Grosvenor Grammar I & III v Campbell College I & III: Inc 100s of Pictures. Video Clip of play, Video interviews with Coaches Gary Hunter, Brian Robinson & Alan Ward, Schools Referee

A beautiful morning at Grosvenor Grammar was the location for a showdown between a Grosvenor side who on their day produce some superb results. Campbell where the decisive victors on this encounter and we were able to capture some good action shots of both side. Is & IIIs covered – apologies to the IIs we […]

Girls Schools Cup 2010: Enniskillen Collegiate 11 Grosvenor Grammar 7

Wednesday 24th March. Report and pictures John McMurtry Enniskillen and Grosvenor girls produced a fast paced, high scoring game in Wednesday’s final at Ravenhill. With both sides cheered on by enthusiastic supporters Enniskillen pulled away in the last quarter to win the game 11 – 7. Enniskillen started the game well and with some exciting […]