Ards Rugby Club Notes: Includes special feature on Ards Ladies Recruiting @ Ards Shopping Centre / Pictures & Video

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Pictures and video from Ards Ladies below.
Once again all Ards teams fell foul of the freezing conditions with all games having to be postponed because of frozen pitches. This was a very disappointing but necessary decision to be made, and one that had to take the health and safety of players and officials into consideration before everything else.
Ards fixture secretary Harry Thompson now has in excess of 30 fixtures throughout the club to try and rearrange in the coming weeks. Since November last year, the Club’s hardly been able to get a game off the ground before the weather closed in again and all fixtures had to be postponed.
Postponements can not be assumed too far in advance and preparations do not stop just because a postponement is likely. The players have trained faithfully, the pitches have been marked, the Clubhouse prepared and catering set in place so there are a lot of frustrated people as a result of these postponements.
We are going to be faced with a fixture build up no matter what happens. Ards President Reggie Haddock appeals to all players to let their team coach or captain know in advance if they are not going to be available on any given Saturday. The knock on effect of a player on say the 1st XV not being available multiplies as you go down through the teams.
We are going to need all hands to the pumps for the rest of the season to help get us through this backlog so please help out where you can and lets hope for better than anticipated temperatures in February.
Footballers on the other hand, must be made of sturdier stuff or their rules are different for only a few hundred meters up the road on Saturday, soccer was being played in the West Winds throughout the day. Funny old game that must be because it’s a non-contact sport, or so they say!
Next week, Ards 1st XV travel South to face Dublin side Suttonians in the AIL, Ards 2s host City of Derry as do the 3s when they play Queens, while the 4ths hope to play some rugby this season when they travel to Ballynahinch in the next round of the McCambley Cup.
The U17s hope also to play their rearranged Cup match away to Portadown, but the U19s Cup game at home to Carrick is still to be confirmed.
Ards Ladies took their game into Ards Shopping Centre at the weekend, raising the profile of Ards Rugby and recruiting new players.
Click Here For pictures of ards Ladies recruiting at Ards Shopping Centre
They were also determined to destroy the myth that all rugby players weigh about 20 stone and have ‘busted noses’ and ‘cauliflower ears’, that’s only the forwards!! Some potential recruits looked quite shocked when approached and asked about joining Ards Ladies, but soon came round to the idea when they realised that it’s not as traumatic a sport for ladies as was first thought.
[youtube 31jGhN2JoUU]
Some of the girls who took part were Dani Boyd, Oonagh Duff, Nicky Swain, Gemma Baxter and Sam Brittan.
Ards Ladies train on Wednesdays at the club from 7pm, and all new players will be very welcome to come along and give it a try.
Ards U17s have been crowned as the Metro League Champions for season 2010/11.
At long last the club has something positive to shout about this season, so congratulations to Dayle and the boys for your commitment and success in winning the league.

The U17s now go forward into the All Ireland Playoffs and have been drawn at home to Malone. The game is to be played on or before February 12.

This will be a big day for the boys and also the Ards Club, so please note the date in your diary and make an effort to come along and cheer on the young Ardsmen.
It is proposed to host Ards Mini Rugby Tournament this season on Sunday April 17 from 12 noon. Details on the Tournaments format are still being worked out and will be announced in the coming weeks. Any parent or guardian who would like to assist the Mini Committee in organising such a mammoth event or help out on the day would be very welcome and is asked to contact their respective coaches or forward their contact details on to the Mini Co-ordinator, Ian Caughey.

The Minis next set of friendly games are away to Carrick on Saturday February 5. Players should meet at Carrick’s Woodlawn Grounds, Woodburn Road, Carrickfergus no later than 9.45am.
News Worthy Items
Please remember to keep on submitting news worthy items, match reports and photos etc to the club PRO or webmaster for publication in the local media and Club website on a regular basis.
The FARLS next gathering at the clubrooms at Hamilton Park is on Friday January 28 from 12.30pm. Please book your place for the luncheon and choice of menu (salmon or beef) through your usual contact.
The Annual Club Dinner will be held in the clubrooms at Hamilton Park on Wednesday March 16 from 7.30pm. Tickets cost £20 and places are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment. Please contact Teddy Sloan or Terry Atcheson for more information.
After last seasons successful tour to Glasgow, Cumnock RFC have indicated that they would like to tour Ards this time round. Two dates that are being considered are Saturday April 16 or Saturday May 7. The team they propose brining will be in the U19/20s range, so hopefully Ards can return the favour and give them a tour to remember.
Meanwhile the U17s are looking towards the end of the season with a proposed tour to Barcelona in Spain. The tour is dependant on the availability of player numbers and would be around May/June time. All players interested in going on the tour should contact Dayle Jones for more details.
And Ards Ladies hope to enter a team in the Carrick 7s on Sunday May 1.
Tag Rugby
The next set of Tag Rugby sessions are now well underway with Londonderry Primary, Comber Primary, St Patrick’s Primary, Killinchy Primary, Alexander Dickson Primary and Ards Arena all enjoying this non-contact activity to help keep children and young people fit and active. A Tag Rugby Blitz Tournament is also being planned for the near future and all schools in the Ards Borough will be invited to enter a team.
Tag Rugby (non-contact) is for both boys and girls and can be played both indoors and out. Anyone who would like this great activity delivered to their school or clubs should contact Emma Hingston, the Sports Development Officer at Ards Borough Council on 02891 824000 or e-mail to book their place.

Fixtures – Saturday January 29

Ards 1st XV v Suttonians – AIL (Away)
Ards 2nd XV v City of Derry – League (Home)
Ards 3rd XV v Queens – League (Home)
Ards 4th XV v Ballynahinch – McCambley Cup (Away)
Ards U19s v TBC
Ards U17s v Portadown – Cup (Away) Kick-off 11am

All Saturday fixtures have a 2.30pm kick-off unless otherwise stated.
Please refer to the club website at for any late changes

Many thanks and kind regards

Roy Lawton
Mob 07809 557715

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