Bangor RFC Notes: The Big Ballot in support of the NI Cancer Fund for Children and the club’s tour to Italy was made on Saturday night.

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On a long day and eventful day at Upritchard Park, the Big Ballot event was a fitting end and marked another successful fund-raiser for the club and its nominated charity.

With some hardy folk starting the day early in the morning, armed with pitchforks to do whatever was needed to ensure the pitches were playable, followed by another excellent Posh Nosh prepared corporate lunch, then braving the wind and rain while supporting the 1sts and 2nds in their respective league and cup games, it was no surprise that many just wanted to let their hair down and have some fun.

The various and plentiful prizes were drawn by Coleen Matovu (who donated the star prize of a £2000 holiday), Suzy Curran (who donated some sessions of her professional services) and Jonny Watson.

With the prizes distributed, the music, karaoke and craic took over.

The tour committee is to be congratulated on putting on another fun event, while also generating much-needed funds for worthy causes. They also are most grateful to all those who supported this event by either donating prizes or puchasing tickets.

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