For almost 10 years there was a very special picture on this success wall in the Stevey J Hub which captured several of our clients buzzing after a weekend retreat. – It has not been taken off…

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For almost 10 years there was a very special picture on this success wall in the Stevey J Hub which captured several of our clients buzzing after a weekend retreat. – It has not been taken off… 


Since the picture was taken, the 10 leaders in it have went onto to achieve remarkable success in their business endeavours,
achieving personal goals, achieving amazing financial goals & raising 100’s of thousands of pounds for humanitarian missions.

We really wanted to keep this picture on the wall, however we here at Stevey J are blessed that it has found a new home, a New Success wall to hang on.

One of the clients in the picture is not only celebrating a very special birthday, but they have also PLAYED FULL OUT with us, implementing our key principles for success, fulfilment and happiness.

To the point that there is Brand New school being built in Africa thanks to this client.

If you are reading this & you are someone who wants to do more in life, if you want to lead more, and you want to be a success in your business, life, and relationships then check out what we have coming up in 2021.

Take The Next Step

God knows Garry maybe there will be a picture on the success wall in the hub of you, surrounded with other Leaders.
Have a wonderful Monday.

Stevey J

Stevey J McGeown
Founder of

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