Malone Rugby II XV v Banbridge Rugby II XV: Report / Pictures & Video + Interviews with Coaches

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While the I XV played so did the Malone II XV v Banbridge II XV. Two senior clubs II XVs pitting their sheer strength, skill and knowledge against each other in a fiercely competitive encounter. End ot end stuff with lots of 4 and 5 + phases making for good flowing rugby. Added to this some excellent individual talents foragging down the wings in some excellent surging runs from both sides.


Malone II XV took the honours on the day and InTouch had the pleasure of covering an old playing friend “JK” who brings a fiercely competitive edge to this Malone IIs side. On more than one occasion he displayed along with his team mates the “White Line Fever” and its that sort of passion for the game displayed while playing that is a privilege to watch. A club such as Malone always have talent in their ranks and a close win such as this can very often set a side up for a good series of results. We caught up with Gareth Craig after the game and that interview is included in the video highlights below.

With 1 point in the final score line the defeat was all the more painful for Banbridge and all the more sweet for Malone, but it could have gone either way. Banbridge where gutted and frustrated. Their coach Mark Waugh (apologies Mark we encountered a technical hitch in your video interview – otherwise known as a dead battery!) commented after the game that his team have had an extremely frustrating season and are a getting increasingly frustrated in the conference league with a number of teams crying off added to the recent cold weather spell leaving their side terribly short of game time. They have the talent in their ranks and a good number of Banbridge II Xv players are seriously pushing for I XV status, but without a consistent and reliable fixture list these young players development may be suffering. As Mark commented their is still alot to play for.

It was an honour to cover the Bann II XV. With an immense pride in their jersey and a family tradition running through this club who have the “ethos” it must surely only be a matter of games before it all clicks into place.


[youtube NFNY2kmbiCE]
[youtube WmeOO6g8gtY]

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