LA Whey: The Ultimate Premium Protein

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You get a huge 48g whey protein per serving
LA Whey is the BEST protein your money can buy, as used by the world’s top athletes. Just one serving of LA Whey protein gives you a massive 48g of pure CFM Ionic Exchanged, cold processed Whey Protein. No Egg or cheap casein – just the best protein for muscle building, fat loss and quicker recovery.
Cross, micro and ultra filtrated
LA Whey protein has been cross, micro and ultra filtrated to ensure it is the purest form of protein with no lactose. This NOT done by other protein powders as it is expensive to do and requires special processes. LA Whey contains 17% Glutamate which is the highest of any whey protein product currently on the market. This ensures optimum cell-volumisation, recovery and growth.
Highest biological value of 159+.
Tom Croft, England Rugby International
LA Whey protein has the highest Biological Value of 159+. This means you get maximum amount of protein deposited into your muscles. LA Whey protein has had the muscle building part of sweet dairy whey specifically increased to make it the most effective protein powder for recovery and growth. LA Whey protein contains no harmful sweeteners.

70% better than egg whites!
The protein in LA Whey protein is 70% better than egg white. You get 21% Branch Chained Amino Acids (BCAA) and all Essential Amino Acids (EAA).
Incredible designer flavours
The flavours of LA Whey protein (country-dependant) have been specifically designed by food scientists to be the most natural and delicious flavours possible, without putting in harmful artificial additives. You can get cool earthy Vanilla, tasty Strawberry, satisfying Chocolate, fantastic banana, Mint-Choc and Cappuccino. You can mix LA Whey protein with water, milk, juice or yoghurt. As many people are intolerant to Milk, LA Whey has been specifically designed to instantly mix in water.

Because LA Whey is 100% natural, the flavours are not over-whelming and may taste completely different from the other artificial proteins you may be used to. LA Whey’s flavours have been designed to be light on the taste buds so you can take them for long periods without getting overwhelmed. If you like stronger flavours, use less liquids when you mix LA Whey.
Guaranteed to be the best!
LA Whey protein is the most effective and pure protein you can get. The technology to produce pure Ionic Exchanged CFM Whey Protein of this quality can only be found in a handful of manufacturing plants around the world. LA Muscle’s FDA-approved laboratory is one of them. Top professional bodybuilders, athletes, celebrities and sports-persons use LA Whey protein because it is a unique product and it produces terrific results.
Use less, get more
LA Whey protein has a very high Biological Value; this means that you do not need to use as much and in every scoop, you get almost twice as much efficient protein than most other brands… and you do not get wind, bloating or allergies! By buying a “cheap and cheerful” protein that claims to be the same as LA Whey, you are ultimately cheating yourself.
No cheap ingredients
The price for pure whey has recently gone up, with demand very high. As a result and to cut costs, some companies have started mixing whey with cheap casein and purporting it to be better. All foods pass the stomach within 45 minutes; casein just sits in your intestines, doing nothing. It is a “cheap” and outdated protein. If you want little results, wind, bloating, allergies and a general wasting of your money, then go for our competitors!
Chosen by Men’s Health Magazine

If you wish to read about some “real life” unbiased results from this product please check out the Men’s Health Beach Body Challenge.

“Best for Hard Gainers” Men’s Health Magazine Supplements Awards 2012

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