Fermanagh RedskinsPortadown Pumas Event: Wed 6.30pm – Fermanagh Redskins v Portadown Pumas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rugby League Ulster By Editor June 5, 2012June 5, 2012 0 minutes, 7 seconds Read Rugby Leagure Ulster is in full swing. With 4 weeks under the belt these teams have their patterns in place and goals in sight!!!!!!!!!!!!!! C u there
Portadown Pumas InTouch TV Presents: The Portadown Pumas v Ballynahinch Rabittohs II’s – Ulster Rugby League Plate Final 2011: Tries, Play & PUMAS Recieve The Plate By Editor June 7, 2011June 7, 2011
Portadown Pumas Portadown Pumas Rugby League TV: TRY TIME VID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By Editor June 12, 2012June 12, 2012