BLOG:… Love is in the air… cupid, Valentine’s the Venus De Milo… or the Birth Of Venus…. what will love bring to your life this Valentine’s Day a time of romance and love…. This Valentine’s we hope millions of people rekindle reawaken and remember love & putting aside all worry and concern to spend time together in magical happiness!

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Who could adequately describe love in a few sentences in a blog post. No one… perhaps the greatest poets or greek playwrights could conjure magical descritpions to capture the majestic feeling of love and being loved…. Lovers holding hands and living in the constant light of adoration and the ancient but divine concept or ramntic love…

BLOG Post…. Love is in the air… cupid, Valentine;s the Venus De Milo… or the Birth Of Venus by Sandro Botticelli or Titian…. what will love bring to your life this Valentine’s Day a time of romance and love….

This Valentine’s we hope millions of people rekindle reawaken and remember love & putting aside all worry and concern to to spend time together in magical happiness!

Putting aside our daily concerns and allowing the most unrealistic of desires to manifest itself for just one day or maybe even an entire week…

A week filled with romance… with romancing… dating and being in a magical fairytale world where there are no concerns… there are no worries… and all is well and happy and full of excitement and the joy of living and life!

Showering our loved ones with gifts… chocolates, jewellery or jewels, and flowers petals and roses strewn across the floor or bed and straqwberries and cream and massages and relaxation and rubbing and massaging all the worries away and entering a magical zone of genuine happiness and cotentment!

That is whats on offer and this Valentine;s we hope millions of people rekindle reawaken and remember that love transcends and conquers all worry and concerns that wiping way all issues and steppuing back into that magical landscape where everyday is a happy day, everyday is a joyful day and a time to cherish and inspire and nourish ourselves and those who we love…

Be magical… be in love and be in total contentment no matter what is happening if you casn then your are truly blessed!

&… until we speak again do one thing today… go and pick up the phone and be a blessing to someone else today!

We ahve a very speacial gift to reach out and share with you today… the gift of jewellery and a necklace that can be worn by you or your loved or both of you with the initia,l for your lovers name on hte gold plate… and of course around your neck means that it is close to your heart forever and always that there is no one else closer to you or more important to you than that person and your love is stronger and more beautiful and true than ever before…

Be a blessing to others and provide hampers and baskets of joyful gifts toy our loved one this Valentine;s Day!

Very, very best wishes the InTouch Rugby Romabnce & Jewels Special Editor-At-Large on assiognment!

Have a lovely joyful Valentines; Day and afterwards…..


Kepp that loving feeling going……

speak soon!

Bye For Know,


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