Lurgan InTouch TV Defensive Lineout Set Piece 5 meter line from Lurgan, also Turnover ball from scrum & distribution of turnover ball leads to winger try, and further defensive scrum nearly turned but exerts pressure on opposition ball By Editor November 26, 2014November 9, 2020 0 minutes, 0 seconds Read
Previous InTouch TV Dromore U14s Pick and Go ball Try in from Scrum Set Peice 10 Seconds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BallyshannonLurganNewry Newry I XV on the Brink of Promotion & Exciting Win for Newry II XV: By Editor March 14, 2011March 14, 2011
Lurgan Lurgan Rugby Club Notes: BEERFEST IS THIS SATURDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bespoke Local NI Beers & Cider SAMPLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By Editor October 15, 2012October 15, 2012