Ireland Rugby Stars Launch SAFE Rugby Programme

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Ireland rugby stars, Iain Henderson, Robbie Henshaw, Ian Madigan, and Simon Zebo were joined today (29 May) by An Ghaeltacht, Clontarf, New Ross and Waterford City rugby clubs to launch the IRFU’s new safety course, SAFE Rugby (Standard Approach to Field Emergencies in Rugby).

SAFE Rugby provides rugby specific first aid training and skills to develop a club’s/school’s medical programmesfor all levels, making the game as safe as possible. Theprogrammewill be available to all clubs and schools throughout the country to provide practical and field based rugby first aid education.

Ireland’s Simon Zebo said

“Rugby is a fantastic sport and like any physical game it can sometimes result in injury. How people react to and immediately treat such injuries is very important and I am delighted to see coaches and other volunteers investing in on-going training.

I have first-hand experience of the professionalism of our medical experts, and this course, which was developed by those experts, will give club and schools rugby volunteers confidence to deal with injuries, should they arise.”

IRFU SAFE Rugby’s Shane Mooney, said

“While serious injury is rare there is a need for those involved in rugby, at any level, to have on-going and updated training which provides them with the knowledge and skills to react to and manage emergencies such as head injuries, fractures and dislocations, common medical emergencies and concussion.

Many clubs and schools havedefibrillators, but they are of limited use in an emergency if they are not easily accessible, properly charged and are used by people who have received training. Thankfully clubs understand the importance of having the best education and training should they be required to assist with an injury.”

Cian de Buitléar, An Ghaeltacht Rugby Club, said

“We were delighted to join the Ireland squad and very pleased that the SAFE rugby course will give us the education and confidence to deal with serious injuries. All sports have inherent risks, and while injury is rare I think players and their parents will be delighted to know that clubs are focused on SAFE Rugby.”

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