Adorable Scoundrels by Howard Eisenberg and illustrated by Susan Robinson is a A treasury of toddler poems for parents and grandparents – and for toddlers when theyre old enough to read about themselves! Already on Amazon!

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Adorable Scoundrels by Howard Eisenberg and illustrated by Susan Robinson is a A treasury of toddler poems for parents and grandparents – and for toddlers when theyre old enough to read about themselves! Already on Amazon!


Adorable Scoundrels is a treasury of poems to make you smile when you feel like crying. For years, upon hearing them read at lectures, parents asked, Where can I get the book? Inspired by hundreds of mischievous toddlers the book is finally here.

They grin up at you proudly when they knock over a lamp. They clap their hands enthusiastically when they splash the salt shaker into your orange juice. When we strap them in their strollers, they cry to get out. When we lift them out, they cry to get in.

You ll recognize your own toddlers in the truth-telling verses of author, poet, and playwright Howard Eisenberg who met them first as toddlers of his own, and of his much beloved late wife Arlene.

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