Intouch TV Presents: Q1 League, Donaghadee RFC I XV: Playing, Scoring, Pictures + Interview with Assistant Coach John Blewitt

0 minutes, 32 seconds Read

Ok, 3 years ago – say no more. Donaghadee were promoted on the back of their 125th anniversary season into Qualifying 1 rugby 8 months ago. Who would have thought they would be leading Q1 and setting the pace. We caught up with them at CIYMS, playing, scoring, tries, conversions, a drop goal off the bar, open rugby, check out the clips below we got one of the tires right in front of the camera + 137 pictures + and interview with coach John Blewitt – C U At the junior Cup final 28th Dec 7.30pm Ravenhill.

Play Highlights:
[youtube 9twr3eN73-k]
Assistant Coach John Blewitt
[youtube XQzB-oFNx5Q]

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