Success! 15 Months ~ 85000 Visitors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The Club website has grown from strength to strength with 85000 visitors since its launch 15 months ago.

Any website is only as good as the pertinent information that it contains, therefore, big thanks to all the contributors, and in particular those guys mentioned below who submitted detailed and entertaining match reports on a weekly basis.

Mark Henderson 2XV
Wayne Storey and Matthew Mullan 3rd XV
Michael McAteer 4XV

A special mention to Bertie O’Neill who put in a great deal of time and effort taking match photos and then posting them to the site. Thank you Bertie!

The Club website, and the other social media communication channels, Facebook, and Twitter play a vital role in keeping members updated on Club news and match reports at all levels.

We look forward to similar contributions next season, as well as building on youth, mini and ladies match reports and news.

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