Il fait beau à Marcoussis, Paris aujourd’hui. Q&A Ashleigh Baxter Irish Rugby Wing / 15 Ladies World Cup Player 014

3 minutes, 8 seconds Read

Age: 22
Club: Belfast Harlequins
Position(S): Wing with Ireland / 15 preferred

Q: How do you stay fit and healthy?
When I was 10 there was a big hill at our house and I used to cycle up it again and again because I knew that if I did that I would get better at it, so I guess staying fit was just something I did. Fortunately we now have a nutritionist at Irish Rugby so our diets are all the right nutrients to assist our fitness and development.

Q: Who is the best player you have ever played with?
It’s Lynne Cantwell, her ability to make something happen out of nothing. Her drive and passion for the game makes her stand out above anyone else. I suppose she’s been my role model in rugby.

Q: What has been the biggest support to your rugby career?
My family throughout, for taking me to training when I was young travelling so many miles and also they have actually supported me financially.

Q: If you hadn’t become an international rugby player. What would you have been?
I can’t imagine anything else at the moment but I guess I would still be in Uni..

Q: Combining two professions as both a Sports instructor and a rugby player, how difficult is it for you to manage the two in your life?
I have been very lucky because I work for an outdoor pursuits company who have been excellent allowing me to work around schedules. Being organised and prepared is essential if I want to succeed.

Q: When you travel with the team, who has been the best roommate and why?
Ali Miller, she hilarious, always up for the banter and we just seem to click. Ali tries to portray herself as someone sensible, this is far from the truth.

Q: Now… Taking a moment to talk about life off the pitch… What’s something that most people don’t know about you?
I’m a bit of nerd with aeroplanes, I actually studied aerospace engineering!

Q. Favourite food?

4. Favourite band or musician?
One Direction.

13. Who is your dream date?
My Boyfriend Jonny.

19. What is your nick name?
Smiler or Bax.

20. One word to describe you?

21: What role does tech now play in sport
It definitely allows us to monitor how much and how effectively we are training and working on the pitch and to balance training well and also helps in preventing injuries a little more.

What is the best piece of advice you ever got?
Probably… Its easier to apologise than to ask for permission.

Fashion Icon?
Definitely Fiona Coghlan, she rocks her Harry Potter scar quite well.

What sorts of skills/conditioning does it take to compete at this high level?
We are targeting basic skills and techniques, rucking technique and our attitude going into rucks, super super aggressive to create fast ball, whole lot of passing work and this year we have really excelled at passing skills so much.
We go through a phase of strength conditioning and progress up the power and now we are maintaining pre World Cup France, we are trying to change the stuff in the gym to tally with what we do on the pitch, everyone has shot up in fitness testing, and our work is actually position specific as backs we are doing longer distances and front rows/pack are doing shorter distances, 30 meter shuttels in a minute 4 mins rest repeat.

As an International Athlete you obviously have followings on facebook and twitter. What do you like about it?
I’m the sort of person who is on social media but don’t post a lot!

Hobbies outside rugby?
Hockey and just generally sport if I can get time to play it!

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