Clover Peat Producers of quality products for both the professional grower and discerning amateur

Clover Peat Producers of quality products for both the professional grower and discerning amateur About Clover Peat Clover is a family business that has been producing quality Growing Media for over 40 years. Our aim is to maintain consistently high standards in the production of quality products for both the professional grower and discerning amateur. […]

It’s the perfect ( Christmas Present !) time to engage ( a local NI award winning ‘ In touch Rugby’ Partnering ‘ garden designer…

At present it’s a good time to plan for creating your own wee ‘garden oasis’ for next year… by contacting : Michael ( mob 07774 183456 or ) at The Garden Design Shop…… if you would like either.. 1 : get expert garden design advice on how to give your tired garden space ‘ […]