Ballyclare IV XV Dining & Disco Fever!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its A Charity Event For One Of The Best Rugby Initiatives Ever ~ The New Forge Taggers

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Ballyclare RFC 4th XV Charity Fund Raising Event – Saturday, 25th February 2012
With many of them in the twilight of their (not so) illustrious playing careers, Ballyclare RFC 4thXV have decided to give something back to the wonderful game that they love.
The team are holding a charity fund raising Dine & Disco evening at their Club in support of the New Forge Taggers affiliated to Mencap – see details provided.
However, it is hoped that an extra £1 can be raised to finance both the playing contracts of Harry Gaston & Johnny Wasson for a further season!!
Tickets for the evening can be obtained by contacting Neil Reynolds or Niall Lamont ~ details on the poster below.

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