INTOUCH TV HIGHLIGHTS CARRICK Sevens U19s – Video Of Final + Interviews & Video clips of most teams

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CLICK HERE FOR 178 Pictures
& Another 168 Pictures CLICK HERE Includes team shots, action, visitors and winners presentation pictures.

Teams Represented were, O Campbellians, Ards Ravens, Big Cats, Belfast HS, Tick Tock Tigers, Mighty Carrick, Telford College, Larne Welsh.

Overall Winners – Big Cats
Congratulations to Bowl & Plate WinnersTelford College & Tick Tock Tigers.

What a display of pure sevens at Carrick from the U19s. Immenese skills on display form all the sides made for a fantastic evening and the throngs of people gathered to watch and support made for a great atmosphere.

What an event the Carrick 7s truly is and tomorrow will be massive.

Tonights games were excellent to watch and many many of these players will rise right through the ranks into senior rugby with perhaps some of them representing Ulster or even Ireland. They all played passionately and pushed for every inch of ground.

1 player was badly injured and our thoughts are with him as everyone wished him a speedy recovery.

A fantastic evenings rugby and that was only day 1!!!!!!!!!!!

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