ARDS RUGBY CLUB: AGM Announced + David Chivers Ties The Knot + I XV Come Back From 17-8 With 20 mins on the clock Down & FIGHT! To Win 30-17 & STAY IN AIL RUGBY Report!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! & Pictures Of The Boyne job.

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The club AGM will be held on Monday 14th May at 7:00pm in the Club House at Hamilton Park.

Further information will be circulated within the next few days.

This is an important meeting and an opportunity for all members of the club to have a say on a number of key topics, and perhaps take an active role in the running of the club through election of the executive committee members.
The Exec Committee would encourage everyone to make a concerted effort to attend.
We would like to see the executive committee with greater representation from the youth, mini and ladies sections of the club.

This is Your club!

Please come along and have your say!

Good luck to David Chivers on his wedding this Sunday 29th April.

Saturday 8 days ago saw the Ards men eventually win 30 – 17 against Monivea in the AIL div 2b playoffs.

The Ards men showed some tough grit in front of a huge crowd at Hamilton Park on Saturday when the came back from 17 – 8 down with only 20 minutes to go, finishing 30 – 17 ahead.
CLICK HERE for the Boyne job pictures
The squad, spectators and management alike partied late into the nite, firstly at Hamilton park, before moving on to Romas, and then by invite only, back to Begsy’s for more celebration.

Well done Lads, we are all proud of you!

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