching you and they believe in you being successful. Self-talk yourself into the positive as if they are telling you what to do to achieve and maintain your goals.
5. SMILE as you fall asleep at bedtime as you imagine tomorrow going really well. This will help you feel more relaxed, sleep better and feel positive when you wake.
Power boost 2021 with the new mindful app called Feel Amazing by Ailsa Frank – sleep well, worry less, achieve more and break habits.
In this stressful world, we all find ourselves living in, the ‘feel amazing’ app is the perfect pick-me-up with short recordings to fit into your day easily. A place to relax, remain calm and find time to let your worries float away. Make deep and lasting changes using a combination of self-hypnosis, meditation and mindfulness in these beautifully worded recordings by renowned hypnotherapist and self-help author Ailsa Frank.
There are 4 free titles or buy a membership (from £35) to access all 45 titles Get the app on your phone at Apple App Store for iPhones or Google Play store for Android.
It’s great to get the whole family listening to help create a harmonious household.
Choose from the various categories:
Sleep & Relaxation, Habit breaker alcohol, smoking, cocaine, Boost Confidence, Relationships and Love, Stress-Free Worry Less, Slimmer Fitter with weight loss recordings, Money and Career motivation, Women’s Wellbeing, Relaxation for Children, Teens and Calming Music…
Best wishes
adbra® provides well-being tools to help busy minds grow their resilience to life’s ups and downs. Their gratitude planners, positive affirmation cards and mindfulness jars have been designed to develop new well-being habits and nurture existing ones.
The planners combine gratitude journalling with goal setting and planning for better well-being. Gratitude journalling helps you reflect on what you are grateful for, a practice proven to improve happiness.
The undated planner is laid out with daily, weekly and fortnightly prompts based on 12 focus areas to grow mental resilience, such as mindfulness, sleep and self-kindness. Every two weeks you can track how you’re doing against the 12 areas and choose which you’d like to focus on for the next fortnight, giving you flexibility and control.
The planners come in 4 pastel colours with a canvas cover in a beautiful plastic-free gift box along with colourful stickers and a mindful colouring booklet. The set makes a great gift and is useful for anyone who would like to try gratitude journalling or wants some support with their well-being.
The gratitude planner is available with free delivery from adbra.co.uk for £20.
Each card features a unique colourful illustration and affirmation statement. Practising regularly with positive affirmations helps you reflect on the things you can be grateful for and is proven to improve happiness.
The 52 cards are packaged in a box and a jute bag so that you can carry them with you when you’re on the go. They are plastic-free, reducing impact on the environment and they also work as a standard set of cards.
They make a great gift and are useful for anyone who would like to try positive affirmations to lighten their mood or wants a little well-being boost from time to time.
The positive affirmation cards are available with free delivery from adbra.co.uk for £12.50.
The handmade Happy Habits Jars feature a month of prompts to develop habits to improve happiness. Take a note each day and reflect on what it means to you. The notes contain practices, quotes, tips and suggestions on how you can improve your well-being. Choose from one of the three jar types: Mindfulness Tips, Positive Affirmations and Friendship Quotes.
Each glass jar is packed full of 30 colourful notes and the lid is wrapped in jute twine with an instruction tag, recycled tissue and a presented in a kraft gift box.
The jars make a great gift for friends and relatives and after the month is up, the jar can be passed on, a gift that keeps on giving.
The happy habit jars are available with free delivery from adbra.co.uk and £12.
Beat the January blues with Paxton & Whitfield’s LIMITED EDITION January Cheese Treats selection and three LIVE & EXCLUSIVE online cheese tastings.
For the January Cheese Treats Paxtons, the UK’s oldest cheesemonger, has selected the cheeses from different geographical areas of Scotland, all made by dedicated, award-winning cheesemakers.
The three online cheese tastings feature different cheeses and the titles are ‘Beat the Blues’, ‘Tour de France’ and ‘West Country Cheeses.’
All the items are available to purchase online at paxtonandwhitfield.co.uk
LIMITED EDITION January Cheese Treats (£60 – price includes UK mainland delivery) www.paxtonandwhitfield.co.uk/shop/cheese-board-collections/january-cheese-treats?c=7 – Paxton’s cheesemongers have compiled this delicious selection, perfect for January and for celebrating Burns Night on Monday 25th January 2021.
The collection contains three fine Scottish, artisan cheeses (Clava Brie (250g), Isle of Mull (250g) and Auld Reekie (250g)), a 50ml bottle of Glenfarclas Single Malt Scotch Whisky, two packets of hand-baked shortbread (170g each and including a deliciously warming stem ginger flavoured shortbread), a jar of Paxton’s Apple & Chilli Jelly (113g), a pack of Biscuits for Cheese (250g) and a Paxton & Whitfield tote bag.
It’s perfect to enjoy in January or to send as a gift.
The cheeses are:
· Isle of Mull Cheddar (Unpasteurised, traditional rennet) – the Scottish islands have a rich history of cheesemaking but today the only dairy that remains on the Isle of Mull is Sgriob-ruadh Farm, near Tobermory, which is owned by the Reade family who revived the tradition in 1979. The milk to make this traditional farmhouse cheese comes from the farm’s own herd of Friesian cows with the odd Ayrshire, Jersey and Highland cow too. To ensure maximum freshness the cheese is pumped straight to the cheesemaking vats immediately after the morning milking. As the cheese is unpasteurised it really takes on the character of the seasons, for example the cheeses made with winter milk are almost white in colour. The flavour is full and farmy with wild, salty notes from the exposure to the Atlantic elements.
· Clava Brie (Pasteurised, vegetarian rennet) – this is a soft, brie-style cheese made at Connage Highland Dairy on a family-run farm in Ardersier, Inverness. The farm was started by Hamish Clark and today the farm and dairy are run by his two sons, Callum and Cameron, with the help of their wives. They have an organic dairy herd of 140 cows that are mainly Holstein Friesian with some Jersey crosses and Norwegian Reds. The cows graze on clover pastures that surround the dairy and along the shores of the Moray Firth. To achieve the best results for the cheese the curds are delicately hand-ladled into their moulds. The cheeses then develop a soft white rind which helps soften the interior during maturation. The cheese has a delightful earthy and mushroomy flavour.
· Auld Reekie (Unpasteurised, traditional rennet) – the cheese is made by the Cambus O’May Cheese Co. that is located four miles east of the picturesque village of Ballater in Royal Deeside, Scotland. Auld Reekie is a hard cheese that has been carefully developed to combine the flavours and textures of traditional cheese with a delicate wood and whisky finish. Inspired by the local smoking methods used to make distinctive speciality foods in Royal Deeside, this lightly smoked handmade cheese has all the flavour of a traditional farmhouse cheese with a delicate whisky and wood finish.
LIVE & EXCLUSIVE VIA ZOOM January Online Cheese Tastings (£45 each) – the brilliant team at Paxtons has organised for three online tastings to take place this month, each one focussing on a different collection of cheeses. The price includes the live Zoom tasting session with one of Paxton’s experts and the cheese delivered ready to taste. Log in details and tasting notes are sent to attendees via email a few days before. The cheese is delivered the day before the tasting.
Each cheese tasting delivery is carefully hand-cut, wrapped and packed by Paxton’s cheesemongers into its branded transit box – insulated with Woolcool; a revolutionary, totally compostable and biodegradable insulation and chilled with fully recyclable and re-usable ice packs. The cheese box will include four to five different styles of artisan cheese to taste (plenty for four people) and a box of Paxton & Whitfield crackers.
The tastings are:
· Beat the Blues – Thursday 7th January from 7pm to 8pm www.paxtonandwhitfield.co.uk/shop/cheese-library/online-cheese-tasting-8th-january?number=794 – Beat the January Blues with this blue cheese tasting with Paxton’s cheese buyer, Academy of Cheese tutor and resident cheese guru Dan Bliss. Dan will be talking you through each of the cheeses in your delivery for the full tasting experience.
· Tour de France – Friday 15th January from 7pm to 8pm www.paxtonandwhitfield.co.uk/shop/cheese-library/online-cheese-tasting-15th-january?number=795 – Perfect for French cheese lovers, this tasting is with Paxton’s London manager, expert cheesemonger and resident cheese guru Annie Meakin.
· West Country Cheeses – Thursday 21st January from 7pm to 8pm www.paxtonandwhitfield.co.uk/shop/cheese-library/online-cheese-tasting-21st-january?number=797 – For British cheese lovers this cheese tasting is with head of trade, expert cheesemonger, cheese judge and resident cheese guru Ruth Holbrook. There is plenty of West Country cheese in the box for your household to enjoy whilst taking part in the tasting.
Peli Supports the RumboZero Team at Dakar Classic 2021
Warming Up the Engines, The Mythic Adventure is about to Kick Off
Barcelona – December, 2020 – Peli™ Products, the global leader in the design and manufacture of high-performance protective cases and advanced lighting solutions, is proud to sponsor the RUMBOZERO team during their Dakar Classic 2021 racing adventure. RUMBOZERO is an experienced Spanish team composed of drivers Antonio Gutiérrez and Carlos Vento, winners of the Dakar Rally Patagonia-Atacama 2007 in the trucks category. Their co-drivers will be Luis Heras and Juan Carlos Ramírez, who are celebrating their 25th anniversary of participation in the competition.
The new edition of this mythic rally kicks off on 3 January in Saudi Arabia and will last until 15 January. It will be the first edition of the Dakar Classic, which will attempt to go back to the competition’s roots, recruiting vehicles that already participated in the rally before the year 2000, and among them, we will once again see one of the iconic and most reputable classics: the 1994 Mercedes-Benz G 320. This classic vehicle is known
for its achievements in the early editions of the original Dakar Rally, as well as for its incredible resistance and reliability during those competitions. At Dakar Classics 2021, its engine will roar once again. In fact, it will do it twice with the RUMBOZERO team that will compete with two of these robust vehicles.
“After a lot of hard work, we have prepared two vehicles and made adjustments so that they will make it to the last day”, comments Carlos Vento, one of the drivers. The G-Class’s suspension has been improved thanks to more robust shock absorbers and slightly higher and more efficient springs. This will give them a lot more traction and especially in the dunes will allow them to go at a higher speed.
The team will count on a selection of PELI Cases to protect their communication equipment and automotive tools during the rough ride. As Luis Heras states, “We have always trusted the extreme performance of PELI Cases. PELI is the perfect partner for this kind of adventure.” The watertight O-ring seal and double-throw latches keep the lid shut as well as water and dust out, while it is easy to open along the journey. The tough polymer structure is engineered for extreme drops and impacts and makes them virtually indestructible and resistant to the most extreme conditions such as those present during the Dakar Rally.
RUMBOZERO will also bring the highest quality portable lighting along the journey including Peli’s Remote Area Lighting Systems (RALS) as well as water- and dust-proof torches and headlamps that may be needed in case repair work is needed or to simply provide light in the evening while they rest between each stage of the journey. Having good lighting will be crucial at night in the middle of the desert, and for that reason, they choose a variety of Peli lighting solutions to ensure the lights don’t go out at an inopportune moment.
PELI wishes RUMBOZERO a very successful Dakar Classic 2021!
More information available at www.rumbozerodakar.com and www.peli.com.
Start the new with a new beauty & wellness routine!
Start the new year with a new beauty and wellness routine – drinking an organic beauty tea that’s packed with antioxidants and collagen peptides! Yes, the new beauty product you DRINK – and that works from the inside to get your body glowing!!!
We’ve launched Fusspot Collagen Beauty Tea – a fabulous range of 11 organic beauty tea blends all infused with hydrolyzed collagen peptides to help support your body, your wellness and of course your skin texture and improved skin hydration/elasticity, to reduce wrinkles and fine lines, promote thicker hair growth and stronger nails – all 11 blends have been formulated to support your complexion, developed with a Tea Master to support wellness and beauty from within and are then infused with hydrolyzed collagen peptides to give you that super-boost on top of the antioxidants and polyphenols that organic tea provides!
Fusspot Teas would make a really lovely ( hot pink/bright) showcase for your New Year feature to give your readers an opportunity to try gaining wellness from the inside with skin glowing, and to get their body to thrive from the benefits of tea combined with the stimulatory effects of collagen!
We also offer the opportunity of a GLOW SUBSCRIPTION – and you’ll even get 15% off the subscription for 15 days, 30 or 60 day automation – the perfect gift for the gal who’s got everything!!
Our packaging is bright hot pink, bold and irreverent with sassy names for each blend like “The High-Flyer” and “The Showstopper”, “Glow Junkie”, “Twirlie Girlie” and “Celebrity Skin”. They look great in bright pink and would make for a great GIFTS UNDER $30 for our loose leaf blends. We also offer fully biodegradable, compostable enviro-f riendly teabags in a box set for $34.95 and a chai and a matcha powder – all infused with collagen – also for $34.95.
Check out the range at www.fusspottea.com or on instagram @prettylittlefusspot
Seeing in the new year? We’d rather go to bed
It seems that 2021 is going to start quieter than usual for the vast majority of Brits, after research conducted by The Together Works (a remote-based business that has been helping individuals come back together), which canvassed the views of 2,700* people on their plans for news year eve celebrations.
The research found that a whopping 67 per cent of people aged between 35-55 are going to be dimming the lights way before the stroke of midnight, this year.
The doom and gloom of the pandemic has been enough to scrap any new year’s eve plans and instead plunge many people’s bedrooms into darkness as they instead opt for an early night.
Of the people researched, those aged between 35-55 years have previously celebrated the new year by dining or drinking with friends and family but this year, have decided to stay put and instead opt to go to bed between 9.30pm and 11.30pm, with many saying that they want to start 2021 fresh and ready to kick start a new year as best as possible – without a hangover.
Helen Bartram, psychologist and happiness coach at www.helenbartram.com said: “Going to bed early, this new year’s eve in particular, will be extremely beneficial for mental health and wellbeing purposes. Without the pressures to drink and be merry late into the night, this could be the year that so many people put themselves first. This year, more than ever, we all need to do what feels right and if that means going to bed early, then do it.”
Other respondents said that they would also be spending new year’s eve planning a holiday, watching the box and treating themselves to home-made cocktails.
Oli Marcroft, co-founder at www.thetogetherworks.com, said: “New Year’s Eve will be so different from the norm this year however, we think getting together and thinking about each other is more important than ever, so it would be great to bring the party back to those who want to.
“We understand that many people do want to shut off 2020 early, but for others who do want to celebrate, The Togetherworks have launched a free, fun and sociable downloadable party pack for friends and families to enjoy during the festive period.
How people are (not) celebrating:
1. Bed early
2. Watching a funny film
3. Planning a holiday
4. Rekindling love behind closed doors
5. Drinking cocktails
6. Eating a feast
7. Reading and planning a 2021 reading list
8. Zooming with friends
9. Quiz night
10. Turning off the news
Photo caption: Most Brits will be sleeping through NYE celebrations, this year.
* Research conducted via LinkedIn survey
Results obtained between: 1.11.20-19.12.20.
Age category: 35-55yrs.
As 2020 draws to a close it is time to start thinking about positive changes for a healthier and happier 2021.
After what has been rather a stressful year to say the least, 2021 will be all about prioritising wellbeing. So whether you are resolving to take up yoga, get more sleep, or revamp your diet, these ideas should help you to achieve your wellness resolutions.
Set in the hills of northern Ibiza, Soul Adventures, the Kundalini Yoga Retreat, will be running retreats designed to help reset the nervous system, allowing it to adjust to the ‘new normal’ and recover from the challenges of 2020. The retreats invite guests to relax and recharge and to leave with a renewed sense of energy and connection.
Designed in collaboration with sleep experts and sophrologists, Morphée feature over 200 combinations of breathing exercises, nature sounds, guided meditations and more, Morphée is the non-digital sleeping aid that can help with symptoms of insomnia, anxiety and stress.
Founded by model and certified yoga teacher Laura Dodd, The Yoga Class is a digital-only members yoga studio, offering classes for all levels such as yoga basics, meditation, vinyasa, power yoga and yoga skills sessions. Laura’s transformational classes for body and mind help empower students to become stronger, healthier and happier, experience peace and space, and develop a stronger connection with themselves.
Get to the root of your health concerns with Marilia Chamon, founder of Gutfulness Nutrition. Applying the principles of Functional Medicine and Nutritional Therapy in her practice, Marilia identifies and helps correct core imbalances and dysfunctions, helping you have a healthy body and mind for 2021.
With fitness studios encouraging members to bring their own mats in light of U.K restrictions, now is the time to invest in an eco-friendly, ergonomically-designed and incredibly stylish Kin Yoga Mat. Created for yogis by a yogi, Kin offers 100% plastic-free, PVC free mats made with sustainably and ethically sourced materials.
Leading conscious breath expert Melike Hussein has developed a unique approach to breath work with purpose to remedy bad breathing habits. These habits place the body in constant survival mode triggering the nervous system, elongating feelings of stress, and even paralysing cognitive abilities.
Sangyé Yoga School is no fuss yoga school in West London that has been offering yoga with awareness since 2005. Offering ever changing and challenging vinyasa sequences, hands-on assists (as soon as it’s safe to do so) and teachings to awaken the Buddha nature within. Sangyé yoga practice is focused on aligning the breath, body and the human potential to be of benefit to all sentient beings.
If you’re heading out along the Garden Route for a breakaway remember that Knysna is beautiful and magical all year round, and that it is home to one of South Africa’s most unusual hotels. Revamped from an historical wood-burning power station into a quirky hotel-of-note, the 5-star Turbine Boutique Hotel and Spa adds another dimension to that magic. And to steam things up for your Christmas and New Year – the Turbine’s not housed in an old power station for nothing! The festive season at The Turbine is a time of good cheer and celebration – And a Happy New Year!
31 December:
o New Year’s Eve Gastro Pub Braai – from 17h00 for 17h30 to late – first come first serve basis – Braai menu options – Buffet style with starters, from the grill, sides, and dessert -R320 per person (children u/12 half price)
o New Year’s Eve Dinner Party “Celebrating Life” – 19h30 for 20h00 to late – musician Tanja Storm and band – amuse bouche, starter, main, dessert and complimentary glass of bubbly – R650 per person – Adults only.
Booking is essential. T’s&C’s apply to all specials.
The Festive Season – a time of good cheer – a time for celebration – and Cape Summer Villas’ 5-star luxury accommodation in Plettenberg Bay, the Sky Villa Boutique Hotel perched on a hilltop with breath-taking views of the ocean, the mountains, the lagoon, and its opulence, striking designs, lush indigenous gardens, five-star facilities and warm hospitality – is where you want to be – more especially as it’s an ideal Covid – SAFE venue with beautiful gardens, open breezy public spaces and some sizzling specials.
Plan to bring in the New Year at Sky’s New Year’s Eve Bash on Thursday, 31 December 2020 – Early Bird Tickets (only 50 tickets) – R250 and General Tickets (200 tickets) – R350. The fun kicks off at 17h00.
The entertainment line-up includes Cape Town’s Number One party band Late Final, plus the talents of Brighitte Deister and DJ Ollie. Brighitte Deister from 17h00, followed by Late Final at 18h00, with DJ Ollie taking over at 22h00 to take you into 2021.There will be lots of Drinks Specials, Food trucks (cash only)and a glass of free bubbly as the clock strikes 12.
Sky Villa’s New Year’s Eve Bash is going to be FUN – Don’t miss it! Happy New Year!
Reservation contact details:
Email: info@skyvilla.co.za
Please note: Bookings are essential as we are strictly adhering to Covid-19 rules and regulations. NO MASK NO ENTRY! All guests’ temperatures will be scanned and documented on entry. The Season plan as well as special and alcohol sales may change according to government regulations. ENJOY THE FESTIVE SEASON SAFELY!
Cape Summer Villas Boutique Collection
*In keeping with protocols regarding the coronavirus, Cape Summer Villas Boutique Collection is monitoring the situation, following guidelines and adhering to stringent health and safety cleaning protocols; the safety and well-being of guests and staff at all its properties being of the highest priority.
“Hi – I am Lois Wagner – your friend for forgiveness – and I help you move from victim to survivor to thriver and beyond to freedom after facing a life or business challenge or adversity.
I do this by building your resilience and grit, developing a growth mindset, energising your mojo, and learning to forgive. I do this via one-on-one coaching, group masterminds, and keynote presentations
I teach boys and men to be BRAVE to fight toxic masculinity and to eradicate sexual and gender-based violence.
My work is based on my personal major adversities, challenges, and life experiences and I focus on helping you forgive yourself and others. I was brutally attacked, raped (by a stranger) and left for dead, I lost a business and went bankrupt, I was forced into retirement, and experienced many other challenges.
I learned to forgive (I forgave the rapist and the business partner who betrayed me) and to move on to a more rewarding and fulfilling life.
I have published my book – Walking Without Skin: A journey of Healing – From Fear to Forgiveness to Freedom
I am a South African businesswoman with extensive local and international speaking, human resource, training, business management, project management, marketing, consulting, and leadership coaching experience.
Come and SMILE with me
S – Speaking and Storytelling (author)
M – Mentoring
I – Inspiring
L – Learning facilitator – individual and group interactions and immersion workshops
E – Empowering using coaching and consulting (Certified Conversational Intelligence® C-IQ Coach)
Fly Free with Lois – Your Friend for Forgiveness
Lois Wagner
Speaker, Author, Executive Coach and Leadership Consultant
web: walkingwithoutskin.com/
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/lois-wagner-coach/
Speakerhub: speakerhub.com/speaker/lois-wagner
Microsoft Surface deals
Ahead of the kick-off to 2021, Microsoft Surface has released a range of price reductions on several premium Surface devices.
Please find below some of our products that are the ideal investment to help support a fresh new 2021.
1. Surface Laptop Go (i5/256GB) for £809 online at Microsoft Store (Save £90) – The ideal device for children who are in school or have just started university, giving them the chance to stay connected while also helping them keep up with their studies with a stylish, yet affordable device
2. Surface Pro 7 i5s starting from £760 online at Microsoft Store (Save up to £210)
3. Surface Laptop 3 13” starting from £899 online at Microsoft Store (Save up to £199)
4. Surface Book 3 starting from £1439 online at Microsoft Store (Save up to %10)
5. Surface Pro 7 i7s starting from £1300 at Microsoft Store (Save up to £229)
6. Save up to £135 on Surface Pro 7 i5/8/128 at Microsoft Store
7. Save 10% on Surface Laptop 3 15″ at Microsoft Store
8. Save up to £80 on Surface Pro 7 i3 at Microsoft Store
You can also access a range of additional deals via the Microsoft Store at >> www.microsoft.com/en-gb/store/b/sale?icid=DealsPage-PR21
– Achieve your fitness goals with great value home workout equipment from Decathlon –
– Affordable, quality equipment available including exercise bikes, Pilates matts and running shoes –
The New Year is the perfect opportunity to reinvigorate your fitness routine, and what better way to find motivation than with new home workout equipment, that is sure to help you achieve your fitness goals. Decathlon’s great value affordable sportswear and equipment is here to push you on your fitness journey as we make our way into the new year.
Whether you are looking to get into shape after a Christmas of chocolate and cheeseboards or improve your cardio routine with some high-performance running shoes, Decathlon has everything you need in 2021 to encourage you to get your heart rate pumping.
Home Workout
Perfect for soothing sore muscles after a heavy workout, this massage and mobility roller has been designed specificlaly for those practising cross-training, thanks to its soft 3D sculpted foam.
The roller is robust and won’t loose its shape, even after repeated and intense use, making it great value as you can enjoy it again and again.
The roller is also compact and easy to transport meaning you can take it along to the gym or where ever you decide to work out.
This exercise bike is the perfect present for those who have expressed interest in getting fit in the new year. Fitness enthusiasts and beginners alike can climb on and exercise easily and comfortably.
The bike has eight levels of resistance meaning users can push themselves harder as they improve on their endurance, making it excellent value and an essential piece of kit.
The bike comes with four functions that monitor time, distance, speed and calories making progress easy to track and push the user to beat their personal best.
If burning calories is the aim, users will love this rowing machine.
Perfect for a medium to intense workout, this rowing machine comes with nine calorie busting programmes which also help tone the whole body.
Meanwhile, the seat comes with added padding, so rowers can comfortably paddle for longer periods. Meanwhile, anti-sweat handles mean blisters and sore hands are a thing of the past.
This rower is also foldable making it a space saving addition to any workout room.
All regular runners know that good shoes make for a great workout and these running shoes can go the distance and come at a great price.
Thanks to their cushioning technology at the heel for improved shock absorption, knees and ankles stay protected from vibrations, allowing runners to push themselves harder.
The corkscrew shaped laces offer optimal fastening, ensuring the runner’s foot is supported as they hit the road.
The upper part of the shoe is made with just one piece of fabric to reduce the number of seams and prevent rubbing, meaning blisters are a thing of the past.
Available in five colours for women and five colours for men.
Abs are an essential part of any work out. This great value ab wheel is designed for fitness fanatics of all levels, featuring a removable resistance strap so that users can adjust the level of difficulty.
Use the elastic band and small mat to give abs a deep work out or remove the strap for a lighter exercise.
Easy to set up, the mat will keep knees comfortable while you complete your routine and prevent any soreness.
What’s more, 45% of this product is made from recycled materials, making it a greener purchase.
Amplify workouts with the simple addition of a resistance band. With a wide fabric cover for enhanced comfort, this training band will become a must for your home gym sessions.
Durable, this band will last training session after training session, meaning users can rely on it to work as hard as they do.
For those wanting versatile exercise equipment they can take with them anywhere, look no further than this suspension strap.
Attach to a closed door for an indoor work during blustery January days or brave the cold weather and attach to a tree or swing at a local park using the easy-to-use anchoring strap.
Light and compact, the strap comes with a convenient carry bag so there is no need to skip a workout when you can’t get to the gym.
Available in a variety on lengths and compatible with more than 15 workouts, this resistance band is great value for money.
Perfect for picking up Pilates this new year, this low cost mat is soft and cushioning, to give hands and feet the support they need while stretching and strengthening core muscles.
The textured surface is soft enough to use without shoes, whilst the ridges provide a traction, so hands and feet don’t slip.
The mat comes with a handy travel strap so it can be brought along to the gym for a post-workout stretch or taken into the studio for a class.
Decathlon has 45 stores in the UK and sells a variety of sports equipment, clothing and accessories perfect for those who want to get active, try out new sports or forms of exercise or simply lead a healthy lifestyle.
For more information, visit www.decathlon.co.uk
Make 2021 Happier, Healthier and one Hundred times better
WeMakeGyms.com, founded by Mark Reynolds in 2015, is dedicated to the design, supply and management of innovative, industry-leading gyms in private homes and commercial spaces in the UK and worldwide. Whether it’s an in-home personal workout room, a corporate or commercial gym or the focal point of a large residential development, the experienced fitness specialists at WeMakeGyms provide an end-to-end service for creating the perfect fitness space.
In the current COVID-19 aware climate, the home gym industry is booming as people opt to invest in a safe, effective and private workout. During lockdown, WeMakeGyms saw an increase in their already busy roster, with enquiries including highly motivated home gym projects for members of the public and premier league footballers who needed equipment for their lockdown training schedules.
Staunchly independent, WeMakeGyms can pick and choose manufacturers and suppliers based on client needs and project requirement, filtering through the huge range of fitness equipment out there. As a dynamic and fast growing industry, technology is constantly evolving so it’s important to know the latest trends and products.
WeMakeGyms already has an impressive client list, with private homes including those of elite sports stars and celebrities, as well as commercial projects for residential developers, multinational corporations including Procter & Gamble, and commercial operators such as Energie Fitness.
Private Homes
➔ Enjoy the convenience and bespoke environment of a dedicated home workout space
➔ Get your workouts done according to your needs
➔ Avoid wasted time travelling
➔ Add value to your home
➔ Avoid health implications of public gym space
➔ Costs start from circa £2.5 – 5k for a basic setup (one cardio machine, dumbbells, adjustable bench, flooring) up to circa £30k for a luxe setup with two to three cardio machines, squat rack, free weights, cable machine, adjustable bench, combat fitness equipment, feature wall, custom flooring audio and visual equipment and air conditioning.
➔ Motivate staff with an industry-leading fitness offer
➔ Invest in the long term health and wellbeing of employees
➔ Time efficiency with no gym commute
➔ Setup would include a mixture of cardio, free weights, resistance training and functional equipment bespoke to client needs.
➔ WeMakeGyms can supply the basic staff requirements of a manager who handles health & safety, cleaning and opening hours, right up to inhouse PTs and instructors, class programmes and online on demand options and live stream classes.
Large-Scale Residential
➔ Differentiate a development with an innovative, high-end fitness facility
➔ Add value to property
➔ Create new revenue streams
➔ Build brand values and awareness through positive publicity
➔ Setup and management as for Corporate
➔ Set yourself apart with an industry leading health and fitness business
➔ Help the public to get healthier and happier with your business site
➔ Let WeMakeGyms guide you on every aspect of your business to ensure its success
About Mark Reynolds, Founder of WeMakeGyms
Growing up in Chiswick, West London, Mark’s affinity with sport began at a young age starting karate, skiing and football aged just 4. Aged 12 he became the youngest Englishman to reach black belt in Karate at the time, alongside playing professional development football . At university, Mark trained with the national snowboarding team, and also was accepted onto a soccer scholarship scheme going on to compete in the Blue Square South and FA Cup. After graduating, Mark decided against pursuing football on the continent and instead became a freelance and employed personal trainer alongside part time work as a sports and fitness model. Whilst working as the Personal Training Manager at a flagship health club in West London, he was struck by how unorganised the health and fitness industry was, even at top level. During a million-pound refurbishment of the gym floor in the health club, he was mortified by the design choices and lack of research into equipment. His thoughts turned from frustration to ambition and the initial ideas for WeMakeGyms started to develop.
Rose Gold & Black Reusable Safety Razors
Our latest range of eco-friendly safety razors have been designed with first-time safety razor users in mind. Our ergonomic grip is textured to reduce slipping, perfectly weighted to increase comfort and balanced to provide an effortless shaving experience.
Our chrome plated zero waste razors are available in stunning rose gold or executive black. Keep your razors organised with our matching safety razor stands.
Set Contains:
1 x Eco-friendly safety razor (Metallic Black or Rose Gold)
1 x Organic jute travel pouch + optional metal stand
1 x Coloured magnetic gift box
Price: £18.99
Horlicks Vegan Launched in Time for Veganuary!
Just in time for Veganuary, iconic British brand Horlicks has launched Horlicks Vegan; a dairy free malted beverage to enjoy with your favourite alternative milk.
Toni Vernelli, International Head of Communications & Marketing at Veganuary says: “We’re thrilled that Horlicks have launched their Vegan Horlicks in time for Veganuary. Veganuary’s role is to help people choose plant-based foods, whether their motivation is health, planet, people or animals. And it is much easier to persuade people to try vegan if there is plenty of great-tasting, high-quality food like this readily available.”
The family favourite brand, which has been a staple in pantries across the country for nearly 150 years, has introduced Horlicks Vegan into Asda Vegan bays, using a vegan recipe based on the brand’s signature creamy and malty characteristics.
Registered by The Vegan Society, the new formulation has been developed to cater not only to vegans, but also for those who suffer with dairy allergies. It’s ideal for kids and adults, can be enjoyed hot or cold, and contains 14 key vitamins and minerals.
The vegan formulation is based on the flavour profile of Horlicks Original blend which requires hot milk, meaning consumers can add their favourite preference of dairy alternatives, from almond to soy, coconut or oat milk.
Trials have shown that the new product tests particularly well with popular barista alternatives, creating the same, thick, creamy and warming hug in mug as the original favourite.
Michelle Younger, Marketing Manager at Horlicks said, “We are keen to evolve the brand by building on our unique malty taste and heritage whilst offering new varieties which appeal to different tastes, formats and diets.”
An iconic British brand and a family favourite, Horlicks dates back nearly 150 years, and is the oldest malted drink brand (in fact it is older than the tea bag which dates from 1904).
Made in Britain since 1906 using British farmed wheat and barley, it has a strong British heritage, and formed part of the forces kit bag during WW2 due to its ‘complete and well-balanced nourishment’.
Horlicks Vegan is available with Asda RRP £3.49 (400g jar).
For more information and recipe inspiration, visit www.horlicks.co.uk
CicloZone launches science-driven indoor cycling app
Former professional road cyclist Darren Teagles (known as Darren Lee in training circles) has launched a science-driven, personalised indoor cycling app designed to make every second in the saddle count.
The app, titled CicloZone, is free until the end of January and will cost from just £5.99 per month thereafter. Aimed at everyone from road-racers looking to bring their training indoors in inclement weather, to fitness fans, people rehabbing injuries or those just looking for a fun, accessible way to get back into fitness, the app brings all the best features of group cycling classes to your home with no need for flashy equipment or expensive gym memberships.
Founder and CEO of CicloZone Darren Teagles explained: “Cycling has enjoyed a real renaissance over recent years, with both indoor and outdoor cycling enjoying something of a boom. Whether you like to ride outdoors or prefer the energy and camaraderie of an indoor cycling class, it’s a great form of exercise for any age group.
“While the Coronavirus pandemic impacted many people’s fitness plans, the quieter roads of the early days of lockdown inspired many to get back out on their bikes, creating a run on bike retailers that saw lead times for some bike models stretch out into 2021. Similarly, fans of group cycling classes actually found their options reduced as lockdown rules saw gyms across the country forced to close.
“With the shorter days and colder weather of the Winter months now here and different areas of the country facing different levels of lockdown restrictions, CicloZone provides an accessible, flexible approach to indoor cycling that empowers every cyclist to keep up their training and enjoy the health and fitness benefits.”
CicloZone workouts are informed by the same performance sports science used by professional cycling teams around the world. Each trainer-led class sees cyclists working in five training zones, staying in each zone for the optimal amount of time to prompt the physiological changes that deliver real results.
Each 30, 45 or 60 minute class is set to a tailor-made soundtrack mixed to match the required RPM for each workout zone. On-screen, responsive graphics also help app users track their progress in real time.
Darren continued: “Our first priority when designing the app was to make sure it delivers real results for our members, whatever their cycling experience. While the power output for one member’s Zone 5 may be the same as another member’s Zone 2, each CicloZone member can personalise their app to reflect their current fitness levels: Members simply enter their Functional Threshold Power data, or take a short test when setting up their CicloZone profile, which is then used to generate personalised performance data that guides them to ride at the right level for them in every workout.
“We also wanted to make the app as accessible as possible for all users. The app can be downloaded to any mobile phone, tablet or smart device and connected via bluetooth to either an indoor bike or outdoor bike with trainer. Once set up, all members need to do is choose their workout (live or on demand), press play and they’re off. Performance can be measured through power output, RPM or Perceived Exertion Rate and we have plans in place to use existing smart phone technology to democratise this process further.
“We know that everyone lives busy lives and has different performance goals and calls on their time. CicloZone’s library of Performance, Challenge and Tempo classes, presented by a team of experienced master trainers, offers something for every ability, mood or timetable. So, whether you’re a keen road racer, rehabbing injuries or a time-pressed parent looking for a fun way to improve your fitness, CicloZone will have the right workout for you.”
CicloZone is available from the App Store and GooglePlay. For further information, visit www.ciclozone.com
The D*E*B Method
The Gift of Making New Plans
Your Goal Guide: A Roadmap for Setting, Planning and Achieving Your Goals – addresses the first step in achieving your goals: figuring out what you want and then making a plan to turn it into reality!
Part 1 of Your Goal Guide goes through my brainstorming and task-based system, the D*E*B METHOD®. DEB stands for Determine Your Mission, Explore Your Options, Brainstorm Your Path. Part 2 is filled with strategies for success, which range from staying motivated and productive to dealing with roadblocks and sidetracks. The appendices have worksheets, as well as a variety of websites and communities (including mine) to support readers on their journey.
Your Goal Guide is the gift everyone needs as they make new plans for the new year.
Amazon Link: YourGoalGuideBook.com
Debra Eckerling
Author, Your Goal Guide: A Roadmap for Setting, Planning and Achieving Your Goals, from Mango Publishing
Featured at the 2020 Greater Los Angeles Writers Conference, #TheBookFest, and Agorapulse Pulse Summit: LinkedIn Edition
For a local bookstore near you, Paperback from Barnes & Noble, Paperback, ebook, and audiobook from Amazon
Learn more about the D*E*B METHODⓇ: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
Write On Online: Facebook page, Facebook group, and Twitter
Join #GoalChat and #GoalChatLive
2020 sucked! It seems as if we’re stuck where the mandated-closures and other related items began, completely enclosed in that period of time. Our social circles virtually no longer existed; basically, everything everyday-related stopped. However, that’s where HYDRATIZE steps in, a stainless steel water bottle company that is urban and exploration-centric, striving to reignite the love for what seemed to be taken for granted – socializing and quality time inside and outside at the time we desired. Urban, exploration, and sleek that’s what HYDRATIZE offers a theme and product that everyone can use and relate to, not something built for Mt. Everest or suited only for the gym but for everyday explorers like you because life isn’t a journey; it’s an exploration. Next time, when considering going plastic-free, get a product that fits your needs, lifestyle, occasion, and get a HYDRATIZE stainless steel water bottle.
Product on Amazon: www.amazon.com/dp/B082GJGZCT/ref=twister_B082H61ZHV?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Folks Tales
The opportunity to preserve your family history is an amazing gift for your loved ones, and we can help you do that. Folks Tales is a boutique video production company that specializes in creating your video legacy.
The sharing of stories is how we learn about the past, how history was shaped and how we begin to get the sense of where we fit into the world. Our ancestors shared stories to teach life lessons and to learn about culture. Folks Tales follows in that long tradition of storytelling.
Folks Tales makes it easy to capture your family stories and preserve them for future generations with a professionally edited video. Here’s how the Traditions package works…
Schedule an online, recorded interview with one of our Folks Tales team members.
With the click of a button, send us your photos to include in your video.
The Folks Tales team will edit your video together, adding music, photos, title cards and more.
A Folks Tales package is a great gift for a parent, grandparent or any family member whose life story is full and interesting…and all life stories are full and interesting.
Check out FolksTales.com and let’s tell your story!
New Year’s Resolutions Inspired by Your Pet!
After a very challenging year, it’s safe to say that everyone is ready to start fresh in 2021. This year, pet owners should plan to incorporate their animal companioninto their New Year’s Resolutions goals. After all, dogs and cats can benefit from some positive change too. Here are a few fun resolution ideas that could benefit both you and your pet!
Safe & Healthy Snacking: Over 66% of adult Americans are considered overweight or obese, so it is not surprising to find that weight loss is one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions for humans. Sadly, pet obesity is on the rise as well, which increases their chances of developing arthritis, diabetes, as well as certain skin and liver diseases to name a few. Commit to healthier food choices for you both. Snacks and treats are a great place to start!
Bow Wow Labs recently launched a new healthy and delicious dog treat line, Waggy Wafers. They have selected only the finest, healthiest ingredients that are naturally sourced and preserved. Waggy Wafers are slow roasted and come in three nutritious and delicious flavors: Organic Chicken, Salmon and Turkey Pumpkin. All three treats are Made in the USA using only real meat and contain zero by-products, artificial flavors or fillers. Stash your cabinet with Waggy Wafers to ensure your dog is consuming safe and healthy treats! www.bowwowlabs.com/collections/treats/.
Make Health a Top Priority: One way to achieve good health is to get an annual physical. Although most people wait to visit the doctor’s office when they are experiencing a problem or have concerns, there are many benefits to getting checked out yearly; such as reviewing any changes that have occurred over the last year. This is true for your four-legged friend as well. Annual veterinary visits and preventive screenings allow your veterinarian to catch up and address disease and illness in their early stages.
In addition to getting your pet checked, there are things you can do at home to prevent future health problems. InClover offers a large variety of all-natural supplements for dogs and cats that support the most common pet health concerns, including joint health, dental care, skin & coat, digestive comfort and immunity. All products are made in the USA with human-quality ingredients and feature the National Animal Supplement Council’s Quality Seal. Be sure to visit InClover’s website to choose supplements that will help keep your dog or cat in great health for 2021 and beyond! inclover..com/.
Smile More: We could all benefit from smiling more!Did you know that smiling not only offers a mood boost, but it also helps our bodies release cortisol and endorphins that provide numerous health benefits, including reduced blood pressure, increased endurance, reduced pain, reduced stress and strengthens immune system? Set a goal make more people smile daily. Crack a joke, give a genuine compliment, reach out to someone you miss, or send a happy note to a loved one “just because.”
Our pets have a natural ability to make people smile. A wet nose and wagging tail are all it takes! But to really take your pup’s appearance to the next smile level, consider dressing them in some adorable doggy fashionfrom Tuxie Luxie! This innovative company offers high-quality, tailored, lifestyle-driven and fashion inspired puppy gear apparel line for toy and small breed dogs. Their collection includes tops, hoodies (by far a bestseller!), sweatshirts, cardigans, jumpers, PJs and blankets. Walking your dog around town in Tuxie Luxieapparel will not only keep your small pup warm and comfortable, but it will be a sure way to make those around you smile with pure joy! www.tuxieluxie.com/.
Outdoor Exercise: All pets need mental and physical activity to stay fit and since they can’t take walks alone, the health benefits rub off onto you too! January is “National Walk Your Dog Month,” another reminder to start the New Year off with health as a top priority for you both. Make a pledge to extend your daily walks or increase their frequency. Most pets would never turn down the opportunity to go for a walk, which is why they are the inspiration you need to keep in shape!
Dogs thrive on routine, as do most humans, so creating a daily walking schedule is a wonderful goal to set this New Year.. Keeping your walking supplies organized and handy is an effective way to stay motivated. Cades and Birch offers a large collection of handcrafted customized gifts and home décor, including their Handmade Key and Leash Holder. Above each hook, you have the option to include one of the following: His, Hers, Mr, Mrs, Ours, or the Paw Print. This piece will not only improve the appearance of your inner walls, but it’s helpful for staying organized when it’s time to get some fresh air and exercise with your four-legged friend. www.etsy.com/shop/CadesandBirch/.
Stay Inspired Each Month: 2020 has been a tough year for most people, filled with worry, uncertainty, and changes to our fundamental routines. For pet owners, however, one thing has remained true; our unconditional love for our dogs, and vice versa! As we enter the New Year, create a ritual together with your pup that will lift your spirits up all year long.
Dog Mom Lifestyles is passionate about helping dog moms see themselves the way their dogs see them (#imperfectlyperfect). This innovative and unique company achieves this by connecting dog moms with a community of like-minded women and a regular pleasure ritual: unboxing surprises together with her pup. This monthly box ritual helps create a habit of trying new things, exploring new places, and enjoying simple pleasures (all from the comfort of home) while giving back to animal welfare. It’s a simple, fun and exciting way to feel inspired and take your bond with your pup to the next level! dogmomlifestyles.com/.
About The Pet Lady: Meet “The Pet Lady,” Dana Humphrey. She happily wears many collars in the pet industry, including operating the very successful Whitegate PR firm, staging pet fashion events and educating all of us pet lovers about the must-have pet products and pet trends. And, her home base is in New York City, but this is a gal who travels coast-to-coast and beyond to ensure pets everywhere lead enriching lives.
Learn more at: www.thepetlady.org/.
Twitter: @petladyworld
New Year 2021 – Thoughts from Founder & CEO of SeekCapital
Roy Ferman, the founder & CEO of Seek Capital.
Financial wellness is key to starting the year off right. It’s time to ditch the overspending and reckless buys with steep price tags. . It’s time to start looking to the future of your finances by paying off your debt, saving and investing. If 2020 has taught us anything it is that preparing for the uncertain is the only way to set yourself up for the better. Industries change, markets fluctuate so having a budget and a forecast that addresses these ups and downs is a sure-fire way to not just survive but thrive in the new year.”
Bio: Roy Ferman is the founder & CEO of Seek Capital. Roy has led Seek Capital from incubation to the market leader in startup business funding having funded in excess of $400 million to startup business owners. Prior to founding Seek Capital, Roy was the CEO of Breakthrough Ads, a digital ad agency specializing in SMB focused verticals. Roy has worked with SMB financing since 2010 and continues to expand the offerings of Seek Capital.
Company Name: Seek Capital
LinkedIn URL: www.linkedin.com/in/royferman/
Company URL: www.seekcapital.com/
RUG. It’s impossible to go wrong with the perfect rug!
These flooring statements add a splash of color, an interesting pattern or texture, sleek subtle separators, or an element of comfort to any room of the house. You could choose from a wide variety of styles that would reflect your personality or the theme you’re thinking of for that particular area.. A comfy rug brings the family together, for example, in the living room. Here you could bond and play and just feel the warmth despite the freezing season.
You could see sample products of Graham Lee Carpets.
A great product for getting fit in the New year
Slacker Ninja Line
In the current Covid environment, fitness activities that you can do at home are a lifesaver.
One product that is fantastic for keeping fit and active is the Slacker Ninja Line.
What is a slackline?
If you are unfamiliar with the whole concept. A slackline is basically a piece of super robust material that you stretch out really tightly between a couple of trees. You use a ratchet to make it so taught that you can either walk across it or hang from it. If you have two of them, one over the other, you can do both.
Slackers Ninja Line For The Whole Family
The great thing about the Slacker Ninja Line is that you have all sorts of bits and bobs that you can attach to it to make a little Ninja Obstacle Course. The various bars, swing ropes and loops can be moved around to create your own variations.
Adults can use it for improving core strength and balance and younger people can use it for fun.
My daughter in particular is super into monkey bars and climbing, and this slack line with it’s hanging apparatus basically fulfills the purpose. The Ninja line is much cheaper too!
The other big plus is that the slack line is totally portable. Loosen the ratchet and you can take it anywhere. Our family loves to camp, so it has been great to take to the greater outdoors and set up around the campsite.
The first time I set it up it took a little fiddling around, but once I got the hang of it was simple enough.
The “Ninja” side of things is fairly arbitrary, but was nice for us, being a mixed Japanese-western family that likes to incorporate Japanese-influenced stuff into our lifestyle.
Mdrive, a brand of natural daily supplements
Mdrive products provide natural testosterone support through proven, clinically-tested ingredients.
This comprehensive product line delivers innovative, natural solutions to help fuel your drive. This brand is all about seizing the new year!
Challenge Accepted
Do Something Active Everyday With Red January On The Challenge Accepted App
Challenge Accepted, the new motivation and lifestyle app launched in July 2020. Challenge Accepted is supporting RED January, an annual campaign challenging people across the UK to get active every day in January to support their mental health. Participants can tick off the days they’ve been active to help them stay motivated on the Challenge Accepted app.
Another Christmas has been and gone. Strange as it may have been for many of us, one thing is for sure: some of us received presents we didn’t really want!
So, what are your rights when it comes to returning unwanted Christmas presents? It has become a little more complicated due to Covid. (What hasn’t?)
Helen Dewdney, The Complaining Cow, consumer champion and author, shares 10 top tips on your rights and what to do with unwanted presents:
1) A store does not have to take back an unwanted present. It will depend on the store’s policy as to whether they will accept an item for a refund or a voucher as a goodwill gesture. Many, particularly the large stores, will do this and extend their returns policy timeframe.
2) The contract is always between the purchaser and the retailer. Therefore you will need a gift receipt (which transfers the rights from the purchaser to the gift recipient) or the original receipt.
3) Some larger stores may take an item for a refund without a receipt but remember they don’t have to do this and will offer you the price that the item is currently selling at, so hope it’s not in the sale!
4) If the item is faulty, not as described or hasn’t lasted a reasonable length of time, then it is a breach of the Consumer Rights Act 2015 and you are entitled to a full refund (within 30 days of purchase) or replacement or repair but you will need the proof of purchase.
5) If the item was bought online and you have a gift receipt, you have 14 days from the point of purchase to notify the online retailer about returning the item and a further 14 days to return the item. It will depend on the trader’s terms and conditions as to whether you have to pay postage.
6) If the item was bought in store and would normally accept a return but it is closed due to Covid tier restrictions, it is worth emailing the store to notify them and ask what their policy is. You will then have a written record and a reply to inform you of their policy. Many will extend their policies as they try and keep custom.
7) You could try to return the item that was bought in store via the post but you must arrange this with the retailer and get written confirmation and details of how to do this as many retailers, even (unbelievably!) the larger stores are not set up to do this.
8) A retailer is very likely to give you a refund for an unwanted present on a gift card. Make sure you spend this quickly. In the current climate if a shop sadly goes into administration cards are unlikely to be accepted. Many will last only a year or two too and you may well forget that you have it. Spend it or lose it.
9) If you can’t return an unwanted gift you can do a number of things: Upcycle, donate to charity, give toiletries and food gifts to a food bank, contact your council social services department to ask to whether unwanted homeware and toys could be donated to a family or toy library, keep for fundraisers and even look at renting! Many people now hire out anything from power tools to baby clothes!
10) If you intend to regift make sure you make a note of who gave you what, as it is quite common for people to regift something back to the person who gave it to them! Don’t donate to your school fete a present that could easily be noticed by your friend and check for any personal messages on calendars books etc. before donating!
Make this the year the year you have those discussions about reducing the amount you spend on gifts! Raise the conversation later in the year, talk about wastage, giving to charity instead (many people do this instead of sending cards now, so this is just an extension) or just giving to children!
Here’s to a better 2021 with less wastage and more support for the charities which so desperately need us.
Life Lived by Design
ICF Credentialed Life Coach who helps individuals experience posttraumatic growth without the necessity of a trauma.
Everyone wants to be known. That begins with knowing yourself first.
You are about to embark on a bold journey toward knowing yourself – learning who you are, what you dream of, and how to manifest it into reality. In The Examined Life Workbook, you’ll find over 70 tools, strategies, and exercises that help you exponentially increase your self-awareness without the necessity of a life-altering event. You will move toward a life where everything, everyone, every action, and every decision serves the purpose of taking you one step closer to your true self.
10% of all profits from the sales of this book are donated to the American Brain Tumor Association.
Brittany Salsman
Masters in Higher Education (University of Denver), ICF Credentialed Life Coach
Brittany is an ICF Credentialed Life Coach who works with those who want to experience transformational growth without the necessity of a trauma. She leverages her own experience with posttraumatic growth to serve as a guide for her clients to determine where they are now, where they want to go, and how to connect the two. She fundamentally believes that everyone wants to be known and that starts with knowing yourself first.
Order your copy of The Examined Life Workbook today! 10% of all profits from the sales of this book are donated to the American Brain Tumor Association.
Will 2021 be the year that someone finds their soulmate and creates the relationship of their dreams?
My name is Carrie Jeroslow and I am a Relationship Coach and Soul Mate Expert. My current book, Why Do They Always Break Up With Me? is a #1 Amazon Best-Selling book and is helping people to release the blocks that are keeping them from finding their soulmate.
The book provides practical, clear tips on how someone can get themselves ready for their soulmate during this time of lockdowns and isolation due to the COVID pandemic.
My 8-step process includes:
· Getting to know yourself so you can better know what kind of partner you want
· The importance of journaling to understand and accept messy and uncomfortable feelings
· The benefits of starting a self-care practice
· And how to develop a practical one that they can actually stick with
· The power of forgiveness and how to use it to create permanent change
A fulfilling, happy soulmate relationship can become a reality in 2021!
You will find my bio and link to my website/book below.
Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to your reply!
Carrie Jeroslow
Author, Relationship Coach and Soulmate Expert
Why Do They Always Break Up With Me?
(702) 808-8179
Carrie Jeroslow has had a varied career over the past 25 years in both the theatrical and healing arts. From a NYC Casting Director to the Resident Director for the theatrical sensation, Blue Man Group, to a massage therapist, energy healer and spiritual coach, the one constant in her life has been her own path of self-discovery. She has helped many clients create profound life changes using the process in her best-selling book, Why Do They Always Break Up with Me? She currently lives in the foothills of North Carolina with her supportive husband and children.
LIFE Intelligence
LIFE Intelligence is a DIY therapy app – especially for those who cannot afford or aren’t comfortable going to a real therapist, but want the breadth and depth of all mental health covers. LIFE is the perfect self care gift because it helps you dig deep and problem solve on the fly. Whether frustrated with a colleague, insecure before a date, or envious of a friend ,we have exact coping, communication, and coaching exercises for you. For science backed self care.
P.S. there are many free forever features
Learn new things in 2021 by listening to fascinating, offbeat but true stories about events and people in history!
The Story You Never Heard podcast is a way to learn about fascinating and unusual true stories about events and people in history! Hollywood award-winning producer & director, Harry Thomason, vividly narrates and brings to life interesting, intriguing and thrilling stories about exciting events, places, and people in history that are likely the stories you never heard! They are perfect to listen and enjoy while jogging or with friends and families (in-person or virtually) to inspire, connect and have meaningful conversations across multi-generations. Every episode is short (approx. 10 minutes long) and free to enjoy on all major podcast platforms and directly from the website. A new episode is added each week so be sure to subscribe and make 2021 the year you learn new things and become a more interesting conversationalist! Subscribe for free and connect to your preferred podcast platform at www.TheStoryYouNeverHeard.com
Changing Lives
Pain Relief Patch from Signal Relief that Is a great inexpensive form of pain Relief. Signal Relief is built up of a “community of individuals committed to bringing life and hope back into the lives of those who mean the most to us.”
“Signal Relief is a patented pain patch that uses nanotechnology to naturally relieve pain, anywhere on your body, in seconds.
It’s 100% drug-free with zero side effects and can be worn day after day without losing any of it’s effectiveness.Pain relief has never been this simple, effective, and affordable.”
anything IS possible!!
Pitch Contents: Bring a dose of happiness into your life—make 2021 the year you rediscover your dreams and bring what truly makes you happy into every single day!
Emily Capuria, LISW-S, CHHC
Founder of Balance & Thrive
Psychotherapist + Coach + Author
Want to stress less, feel like yourself again and enjoy life more? Click here for a free printable calendar so you can add a daily dose of happy into your life.
Order your copy of my book Happiness Happens today at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or your favorite online retailer.
Bringing hope to millions of women!
Bringing hope to the millions of women around the world that are looking for natural and holistic ways to improve their fertility.
The hope of having a healthy baby in 2021
Link to buy the book 👇
IG: @tsaolinmoy
At least 48.5 million couples experience infertility worldwide; 1 in 4 couples in developing countries have trouble getting pregnant. In the US infertility affects 1 in 8 couples and over 6.1 million women have difficulty getting pregnant. These women are searching for natural options to help them get pregnant.

As a natural fertility expert trained in East Asian medicine, I help women get pregnant naturally. In my recently released book “Will I Ever Get Pregnant, The Smart Woman’s Guide to Getting Pregnant Naturally Over 40”, I offer guidance and support around such topics as:
How to create a “Fertility Mindset”
How to track your cycle without your phone app
What women can do to focus on overall health
The dangers of online fertility groups
Fertility Feng Shui
Promoting positivity and hope is so important, especially in these uncertain times.
P.S. Chinese New Year is coming up on February 21 and it will be the Year of the Golden Ox. Traditionally it is a time to attract luck, health and happiness for the new year and to start a family.
Tsao-Lin Moy is a Natural Fertility Expert trained in East Asian medicine who helps couples conceive naturally using her fertility protocols and Chinese medicine. She is the founder of Integrative Healing Arts in NYC which utilizes acupuncture, herbal medicine and energy healing to treat patients.
Tsao has over 18 years of experience in alternative and Chinese medicine and is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist. She is also the best selling author of “Will I Ever Get Pregnant? The Smart Woman’s Guide to Get Pregnant Naturally Over 40.”
Tsao is a contributor for mindbodygreen and has been featured on Dr OZ, TheListTV, Good Day New York, WNET MetroFocus, BOLDTV and in publications like Well+Good, Askmen, Martha Stewart, Insider, Parenthood , Eat This Not That! , Parents, Best Life Online, MSN, Healthroid, BOLDTV, Authority Magazine, Health , Healthline, Yahoo! Lifestyle, IAM&CO, Medium, & Thrive Global
Tsao-Lin E. Moy, L.Ac., MSOM
Fertility Specialist,
Immune and Anti-aging
“Health and healing are a dynamic process, a transformation process”.
“The healing you seek is inside of you.”
Tony Danker, CBI Director-General, said:
“We congratulate David Frost, Michel Barnier and their teams for this landmark achievement, and we praise the courage of our political leaders in reaching a deal.
“This will come as a huge relief to British business at a time when resilience is at an all-time low. But coming so late in the day it is vital that both sides take instant steps to keep trade moving and services flowing while firms adjust.
“Firms will immediately study the details, when they can, to understand the implications for their companies, customers and clients but immediate guidance from government is required across all sectors.
“Above all, we need urgent confirmation of grace periods to smooth the cliff edge on everything from data to rules of origin and we need to ensure we keep goods moving across borders.
“The UK has a bright future outside the European Union and with a deal secured we can begin our new chapter on firmer ground.”
24 December
Fifth Best Tennis Player in the World shares appreciation for Physio rehab in London
“Happy I Found the Right People”: Stefanos Tsitsipas Tweets Appreciation to Clinic for Treating Injury By
Priyabrata Chowdhury
December 7, 2020 8:00 pm
Greek tennis star Stefanos Tsitsipas has expressed his gratitude towards doctors and physiotherapists for tending to his injury and nursing him back to full fitness ahead of the new season.
See the full story at :- www.essentiallysports.com/stefanos-tsitsipas-atp-tennis-news-big-thanks-stefanos-tsitsipas-tweets-appreciation-to-clinic-treating-his-wound/
Steven Virtue, Fitness Development Manager at Total Fitness provides his insights into the top fitness and industry trends of 2021
AS WE prepare for 2021, Brits are looking for new ways to revive their workout routines with the latest industry trends, classes and techniques.
The start of a new year provides the perfect chance to get yourself feeling motivated, set yourself new, achievable goals and identify what you want to get out of your fitness journey.
To lend a helping hand, Steven Virtue, Fitness Development Manager at Total Fitness, the North’s leading mid-market health club, shares his predictions for the fitness trends we’re expecting to see in the new year.
Remote Coaching
In the wake of Covid-19 remote coaching is set to be a big trend for the new year. It’s a great way to motivate you to train both at home or in the gym, as it allows you to work one to one with your coach or personal trainer on an online platform. You can receive regular workouts which provide you with fresh fitness content to train to and the remote model allows you to post your results from each session on the platform, so your trainer can review your progress and make recommendations for the next session.
Covid-19 restrictions have encouraged more and more gyms and trainers to expand their online presence to encourage more people to be able to train no matter where they are. This trend will help to keep people motivated and allows them to fit fitness around their lifestyle. Members of Total Fitness can access digital content via the members app, to keep their training on track at home.
Wearable Technology
Although not a new trend, wearable fitness technology has been an extremely popular, staple trend which is set to continue into 2021. Since its insurgence in 2015, this has been one of the most discussed subjects in fitness and is continuing to develop as the years go on.
Fitness tracking devices provide an in-depth look at your physical activity and the smart technology offers recommendations to improve your daily exercise routine. Providers such as Garmin, Polar, Fitbit and Apple watches are all great devices and will help to keep you on track with your fitness goals.
Wearable technology has been proven to help keep the wearer on track with their fitness goals and these pieces of tech can record data specific to the users’ requirement and activity trends, which is what makes it so appealing to the wider demographic – it makes fitness more personalised and transparent. Marry this up with fitness technology being more and more accessible and this a great staple trend for those wanting to stay motivated in the new year.
Covid prescribed fitness training
For those who have contracted Covid-19 and are looking to continue with their normal fitness routine, it’s important that they reintroduce exercise slowly with a gradual build-up. There is increasingly more being understood about the long and short term ramifications of the virus so it’s vital that those who are recovering do so safely. We know the virus is a respiratory disease and so it’s important not to try and do too much too soon following recovery, especially cardio-based exercises which can take a toll on the lungs.
There has been an increase in training providers offering Covid-specific fitness courses in recent months, with the main intent of introducing members back into the training environment whilst closely monitoring cardiac problems and long-standing lung issues.
There is still much to learn about the virus and the various ways it can affect your physical self, but it’s likely that this fitness trend will become more important in 2021, as we learn more about Covid-19.
Virtual Fitness
Virtual fitness training is class based and can be completed online, in gyms on a main screen or on equipment. This type of training is on the rise as it provides a great solution for people who prefer to exercise in the comfort of their own home or on a relaxed schedule in their local health club.
The likes of Les Mills classes and Life Fitness on demand, which we offer in our Total Fitness clubs, also helps those who are classed as high-risk in the current pandemic to exercise safely as they have less exposure to others while doing so. Covid-19 has definitely impacted the popularity of this type of training, although more and more operators are leaning to this form of fitness delivery as a solution to timetabling programming – it’s a trend we expect to see more of in 2021.
Outdoor Fitness Training
Lockdown has seen a rise in fitness bootcamps in parks and outdoor spaces around the country and is something which looks to continue even whilst gyms are open in the new year. Bootcamps and outdoor fitness, such as running and cycling have been keeping the nation fit and is still very much alive, as it provides people with an opportunity to mix up their fitness routine and get outside in the fresh air when they can’t attend the gym.
Total Fitness is the leading mid-market health club in the North and provides more ways to get fit, stay in shape, and more support to keep members focused. With 17 health clubs across the North of England and Wales, Total Fitness provides a full-service fitness offering; guided by knowledgeable and supportive fitness teams, the brand works hard to meet the individual needs of its members.
For more information, please visit: www.totalfitness.co.uk
Silentnight, is running some dreamy January deals across Sleepy People’s website from January 1st 2021, so you can start the new year off with some bedroom and bathroom bargains!
Please see the dreamy discounts below:
Silentnight Pure Cotton Pillow Pair = WAS: £21.99 NOW: £16.49 (25% off)
Silentnight Soft as Silk Pillow Pair = WAS: £26.99 NOW: £17.54 (35% off)
Silentnight Pure Cotton 10.5 tog Duvet (sizes single, double, king and super king) = WAS: from £29.99 NOW: from £22.49 (25% off)
Silentnight Pure Cotton 4.5 tog Duvet (sizes single, double and king) = WAS: from £26.95 NOW: from £20.21 (25% off)
Silentnight Pure Cotton 13.5 tog Duvet (sizes single, double, king and super king) = WAS: from £29.99 NOW: from £22.49 (25% off)
Silentnight Classic Check Duvet Set (sizes single, double, king and super king) = WAS: from £22.99 NOW: from £16.09 (30% off)
Silentnight Waffle Fleece Duvet Set (sizes single, double, king and super king) = WAS: from £27.99 NOW: from £22.29 (20% off) – available in blush, charcoal, champagne and platinum
Silentnight Pure Cotton Duvet Set (sizes single, double, king and super king) = WAS: from £54.99 NOW: from £32.99 (40% off) – available in cream, duck egg, silver and white
Silentnight Luxury Matalasse Bed Throw = WAS: £95.99 NOW: £38.40 (60% off) – available in charcoal, ochre and white
Silentnight Waffle Fleece Pom Pom Throw = WAS: £19.99 NOW: £15.99 (20% off) – available in petrol, ochre and platinum
Silentnight 100% Cotton 2 Piece Bath Towel = WAS: £20.99 NOW: £17.84 (15% off) – available in natural and white
Silentnight 100% Cotton 4 Piece Bath Towel = WAS: £29.99 NOW: £23.99 (20% off) – available in grey stripe
Silentnight Plain Towels (available in bath sheets, bath towels and hand towels) = WAS: from £24.99 NOW: £14.99 (40% off) – available in silver, white and charcoal
Offers run from January 1st – January 14th across the Sleepy People website.
DTI Brain Scanning in International Rugby Players
Re:Cognition Health provides objective diagnosis of brain injury
Re:Cognition Health’s experts in brain injury, work with the latest developments in brain health, including the diagnosis and treatment of degenerative brain diseases. Over the past 4 years, Re:Cognition Health has been developing sophisticated approaches to diagnosing mild traumatic brain injury, including the most sophisticated functional imaging techniques. Over the past year these have been deployed to detect, successfully, objective evidence of chronic and progressive brain injury in international rugby players. By using the most detailed DTI imaging technique with MRI scanning, to support the clinical assessment of potential brain damage, it has been possible to improve the probability of identifying rugby players with mild, chronic, traumatic encephalopathy CTE.
CTE is a type of progressive brain disease caused by repeated blows to the head and concussions. This type of brain injury formally acknowledged, first, by the NFL in American football players, but it is being increasingly associated with professional rugby and football players. CTE leads to a progressive neurodegenerative disease, resulting in dementia with related physical and cognitive symptoms, such as memory problems, a decline in thinking ability, confusion, aggression, depression and changes in personality; all of which can be debilitating and life-changing for those affected.
Using DTI (diffusion tensor imaging) scans of the brain, Re:Cognition Health has been able to identify objective evidence of specific structural damage in the brain, suspected from clinical assessment, but not visible on conventional state-of-the-art MRI scans.
Dr Emer MacSweeney, Consultant Neuroradiologist and CEO at Re:Cognition Health comments, “Through the highly advanced DTI scanning we are able to identify structural changes in the brain and confirm a diagnosis of brain damage, previously missed, as this is not visible on high field, state of the art, conventional MRI scans. Whilst MRI is a very powerful imaging tool, it doesn’t have the sophistication to identify CTE. Obtaining an early and accurate diagnosis in any brain condition is paramount to the subsequent management and treatment pathway. Annual brain checks should become mandatory for professional players, to help safeguard against brain disease caused by contact sports.”
It has been recognised for many decades that contact sports such as boxing, rugby and football can lead to chronic progressive brain damage, neurological symptoms and eventually dementia. Re:Cognition Health supports the notion that drastic action needs to be taken by governing bodies to change the way the contact sports are played and how players are monitored in order to reduce the risk of developing chronic brain disease.
Improve your sports performance with a good night’s sleep
Research has shown time and time again that a good night’s sleep is critical to ensure you are performing at your best. As an athlete or sportsperson, it is vital that you get the right amount of rest and sleep in order to aid performance and recovery. With increased fitness a big focus of many new year’s resolutions, would you be interested in comment from Dr Chris Dickson from sleep technology developer Cambridge Sleep Sciences on how to get better sleep for better performance in 2021?
Dr Chris Dickson, a qualified medical doctor, can discuss:
How to optimise our sleep routine: Ensuring that your sleep fits in to your specific or erratic sporting schedule
How sleep can heal: The health benefits of getting a good night’s sleep, including aiding performance and recovery
The science behind our sleep: Our different sleep cycles and how best to get a healthy night’s sleep
Product reviews and roundups: SleepHub
SleepHub is a science-powered product to re-train the brain to overcome common sleep issues? Created by Cambridge Sleep Sciences, SleepHub combines science, sound and technology to help users revert to their natural sleep patterns. Price £599 – available now at www.sleephub.com.
“The loneliest Christmas ever.” Please join our campaign and take five minutes to deliver five cards to your neighbours to let them know you are there and you care #5CardstoConnect #sharetoshowyoucare www.afternoonteawithdocs.com/lockdown-response
CEO Shares Time-Tested Tips for Building a Successful Business 
Whether you’re building a business from scratch or looking for ways to increase productivity or profits, you can make changes that will make a difference now using the strategies outlined in Enforcer to Entrepreneur: Achieving Hockey Stick Growth in Life, Business, and Sports from former hockey pro turned CEO Jerry Rollins.
“I know there’s a process for everything. Nothing in business is mysterious or elusive and — as I discovered during my hockey career — most everything can be learned,” he writes.
Rollins’ journey to CEO didn’t begin with an Ivy League education. He was a high school dropout who spent four years as a professional hockey player. When he put away his sticks for the last time, he had to build a new career from scratch, cutting his business teeth as an entry level salesman, all the while emulating mentors and building a marketable knowledge base. He eventually rose to positions (in various companies) that included VP of sales, president and CEO. What he discovered was that he didn’t need to re-invent the wheel: successful business formulas already exist; it’s just a matter of identifying them and applying them.
Between the covers of Enforcer to Entrepreneur, he shares real stories about real companies that faced real challenges, with key concepts that have withstood the test of time, including systems used by the business elite to secure capital, avoid negative cash flow and overcome other occupational pitfalls.
Rollins also draws parallels between winning sports teams and successful companies, particularly when it comes to identifying winning talent, building great teams and developing effective playbooks — strategies to which he devotes entire chapters and outlines in detailed, easy-to-follow language.
He even addresses owners and CEOs who have met their financial goals and find themselves asking, Now what?, with candid tips to help them define success, work toward purpose and move from success to significance.
By studying extraordinary people to learn how they became the best in their fields, along with recording every stage of his own progress — including the mistakes — Rollins has created a playbook of proven strategies to help others on their own entrepreneurial journeys.
Author Jerry Rollins is the Co-Founder and Chairman of the Sage Executive Group, a Southern California based peer advisory group that helps CEOs, founders and executives achieve all around success by positively impacting their businesses, families and communities. The Group’s core philosophy in working with the region’s top executives is emphasizing strong values, encouraging business leaders to put people before profits, and learning to effectively balance business demands and responsibilities to family, community and health. Sage was born out of Rollins’ vision to provide a reliable platform for decision-makers to come together and connect with like-minded professionals to collaborate, learn and solve the most pressing issues.
His desire to coach and be coached began during his time as a professional hockey player for the World Hockey Association. Many of the values he cultivated as a professional athlete — focus, determination, perseverance and teamwork — carried over into his business career and helped him thrive in a highly competitive, results driven industry and gave him the motivation to achieve specific goals.
Over the past 30 years, he has served as the CEO and Advisory Board member of multiple organizations and helped execute rapid market turnarounds, build top performance sales teams, accelerate revenues and implement highly successful exit strategies for founders.
When not coaching executives, he enjoy readings — typically two to three books a week. He also loves cooking dinner for his wife and keeping fit by walking six miles every day.
For more information, please visit www.jerryrollins.com. Or connect with the author on social media at: www.facebook.com/jerry.rollins.3 or www.instagram.com/jr_sageone.
NINE ELMS No.18. is a non-alcoholic indulgence which drinks like a wine as well as being the perfect ingredient when crafting a variety of cocktails.
Cozy up with a glass of Mulled Nine, this New Year’s Eve, a wonderful drink that definitely takes the chill out of winter nights. The Olson is ideal or those looking for a caffeine kick to power through the evening, or try The Villanelle for an after-dinner indulgence. You can find more even more fantastic recipe ideas here >> www.nineelmsdrinks.com/cocktails
For those looking to get creative with their bar trollies, why not try your hand at mixology this New Year’s Eve and enjoy NINE ELMS as part of the four new Non-Alcoholic Cocktail Kits from The Alcohol Free Co (from £25.99) www.thealcoholfreeco.co.uk/?s=NINE+ELMS .
In its tall, elegant, beautifully designed bottle, multi award-winning NINE ELMS No.18 exudes luxury and sophistication. Intricately crafted with the juice of 4 types of dark berry and 20 different botanicals, the drink provides a delicious non-alcoholic experience that’s perfect for ringing in the New Year.
Jonny Brownlee’s Winter Training Tips
William Hill interview Olympic triathlete Jonny Brownlee to find out his top tips on how to train in winter in order to maximise performance
Whether you’re a cyclist, runner or triathlete, there are certain aspects you can control such as training and nutrition, but there are others that are completely out of your hands – like the weather.
As the nights are drawing in and the weather is becoming less inviting, there is no denying that even the more committed among us find these conditions more challenging. So, use this time as a brilliant opportunity to set new goals and adapt training to truly get ahead of the game and achieve personal best.
To help budding athletes do so, William Hill spoke to triathlete Jonny Brownlee to reveal how he adapts his training in winter.
Jonny Brownlee’s top tips for training in winter
Triathlete Jonny Brownlee shares his top tips on how to train to your best in winter.
1. Stay safe
For winter training, you need to prepare to stay safe, and not harm your body in the cold. Check the forecast before heading out and dress in appropriate layers, protecting your hands and feet, wear reflective clothing if training in the dark.
2. Stay disciplined
The key is you need to stay disciplined and prepare yourself mentally when battling through weather conditions, remain calm and stick to your plan. In cold weather races, Jonny starts the race knowing that lots of his competitors are beaten already!
3. Be aware of diet and hydration
In cold conditions, you need to be aware of your diet and hydration, as it’s easy to forget to eat and drink. You need to stay disciplined and force yourself to consume the right nutrients. In training have a big meal and a hot drink before going out cycling as you may not want to eat on the bike in the cold.
4. Adapt the bike for winter
Put mudguards on your bike in winter, as they stop a lot of the spray on the roads. It is also worth cycling on a mountain bike especially when the roads are icy or covered in snow.
5. Wear appropriate clothing
It’s better to be too warm than too cold, so always have a rain jacket with you. It’s also important to take a spare underlayer and a set of gloves that you can change if needed. Top tip: Warm your gloves on the radiator before you go out.
For full details on how weather effects sporting performance and the full interview with Jonny Brownlee, go to https://news.williamhill.com/weather-effect/
Health and immunity are more important to Brits than ever before in December
MUSHROOMS continue to be a popular vegetable bought in store during the festive period
Mushroom sales soar due to vitamin D enrichment
Eating more fruit and veg, increasing exercise and obtaining essential vitamins are Brits’ top three priorities this year
19 per cent are embracing vegan and vegetarian Christmas dinner this year
New research has revealed Brits are getting a head start to their January resolutions, with 45 per cent adopting healthy eating habits in December1.
In fact, Brits are experiencing a renewed focus on health this year due to the ongoing pandemic, with 2.3 million ‘healthy recipe’ searches online in 2020 according to the new Waitrose report.
Mushrooms is also a significant source of vitamin D. A key vitamin essential to support a normal immune system, vitamin D plays a vital role in keeping our bones healthy as it works to regulate our intake of calcium, magnesium and phosphorous.
But only a third of Brits understand how vitamin D benefits the body and our health2.
When exposed to the sun, mushrooms can provide as much vitamin D as a health supplement. Much like our skin, they transform ultraviolet light from the sun into the vitamin and continue to do so even after they have been harvested.
In addition, 19 per cent of Brits are choosing a vegan and vegetarian Christmas dinner options this year. From this group of respondents, 42 per cent said they were doing this for health reasons3.
Nutritionist Rob Hobson, says that those looking to eat more healthily over the Christmas period should consider adding mushrooms to their diet as they are the only vegetarian food that can make vitamin D.
He explains: “To boost health in December it’s important to remember that our bodies need ample nutrition and protection – particularly during the colder months to fight sickness, boost the immune system and improve mental wellbeing.
“As we prepare to spend less time in the daylight this winter, it is important that explore different ways of finding how to best get what our bodies need, which is in fact, more vitamin D.
“The easiest way you can adopt better healthy habits and consume more vitamin D is through diet. One of my recommendations would be eating more mushrooms, as they are the only veggie and vegan friendly source of vitamin D, compared to the likes of oily fish and eggs.”
The latest NHS4 advice urges the public to consider increasing their vitamin D intake from 5 micrograms to 10 micrograms.
More than 2.5 million Brits are set to receive free vitamin D this winter, yet many Brits are unaware that eating just eight vitamin D enriched mushrooms a day would provide your daily recommended amount.
In fact, national surveys carried out across the UK have found 1 in 5 Brits are vitamin D deficient5.
Rob also shares a useful tip, saying, “If you can’t get your hands on vitamin D enriched mushrooms and can only find regular mushrooms, place them outside on the window sill when the sun is out and they develop higher levels of vitamin D.”
Research commissioned by the UK and Ireland Mushroom Producers, found that Brits are prioritising doing more exercise (50 per cent), eating more vegetables and fruit (42 per cent), and getting more vitamin D into their diet (30 per cent) during December6.
With eating more vegetables high on consumers agenda this Christmas, Mushrooms continue to be a popular vegetable bought in store during the festive period.
Supermarket giant, Sainsbury’s, has also seen a significant rise, with total sales this year up by 20 per cent, sales of flat mushrooms soaring by 16 per cent, and sales of closed mushrooms up by 44 per cent7.
He recommends taking the fungi out of their wrapping and leave them outside for half an hour before eating.
Mushrooms are proving popular amongst millennial consumers, as data suggests that this group is moving away from plant-based products containing soy in favour of ‘meatier’ ingredients such as mushrooms.
Vitamin D mushrooms have a strong umami flavour and meaty texture, making fungi the go-to, versatile and healthy ingredient to star in plant-based dishes and use as a meat alternative this Christmas.8
Survey finds pandemic had a major impact on children’s experiences and rights
A global survey of children’s views and experiences of life under COVID-19 (Coronavirus) has found that the pandemic had wide-ranging impacts on children’s experiences and rights.
The ‘Life Under Coronavirus’ survey was designed by researchers from Queen’s University Belfast with children, for children aged between 8 – 17 years and available in 27 different languages, alongside an easyread version.
More than 26,000 children from 137 countries across five UN regions participated in the global survey.
The survey was designed in the spirit of the United Nations Convention on Rights of Child (UNCRC). Researchers from the Centre for Children’s Rights at Queen’s University, employing their unique children’s rights-based methodology, designed the survey and analysed and reported the results, working at every stage with children and young people and other partners to make sure that the survey and findings were produced with children for children.
The key findings include:
61 per cent said they were getting a better education before Coronavirus;
56 per cent said they got to talk to their friends less than they would like since Coronavirus;
43 per cent said they felt ‘bored’, 40 per cent said they felt ‘happy’, and 39 per cent said they felt ‘worried’ when asked about their three most common feelings during the coronavirus pandemic;
62 per cent would go to their family members for ‘information that they could trust’ on Coronavirus;
41 per cent said that their family had less money to meet their needs since Coronavirus;
21 per cent said that access to medical help was better before Coronavirus;
9 per cent felt less safe in their homes/where they lived since the start of Coronavirus, 36 per cent felt safer since Coronavirus, and 56 per cent reported feeling as safe as they had done prior to the pandemic;
16 per cent think the media has portrayed children more negatively than before Coronavirus;
38 per cent don’t think their government is listening to children when making decisions about Covid-19.
Speaking about the survey results Dr Bronagh Byrne from the Centre for Children’s Rights at Queen’s University Belfast said: “Findings show that many children were unaffected during coronavirus and, for some children, things were better. However, other children reported negative impacts since the beginning of the pandemic. Some groups of children were more likely to report negative experiences including children from migrant communities, those living in a detention centre, refugee camp or homeless centre and children with disabilities.”
The Coronavirus pandemic has caused severe social and emotional disruption in the lives of children by depriving them of on-site education. It has also made them feel highly unsafe and stressed within their homes. The results of the survey have been inclusive of the various prospects on what children have experienced during the pandemic.
The survey was developed in collaboration with international partners including Terre des hommes and the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary General on Violence Against Children among others and involved a diverse group of children from 28 countries at all stages including drawing conclusions and developing key messages.
Publicising the findings allow children and young people to directly share with decision makers and leaders around the world how the pandemic and related measures taken by governments affect their daily realities.
“I’m getting the opportunity to raise my voice at a time where it has never been needed more, let’s all do this together and raise our voice a little louder,” said Kenizeh-Juliette, 14, from Pakistan.
In a world centred around decisions made by adults, children and their role in decision making, especially during the time of a crisis, must be included. This global survey has also served as a channel for children to communicate the right to participate in decisions affecting their lives to adults.
The survey has served as a channel for children around the world, to portray their thoughts and feelings about the pandemic to the world alongside their message to decision makers and leaders. In its representativeness, this initiative serves as a medium of a global solidarity among children amidst a crisis while also reflecting upon the diverse unity of the children around the world.
More information on the #CovidUnder19 initiative and the survey results, please visit: www.tdh.ch/covidunder19