First Trust SNR Cup Champions 2014 are Ballynahinch RFC

0 minutes, 57 seconds Read

Scores Sequence

First Half Scores

penalty for malone on hinch 22, 3-0 to malone (Josh Pentland TBC)

Jack McMurtry try, converted by Josh Pentland (10-0 to Malone)

Stephen McAuley try for Hinch converted by Reaney 10-7 34 mins played

The First Trust Senior Cup half time score was Malone 10 Hinch 7

Second Half Scores

Try from Mike Graham for Hinch made it 12 – 10 for Hinch

Richard Reaney scored on 66 mins.

FINAL SCORE: 2014 First Trust Senior Cup Final 17 – 12

Scores Via the superb Ballynahinch Twitter & FB Pages and George Millar big thank you to the fans who made it to the Kingspan stadium where the Hinch men have “gathered”, Commiserations to Malone, a superb game by everyone, player welfare was to the fore as evidenced early in the first half!

Malone Twitter Page

For the Hinch Twitter page go to to keep up with the 2014 SNR Cup Champions.

For the Hinch FB page go to for a superb example of a well run FB page!

Malone FB page




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