All fixtures At ARDS RFC Cancelled This Weekend Due To the Passing Of Cois

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All the fixtures at Ards RFC are cancelled this weekend due to the death of their Coach Cois Beukes.

Ards RFC are mourning the passing of their beloved friend and coach Cois. He passed away peacefully at home on Oct 29th 2010.

A young man, husband and father, his coaching career had got of to an excellent start. His unique style and ability had seen him successfully coach Ards RFC at AIL level and he was relishing his future at Ards.

A brilliant man, he is sadly missed by all who knew him.

Funeral arrangements: The service is being held at Hamilton Road Baptist Church Bangor on Tuesday 2nd November at 1pm, followed by a short service at Roselawn Crematorium at 3pm and afterwards at the La Mon House Hotel Castlereagh, Belfast.

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