Healthy tips for fitness from PT Aaron Doherty

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There is no such thing as self made, you can’t be your best and reach your full potential without the support and understanding of those around you.
You can however be your biggest limitation, your mindset and approach are ultimately your choice and these are influenced by those around you.
The people you chose to surround yourself with will impact your progress whether they continually knock you down and chip away because they refuse to understand your journey or whether they pick you up and dust you off everytime you trip and fall flat on your face.
I am privledged to be surround by the second group of people.
Be accountable, be ruthless, be successful and don’t let anyone tell you you can’t do something. That Includes yourself!!!!
Strong mind – strong body
My ten month transformation…..what are you going to do in the next ten months???
Be accountable or make excuses?……. more on >>

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