IRB launches anti-corruption website to Keep Rugby Onside

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– New online resource available to all
– Creates awareness of threats to Rugby from corruption
– Educates stakeholders on how to Keep Rugby Onside

The International Rugby Board has launched an interactive online awareness and educational resource dedicated to the fight against betting, match-fixing and corruption.

The fully interactive Keep Rugby Onside programme is available at and is central to forward-thinking revisions to the IRB’s Anti-Corruption Regulations which establishes a set of regulations and a scheme of enforcement and sanctions that have applied across the Game at elite level from January 2013.

The resource will accompany a global education process rolled out in collaboration with IRB Member Unions and the International Rugby Players’ Association aimed at informing, advising and protecting players, coaches and match officials at the elite level from the dangers of betting and wagering.

Keep Rugby Onside will concentrate on the threats posed by match-fixing, the impact on family and friends, how to recognise approaches, reporting mechanisms, disciplinary procedures, actions underway by relevant authorities and how to seek help if they have been affected or suspect the integrity of a match or the sport has been compromised.

The launch, following wide-ranging IRB consultation, sets a new global best practice for sporting integrity regulations that builds upon the recommendations of the International Olympic Committee and other elite sporting bodies and International Federations.

IRB Chairman Bernard Lapasset said: “Match-fixing and corruption is one of the biggest threats to all sports. While there is no history or prevalence in Rugby, collectively we should be making all efforts within our power to preserve the fundamental character of sporting competition as an honest test of skill and ability and to prevent corrupt gambling practices from undermining the integrity of the Game.”

“The Keep Rugby Onside site reaffirms the IRB’s commitment to continue collaborating with the global Rugby and wider sporting family to take a progressive and best-practice approach to prevention and education.”

IRB Disciplinary Officer Susan Ahern added: “The IRB recognises that education is key to the successful implementation of these modernised Anti-Corruption Regulations. We are collaborating with our Member Unions and partners to run a comprehensive programme of education for all stakeholders, and in particular players, team management and match officials. It’s built around online information and self-assessments modules, face-to-face workshops, downloadable resources and materials.”

And it’s a move that has been backed by the International Rugby Players’ Association.

“It is important that not only the players, but all rugby stakeholders are aware of the implications of the new Anti–Corruption regulations,” said Josh Blackie of the International Rugby Player’ Association.

“Throughout the IRPA network we are focused on working together with the IRB to ensure all professional players know how the new regulations affect them and how they can keep themselves safe in regard to corruption in sport.”

Integrity and the fight against illegal betting and wagering in sport will be a topic of discussion at the inaugural IRB World Rugby Convention and Exhibition in Dublin in November 2013.

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