For those Dads that LOVE the outdoors the Oto Tip by Clear Ear would make the perfect gift.

Summer is the season for sun, swimming, and unfortunately Swimmers Ear. Swimmers Ear is an infection of the outer ear canal and is more common with water exposure to the ear. Wax build up in the ear may aid in trapping of water in the canal, as well as people with more narrow ear canals. A common ear wax removal method involves sticking cotton swabs in the ear.

The hazards of this method are well-publicized and include an increased risk of ear drum damage, wax buildup or infection, blockage and partial hearing loss. Rather than remove wax, cotton swabs often push the dirt and debris deeper. They may even increase the blockage by leaving behind layers of cotton fibers behind. They only serve to irritate the ear further. Oto-Tip’s patented spiral spin technology provides you with a way to clean your ears that minimizes those risks that i s safe, effective and easy to use.