Civil Service Rugby Club: Calling All SNR Players!!!!!!!!!!!!!! & Youth + Season Play-Off Game Is On 12th August!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Pre-season is well underway with upwards of 40 players making an appearance, though not all at the same time.

Competition is expected to be fierce for all vacant berths in the Senior teams, with selection going on commitment (to training and travelling) as well as current form, rather than reputation.

So please, if you want to make a claim for a place in one of the Senior sides, now’s the time to show us what you’ve got. The League kicks-off in a few short weeks time, so don’t be leaving it too late to come aboard, YOUR Club, needs you now…..

Training continues on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 18:30 (on the pitch) and Saturdays from 11:00.

All players, old and new, will be very welcome.

Please advise the 1st XV Manager, Arthur Kerr, 1st XV Captain Michael Murray or 2nd XV Captain Brinley Sturgeon if you are unable to attend for any reason.

C’mon boys, let’s crank it up…..

Youth Pre-season Is Well Underway

From next week (5 August), Monday evening training returns for the U15s and U17s, so that’s Mondays and Wednesdays back into the routine, 18:30 (on the pitch)

The U13s start back on Wednesday (7 August)

For the guys who have already been at training the last 2 Wednesdays they’ll have a head start over the rest in terms of fitness. Please make every effort to encourage your son to attend training – it is for their own good and for their team’s good.

U17s are entered in a 7-a-side tournament on Fri 16th Aug.

First full 15-a-side matches are on Sat 14th Sep.

All new and existing players welcome.

Please contact the Youth Co-ordinator, Philip Anderson, for more information or if you are unable to attend training for any reason.

Possibles v Probables Conditioned Game

Possibles v Probables Conditioned Game image
A Seniors ‘Possibles v Probables’ game is being arranged for Monday 12 August on the Everglades from 7pm. This will consist of 3, 20 minute periods of play to assess the state of readiness of the various players for the season ahead.

All Senior players are eligible to put themselves forward for this exercise.

Look forward to seeing you there.

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