All Of Ulster Is Proud To Stand With Them: BRA Welcome Keynote Speaker Johann Muller

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Established now as one of the great collaborations of the modern game the deep resonance of spirit between Ulster Rugby & South Africa Rugby has seen a great resurgance in the club and provincial game. The solid values built on faith and rugby are something we understand and share and it was with immense pleasure that just one of our many many South African friends from Mandisa Williams (Ladies springbok) who played for City Of Derry last season to this year with Ilse van Staden (SA) this season not to mention Pedrie, Ruan, Benjy Van Der Byle @ Dal Riada, BJ Botha last season and lest we forget our adopted son of Ulster Cois the immense connection we feel to the South African mentality of tough as nails, hard flowing rugby. A connection perhaps really cemented by British Lion Willie John McBride when he toured there. He was able to successfully play against them because he understood them and was in many ways the same.

Pride in yourself, pride in your province, driven by family and faith is at the core of the Ulster mentality and this has made the great welcome for the Springboks almost like being at home in Ulster.

On their many many speaking engagements in Ulster to which the Springboks have taken too with such enthusiasm and generosity we celebrate our shared passions and express that in the team work and comararderie on the field of battle!

Johann, the ULSTER RUGBY CAPTAIN visited THE ACADEMY on 24th Nov 2011
He spoke @ Assembly

A former Springboks Captain, he spoke about his rugby career to date (he is a World Cup winner) and also the importance to him of his faith. He answered questions from pupils at the end. The occasion was enjoyed by all.

For more information CLICK HERE

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