Coleraine Rugby Club: Giving A Helping Hand In Brazil – VV Worthwhile & Great To See Ulster Clubs Involved In These Projects

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Well known Coleraine RFC members, John and Phyllis Logan, have been spreading some good cheer among young children in Brazil, with a little help from the club back home.

The Coleraine couple have been involved in developing social, economic, health and educational projects in Brazil since 1994, working voluntarily there and at home for the Mount Horeb Training Centre which is based in Itaperucu which is 240 miles SW of Sao Paulo.

Itaperucu has one of the lowest standards of living in the area and the organisation is working to improve people’s level of education, their health, as well as to raise their self esteem and make them more employable.

This year, with the help of Coleraine RFC, the couple were able to bring some much needed articles with them, including some Coleraine mini rugby gear – and it proved a great hit with the children.

Speaking about this year’s visit John said: “For this, our 20th visit to Itaperucu, Coleraine RF and CC kindly donated a large quantity of Mini Rugby and other garments.

“Those items which we managed to bring with us have been more than gratefully received, some by the school and some by individuals whose needs are considerable.

“Phyllis and I, as well as the school and particularly the children, thank Coleraine RF and CC sincerely for its generosity. God willing we will be back in Brazil next year and will bring with us some more of the donated items.”

John’s involvement in the area is largely on the educational side, teaching geography and some English and translating as necessary while Phyllis is responsible for updating the family histories of some 36 children whose education is being supported by people in Northern Ireland, particularly Coleraine.

Together they monitor the progress of a number of projects being supported by organisations, groups and individuals in Northern Ireland.

Everyone at Coleraine RFCC wishes John and Phyllis all the best for their travels and their work in Brazil…..and thanks for spreading the good name of Coleraine in South America. Maybe Brazil will feature in a future Rugby World Cup.

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