Barbarian Treat for Eaton Park Spectators on Saturday the 25th of April

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A Barbarian Treat for Eaton Park Spectators!
If you are interested in rugby in any way then you won’t want to miss out on what is on offer at Eaton Park on Saturday 25th April!
The prime of the next generation will be taking to the pitch at 2pm in the form of the now annual Ballymena Barbarians invite fixture. Players from Ballymena Academy, Cambridge House Grammar, Coleraine Institute, Dalriada and Ballyclare Grammar are all being assembled to take on this year’s Schools Cup semi finalists Methodist College.
If you were in any doubt as to the quality of the players in this fixture, team sheets over the previous 6 years that the competition has been running have included amongst others; Luke Marshall, Andrew Warwick, Paddy Jackson, Craig Gilroy, Stephen Mulholland and Rodger McBurney.
The Barbarian ethos of play will be applied in bucket loads and spectators are assured of an open fast flowing brand of rugby against a quality opposition team. So why not bring the family along as entry is FREE and see if you can spot the next generation of Ulster or possibly Ireland stars (there may even be one or two of the current bunch in the crowd!).
Ballymena Bears (BRFC special needs tag rugby team) will be on hand to help keep spectators topped up with the sale of hot dogs, tray bakes and a half time demo. Hope to see you there!

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