InTouch TV Presents: Belfast Harlequins RFC 43 v Strabane 14 – Quins Are The Ultimate Champions of The McCambley Cup Championship of ULSTERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR We got the TRIESSSSSSSS + Conversions from just about everywhere! LIVE HERE

In a stunning exhibition of rugby that was literally perfect from Quins and against very good opposition the scoreline reflected the quality and year long commitment of the players and coaches – check out the triessssssssssssss + conversions + LIFTING THE CUPP of DREAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [youtube 8yKTwfOeapw] [youtube AehrTUDg6zg] [youtube Du2rhzwG9y0] [youtube XagrCNYiHJ0] [youtube R685oHEX-1Y] [youtube […]

Belfast Harlequins RFC IV XV Are The McCambley CUPP CHAMPIONNNNSSSSSS OF ULSTERRRRRRR in 600+ ACtion Shottss LIVE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Strabane who are double league champions with the I & II XV + the I XV made it all the way to the Gordon West Final found themselves facing up a very very very very good Belfast Harlequins side. And even though the first 25 minutes or so was nip and tuck Belfast Harlequins combination […]

Instonians RFC Elite Easter U20 Tourno!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In 200+ Action SHOTTSS!”! LIV EHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! “V. High Standard All Round”

Just got the word on this tourno. Queens, Ballymena, Instonians, Academy, Harlequins , Inst Babas fielded extremely good sides, the importance of this tourno in its club strategic transitionary significance makes for no wonder the standard included national and provincial level – Absolutely superb games throughout – MR LOCKHART got 200+ SUPERB action shotssssssssssssssssssssssss CLICK […]

Belfast Harlequins RFC Notes: IV XV 66 v Malone RFC IV XV 5 + I XV 7 v Dublin Uni 12 Report + Shots LIVE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Quins 4s Juggernaut rolled out of Gibson Park on Saturday with another impressive victory. Belfast Harlequins 7 vs 12 Dublin University CLICK HERE for the shots Trinity made the better start and were awarded an early penalty as Quins came in at the side of a ruck. However, Cathal Marsh was off target with […]