A Business Owners Newsletter of HOPE by ‘DEEP WORKS’ Teaching and Healing Ministry “Show me Your ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths”

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Newsletter of HOPE by ‘DEEP WORKS’ Teaching and Healing Ministry
Nov 2013 “Show me Your ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths”

Gods favour and provision

The favour of God is upon our lives as children of God. He blesses everything we put our hands to. We need to remember this at all times. Giving thanks to God for all our blessings.

Deuteronomy 16:15 the Lord your God will bless you in all your produce and in all the work of your hands, so that you surely rejoice.

In business you have the opportunity to talk to a lot of other business owners. This month as I’ve chatted to business people, I could feel the panic, the discouragement, the fear and worry in their voices. To try and stay positive as they chatted and be an encouragement to them was difficult.

I know as a child of God that all of my needs are met, that I am blessed and highly favoured. Some of the people I talk to don’t have this hope or expectation because they may not know God or may not have this revelation.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Matthew 6:26 Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are?

There have been difficult times in business for me also, were I had to stand on the word of God and draw closer to Him to get me through. I’ve seen many times God come through for me in ways I would never have imagined. One year when the exchange rate was bad and I was going to have to pay alot more money for stock that I had ordered, God gave me a rate to hold out for. When I said I was going to get this rate the supplier said there was no way that it would rise to this. It did! I just had to trust in God and wait for it to happen. (Although this was definately a time that I drew closer to God to get me through). He has provided ways of raising finance to pay the overheads and wages at the end of the month – We had a flood in the premises were stock was damaged, God helped me and gave me the ability to negotiate with the insurance company to get the best deal, this money came in at just the right time. He has given us new idea’s – I had a warehouse full of plain stock that was not selling, God gave us the idea to put badges on them that people would want and take them out to the markets and events to sell.

Luke 1:37 For with God nothing will be impossible.

God also uses every oportunity to teach us. There has been times when we have gone to events and not sold enough even to cover the cost of fuel to get there. God has brought people accross our path to talk to and encourage. Even though we didn’t sell alot on that day we walked away knowing that there was a plan and purpose for that day to talk with someone and testify to what God has been doing in our lives.

When I’ve started to feel weary with the pressures of life I know that I have not been spending enough time waiting and resting at Gods feet. I have not passed all my concerns onto God and am trying to sort all out in my own strength. I have to step back and take time out. I go for a long walk talking to God or I shut myself away into a room, curling up in a chair and resting listening to some teachings or praise music. Sometimes I even go into work when we are not open and put the praise and worship music on and walk about praying and talking to God where no-one will disturb me. This time out recharges me and helps me get the right prospectus again. I just need to allow myself this time to do nothing but rest in God.

Psalm 138:8 The Lord will perfect that which concerns me;

Matthew 11:28 Come unto Me, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Philippians 4:8 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;

Take time out, get recharged, push on and push through, giving all the Glory to God.

God Bless
Love Denise

PS (Remember to keep those people that God brings into your path in prayer.)


The gift

As we purchase our gifts for each other, carefully think about what to get, bring them home, wrap them up, label them and possibly put ribbon and bows on, on Christmas morning watch as our loved ones open them up, watch them smile and exclaim their joy, it’s important to remember why we are celebrating.

Over 2000 years ago a baby was born in humble surroundings, it was such an important birth three kings travelled a considerable distance to see the baby and give gifts. The birth of this baby set us free, gave us life, healed us, restored us to the father, gave us power and authority, ‘power to heal sicknesses, and to cast out devils,’ Mark 3:15, gave us purpose, ‘for I know the plans I have for you,” declares The Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future,’ Jeremiah 29:11, gave us love, ‘we love because he first loved us,’ 1John 4:19.

The gifts we received and continue to receive from this birth are incredible, eternal, and available to each of us. The birth of Jesus is the greatest gift we have or will ever receive. We give gifts in order to express and share the love, ‘this is my commandment, that ye love one another, as I have loved you,’ John 15:12. We can give the gift of time, a listening ear, witness, help, and compassion, these are qualities given to us so that we might show the love of Christ not only at Christmas but always.

We have been given so much far beyond what our human minds can comprehend are we going to keep those gifts to ourselves?

Victoria Dalzell

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Please contact – Audrey on 07828874999 or bridgeview@hotmail.co.uk with your prayer requests or for more information on “Deep Works” Teaching Ministry, and free resources

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