With 37% of New Year’s resolutions focused toward weight loss and 33% toward improved diet’s in 2023, we would like to bring to your attention Lizi’s selection of nutritious breakfast options. “They Are Brilliant!”lizis.co.uk

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With 37% of New Year’s resolutions focused toward weight loss and 33% toward improved diet’s in 2023 [1], we would like to bring to your attention Lizi’s selection of nutritious breakfast options. “They Are Brilliant!”

Whether you’re a seasoned health enthusiast or embarking on a January wellness journey, Lizis’ breakfast options are a vegan friendly, guilt-free choice.

Lizi’s Low Sugar Nuts and Seeds [2] provides 4.8g of fibre per serving and only 1.9g of sugar. Available at Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Waitrose & Ocado.

Lizi’s High Protein Nuts and Seeds [3] offers 10.8g of protein per serving, delivering 27% of your daily protein needs making it perfect for breakfast or as a post-workout snack. Available at Sainsbury’s, Waitrose & Ocado.

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